OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation for Java uses SemVer standard for versioning of its artifacts.
The version is specified in version.gradle.kts.
Every successful CI build of the main branch automatically executes ./gradlew publishToSonatype
as the last step, which publishes a snapshot build to
Sonatype OSS snapshots repository.
Before making the release:
updating the
Create a release branch, e.g. v1.9.x
git checkout -b v1.9.x upstream/main
git push upstream v1.9.x
Merge a PR to the release branch with the following changes
from the version in these
fileOpen the release build workflow in your browser here.
You will see a button that says "Run workflow". Press the button, then enter the following:
(Yes there is redundancy between the above inputs that we plan to address.)
This triggers the release process, which builds the artifacts, publishes the artifacts, and creates and pushes a git tag with the version number.
After making the release:
with the following changes
version (e.g. from 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT
to 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
fileOnce the GitHub workflow completes, go to Github release
page, press
Draft a new release
to write release notes about the new release. If there is already a draft
release notes, just point it at the created tag.
All patch releases should include only bug-fixes, and must avoid adding/modifying the public APIs.
In general, patch releases are only made for bug-fixes for the following types of issues:
Before making the release:
To make a patch release, open the patch release build workflow in your browser here.
You will see a button that says "Run workflow". Press the button, then enter the following:
(Yes there is redundancy between the above inputs that we plan to address.)