@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ package main
import (
+ mpb "git.cestong.com.cn/cecf/trace-stream-creator/pkg/pb"
+ "github.com/pkg/errors"
pcommon "go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp/common/v1"
presource "go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp/resource/v1"
- mpb "git.cestong.com.cn/cecf/trace-stream-creator/pkg/pb"
ptrace "go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp/trace/v1"
@@ -26,18 +26,35 @@ func NewTraceLoader(chCli clickhouse.Conn, traceIdChan chan timeRangedTraceID, f
func (tl *TraceLoader) start(parentCtx context.Context) {
- for range tl.parallelism {
+ for i := 0; i < tl.parallelism; i++ {
go tl.startHandleTraceID(parentCtx)
tl.logger.Infof("started, parallelism: %d", tl.parallelism)
-func (tl *TraceLoader) loadTrace(traceID timeRangedTraceID) (*mpb.FlatTrace, error) {
- tl.logger.Debugf("load trace %s", traceID.TraceID)
- sql := ""
- rows, errQuerySpans := tl.chCli.Query(context.Background(), sql, traceID)
- var tb TraceBuilder
- ft := tb.buildTrace()
+func (tl *TraceLoader) loadTrace(rangedTraceID timeRangedTraceID) (*mpb.FlatTrace, error) {
+ tl.logger.Debugf("load trace %s", rangedTraceID.TraceID)
+ sql := " select Timestamp, TraceId, SpanId, ParentSpanId, TraceState, SpanName, SpanKind, ServiceName, " +
+ "ResourceAttributes, ScopeName, ScopeVersion, SpanAttributes, Duration, StatusCode, StatusMessage, " +
+ "`Events.Timestamp`, `Events.Name`, `Events.Attributes`, `Links.TraceId`, `Links.SpanId`, `Links.TraceState`, " +
+ "`Links.Attributes`, HttpCode, HttpMethod, HttpURL, ContainerId, srcIP, srcPort, targetIP, targetPort, " +
+ "RPCType, RPCName, RPCRequest, RPCResult, FuncNameSpace, FuncName, FuncLineNO, FuncResult, dbStatement, " +
+ "dbConnectionString, `Exceptions.type`, `Exceptions.message`, `Exceptions.stacktrace`, AppAlias " +
+ "from otel.traces where Timestamp < ? and Timestamp > ? and TraceId=?"
+ rows, errQuerySpans := tl.chCli.Query(context.Background(), sql, rangedTraceID.end, rangedTraceID.begin, rangedTraceID.TraceID)
+ if errQuerySpans != nil {
+ return nil, errors.WithMessagef(errQuerySpans, "query sql %s", sql)
+ }
+ chSpans := make([]ChSpan, 0, 100)
+ for rows.Next() {
+ var span ChSpan
+ if errScan := rows.ScanStruct(&span); errScan != nil {
+ return nil, errors.WithMessagef(errScan, "scan to ChSpan")
+ }
+ chSpans = append(chSpans, span)
+ }
+ ft := tl.buildTrace(rangedTraceID.TraceID, chSpans)
return ft, nil
@@ -66,45 +83,137 @@ func (tl *TraceLoader) handleFlatTrace(ft *mpb.FlatTrace) error {
return nil
-type TraceBuilder struct {
-func (tb *TraceBuilder) buildTrace() *mpb.FlatTrace {
- span := ptrace.Span{
- TraceId: nil,
- SpanId: nil,
- TraceState: "",
- ParentSpanId: nil,
- Flags: 0,
- Name: "",
- Kind: 0,
- StartTimeUnixNano: 0,
- EndTimeUnixNano: 0,
- Attributes: nil,
- DroppedAttributesCount: 0,
- Events: nil,
- DroppedEventsCount: 0,
- Links: nil,
- DroppedLinksCount: 0,
- Status: nil,
- }
- scope := pcommon.InstrumentationScope{
- Name: "scopeName",
- Version: "scopeVersion",
- DroppedAttributesCount: 0,
- Attributes: make([]*pcommon.KeyValue, 0),
- }
- resource := presource.Resource{Attributes: make([]*pcommon.KeyValue, 0)}
- flatSpan := mpb.FlatSpan{
- Span: &span,
- Scope: &scope,
- Resource: &resource,
+func (tl *TraceLoader) buildTrace(traceID string, chSpans []ChSpan) *mpb.FlatTrace {
+ flatSpans := make([]*mpb.FlatSpan, 0, len(chSpans))
+ for _, chSpan := range chSpans {
+ attr := make([]*pcommon.KeyValue, 0, len(chSpan.SpanAttributes))
+ for sa, saValue := range chSpan.SpanAttributes {
+ attr = append(attr, &pcommon.KeyValue{
+ Key: sa,
+ Value: &pcommon.AnyValue{
+ Value: &pcommon.AnyValue_StringValue{StringValue: saValue},
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ evs := make([]*ptrace.Span_Event, 0, len(chSpan.EventsTimestamp))
+ if !(len(chSpan.EventsTimestamp) == len(chSpan.EventsName) &&
+ len(chSpan.EventsTimestamp) == len(chSpan.EventsAttributes)) {
