Take a look at the following two pseudo-code snippets (see below for explanations).
Executor pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10)
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
Future f1 = pool.submit(() -> {
return userRepository.queryShippingAddress(request)
Future f2 = pool.submit(() -> {
return warehouse.currentState(request)
writeResponse(response, f1.get(), f2.get())
Executor pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10)
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
final AsyncContext acontext = request.startAsync();
acontext.start(() -> {
String address = userRepository.queryShippingAddress(request)
HttpServletResponse response = acontext.getResponse();
writeResponse(response, address)
In both cases request processing requires some potentially long operation and application developer wants to do them off the main thread. In the first case this hand-off between request accepting thread and request processing thread happens manually, by submitting work into some thread pool. In the second case it is the framework that handles separate thread pool and passing work to it.
In cases like this proper tracing solution should still combine into a single trace all the work required for request processing, regardless in what thread that work happened. With proper parent-child relationship between span: span representing shipping address query should be the child of the span which denotes accepting HTTP request.
Java auto instrumentation uses an obvious solution to the requirement above: we attach current execution
context (represented in the code by Context
) with each Runnable
, Callable
and ForkJoinTask
"Current" means the context active on the thread which calls Executor.execute
(and its analogues
such as submit
, invokeAll
etc) at the moment of that call. Whenever some other thread starts
actual execution of that Runnable
(or Callable
or ForkJoinTask
), that context get restored
on that thread for the duration of the execution. This can be illustrated by the following pseudo-code:
var job = () -> {
try(Scope scope = this.context.makeCurrent()) {
return userRepository.queryShippingAddress(request)
job.context = Context.current()
Future f1 = pool.submit()
Here is a simplified example of what async servlet processing may look like
protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
//This method is instrumented and we start new scope here
AsyncContext context = req.startAsync()
// When the runnable below is being submitted by servlet engine to an executor service
// it will capture the current context (together with the current span) with it
context.start {
// When Runnable starts, we reactive the captured context
// So this method is executed with the same context as the original "service" method
resp.writer.print("Hello world!")
If we now take a look inside context.complete
method from above it may be implemented like this:
//Here we still have the same context from above active
//It gets attached to this new runnable
pool.submit(new AcceptRequestRunnable() {
// The same context from above is propagated here as well
// Thus new reqeust processing will start while having a context active with some span inside
// That span will be used as parent spans for new spans created for a new request
This means that mechanism described in the previous section will propagate the execution context of one request processing to a thread accepting some next, unrelated, request. This will result in spans representing the accepting and processing of the second request will join the same trace as those of the first span. This mistakenly correlates unrelated requests and may lead to huge traces being active for hours and hours.
In addition this makes some of our tests extremely flaky.
We acknowledge the problem with too active context propagation. We still think that out of the box support for asynchronous multi-threaded traces is very important. We have diagnostics in place to help us with detecting when we too eagerly propagate the execution context too far. We hope to gradually find framework-specific countermeasures to such problem and solve them one by one.
In the meantime, processing new incoming request in the given JVM and creating new SERVER
always starts with a clean context.