12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 |
- apply from: "${rootDir}/gradle/java.gradle"
- minimumBranchCoverage = 0.6
- minimumInstructionCoverage = 0.8
- excludedClassesCoverage += ['datadog.trace.agent.tooling.*']
- configurations {
- // classpath used by the instrumentation muzzle plugin
- instrumentationMuzzle
- }
- dependencies {
- compile(project(':dd-java-agent:agent-bootstrap')) {
- // This only needs to exist in the bootstrap, not the instrumentation jar.
- exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'slf4j-simple'
- }
- compile group: 'com.blogspot.mydailyjava', name: 'weak-lock-free', version: '0.15'
- compile deps.bytebuddy
- compile deps.bytebuddyagent
- annotationProcessor deps.autoservice
- implementation deps.autoservice
- compile project(':dd-trace-ot')
- testCompile deps.opentracing
- testCompile project(':dd-java-agent:testing')
- testCompile project(':utils:gc-utils')
- instrumentationMuzzle sourceSets.main.output
- instrumentationMuzzle configurations.compile
- }