+ tl.logger.Errorf("events.name,timestamp,attributes长度不相同")
+ continue
+ }
+ for i, et := range chSpan.EventsTimestamp {
+ evName := chSpan.EventsName[i]
+ evAttr := chSpan.EventsAttributes[i]
+ spanEvAttrs := make([]*pcommon.KeyValue, 0, len(evAttr))
+ for evAttrKey, evAttrValue := range evAttr {
+ spanEvAttrs = append(spanEvAttrs, &pcommon.KeyValue{
+ Key: evAttrKey,
+ Value: &pcommon.AnyValue{Value: &pcommon.AnyValue_StringValue{StringValue: evAttrValue}},
+ })
+ }
+ evs = append(evs, &ptrace.Span_Event{
+ TimeUnixNano: uint64(et.UnixNano()),
+ Name: evName,
+ Attributes: spanEvAttrs,
+ DroppedAttributesCount: 0,
+ })
+ }
+ linkSize := len(chSpan.LinksSpanId)
+ if !(linkSize == len(chSpan.LinksTraceId) &&
+ linkSize == len(chSpan.LinksTraceState) &&
+ linkSize == len(chSpan.LinksAttributes)) {
+ tl.logger.Errorf("link.spanId,traceId,attributes,state长度不相同")
+ continue
+ }
+ lks := make([]*ptrace.Span_Link, 0, linkSize)
+ for i, linkSpanId := range chSpan.LinksSpanId {
+ linkAttr := make([]*pcommon.KeyValue, 0, linkSize)
+ for linkKey, linkValue := range chSpan.LinksAttributes[i] {
+ linkAttr = append(linkAttr, &pcommon.KeyValue{
+ Key: linkKey,
+ Value: &pcommon.AnyValue{Value: &pcommon.AnyValue_StringValue{StringValue: linkValue}},
+ })
+ }
+ linkTraceID, errLinkTraceID := hexIDStr2Bytes(chSpan.LinksTraceId[i])
+ linkSpanID, errLinkSpanID := hexIDStr2Bytes(linkSpanId)
+ if errLinkTraceID != nil || errLinkSpanID != nil {
+ tl.logger.Errorf("link has invalid spanID/traceID, err:%v-%v", errLinkSpanID, errLinkSpanID)
+ continue
+ }
+ lks = append(lks, &ptrace.Span_Link{
+ TraceId: linkTraceID,
+ SpanId: linkSpanID,
+ TraceState: chSpan.LinksTraceState[i],
+ Attributes: linkAttr,
+ DroppedAttributesCount: 0,
+ Flags: 0,
+ })
+ }
+ spanTraceID, errSpanTraceID := hexIDStr2Bytes(chSpan.TraceId)
+ spanSpanID, errSpanSpanID := hexIDStr2Bytes(chSpan.SpanId)
+ spanParentSpanID, errSpanParentSpanID := hexIDStr2Bytes(chSpan.ParentSpanId)
+ if errSpanTraceID != nil || errSpanSpanID != nil || errSpanParentSpanID != nil {
+ tl.logger.Errorf("span has invalid tid/sid/psid:%v-%v-%v", errSpanTraceID, errSpanSpanID, errSpanParentSpanID)
+ continue
+ }
+ span := ptrace.Span{
+ TraceId: spanTraceID,
+ SpanId: spanSpanID,
+ TraceState: "",
+ ParentSpanId: spanParentSpanID,
+ Flags: 0,
+ Name: chSpan.SpanName,
+ Kind: ptrace.Span_SpanKind(chSpan.SpanKind),
+ StartTimeUnixNano: uint64(chSpan.Timestamp.UnixNano()),
+ EndTimeUnixNano: uint64(chSpan.Timestamp.UnixNano() + chSpan.Duration),
+ Attributes: attr,
+ DroppedAttributesCount: 0,
+ Events: evs,
+ DroppedEventsCount: 0,
+ Links: lks,
+ DroppedLinksCount: 0,
+ Status: &ptrace.Status{
+ Message: chSpan.StatusMessage,
+ Code: ptrace.Status_StatusCode(chSpan.StatusCode),
+ },
+ }
+ scope := pcommon.InstrumentationScope{
+ Name: chSpan.ScopeName,
+ Version: chSpan.ScopeVersion,
+ DroppedAttributesCount: 0,
+ Attributes: make([]*pcommon.KeyValue, 0),
+ }
+ resource := presource.Resource{Attributes: make([]*pcommon.KeyValue, 0, len(chSpan.ResourceAttributes)), DroppedAttributesCount: 0}
+ for raKey, raValue := range chSpan.ResourceAttributes {
+ resource.Attributes = append(resource.Attributes, &pcommon.KeyValue{
+ Key: raKey,
+ Value: &pcommon.AnyValue{
+ Value: &pcommon.AnyValue_StringValue{StringValue: raValue},
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ flatSpan := mpb.FlatSpan{
+ Span: &span,
+ Scope: &scope,
+ Resource: &resource,
+ }
+ flatSpans = append(flatSpans, &flatSpan)
- traceID := "traceID"
- traceIDBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(traceID)
+ traceIDBytes, _ := hexIDStr2Bytes(traceID)
tr := mpb.FlatTrace{
TraceId: traceIDBytes,
- FlatSpans: []*mpb.FlatSpan{&flatSpan},
+ FlatSpans: flatSpans,
return &tr
+func hexIDStr2Bytes(idStr string) ([]byte, error) {
+ if idStr == "" {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ bs, err := hex.DecodeString(idStr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errors.WithMessagef(err, "hex decode:[%s]", idStr)
+ }
+ return bs, nil