owasp-dependency-check-daily.yml 1.1 KB

  1. # the benefit of this over dependabot is that this also analyzes transitive dependencies
  2. # while dependabot (at least currently) only analyzes top-level dependencies
  3. name: OWASP dependency check (daily)
  4. on:
  5. schedule:
  6. # daily at 1:30 UTC
  7. - cron: "30 1 * * *"
  8. workflow_dispatch:
  9. jobs:
  10. analyze:
  11. runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  12. steps:
  13. - uses: actions/checkout@v3
  14. - name: Free disk space
  15. run: .github/scripts/gha-free-disk-space.sh
  16. - name: Set up JDK for running Gradle
  17. uses: actions/setup-java@v3
  18. with:
  19. distribution: temurin
  20. java-version: 17.0.6
  21. - uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2
  22. with:
  23. arguments: ":javaagent:dependencyCheckAnalyze"
  24. - name: Upload report
  25. if: always()
  26. uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
  27. with:
  28. path: javaagent/build/reports
  29. workflow-notification:
  30. needs:
  31. - analyze
  32. if: always()
  33. uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable-workflow-notification.yml
  34. with:
  35. success: ${{ needs.analyze.result == 'success' }}