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OpenTelemetry Instrumentation: Spring and Spring Boot

This package streamlines the manual instrumentation process of OpenTelemetry for Spring and Spring Boot applications. It will enable you to add traces to requests and database calls with minimal changes to application code. This package will not fully automate your OpenTelemetry instrumentation, instead, it will provide you with better tools to instrument your own code.


System property Type Default Description
otel.instrumentation.spring-batch.item.enabled Boolean false Enable creating a span for each batch item. Boolean false Enable staring a new trace for each batch chunk.
otel.instrumentation.spring-batch.experimental-span-attributes Boolean false Enable the capture of experimental span attributes for Spring Batch version 3.0. List * An array of Spring channel name patterns that will be intercepted. See Spring Integration docs for more details.
otel.instrumentation.spring-integration.producer.enabled Boolean false Create producer spans when messages are sent to an output channel. Enable when you're using a messaging library that doesn't have its own instrumentation for generating producer spans. Note that the detection of output channels only works for Spring Cloud Stream DirectWithAttributesChannel.
otel.instrumentation.spring-scheduling.experimental-span-attributes Boolean false Enable the capture of experimental span attributes for Spring Scheduling version 3.1.
otel.instrumentation.spring-webflux.experimental-span-attributes Boolean false Enable the capture of experimental span attributes for Spring WebFlux version 5.0.
otel.instrumentation.spring-webmvc.experimental-span-attributes Boolean false Enable the capture of experimental span attributes for Spring Web MVC version 3.1.