123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372 |
- import java.time.Duration
- apply plugin: 'java'
- apply plugin: 'groovy'
- apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/spotless.gradle"
- apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/checkstyle.gradle"
- apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/codenarc.gradle"
- apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/spotbugs.gradle"
- def applyCodeCoverage = !(
- project.path.startsWith(":smoke-tests") ||
- //TODO why some tests fail on java 11 if jacoco is present?
- project.path == ":opentelemetry-auto" ||
- project.path == ":load-generator" ||
- project.path.startsWith(":benchmark") ||
- project.path.startsWith(":instrumentation"))
- if (applyCodeCoverage) {
- apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/jacoco.gradle"
- }
- sourceCompatibility = 1.7
- targetCompatibility = 1.7
- if (project.hasProperty('minJavaVersionForTests') && project.getProperty('minJavaVersionForTests') != JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7) {
- def version = JavaVersion.toVersion(project.getProperty('minJavaVersionForTests'))
- def name = "java$version.majorVersion"
- sourceSets {
- "main_$name" {
- java.srcDirs "${project.projectDir}/src/main/$name"
- }
- }
- "compileMain_${name}Java" {
- sourceCompatibility = version
- targetCompatibility = version
- }
- // Note: ideally lombok plugin would do this for us, but currently it doesn't support custom
- // source sets. See https://github.com/franzbecker/gradle-lombok/issues/17.
- dependencies {
- compileOnly sourceSets."main_$name".compileClasspath
- compile sourceSets."main_$name".output
- "main_${name}CompileOnly" "org.projectlombok:lombok:${project.lombok.version}" transitive false
- "main_${name}AnnotationProcessor" "org.projectlombok:lombok:${project.lombok.version}" transitive false
- }
- jar {
- from sourceSets."main_$name".output
- }
- // In some cases we would like to avoid setting java version to `minJavaVersionForTests`.
- // For example we would like to be able to run profiling tests with ZULU8, but we cannot run it with other JDK8 implementations at the moment
- def skipSettingTestJavaVersion = project.hasProperty('skipSettingTestJavaVersion') && project.getProperty('skipSettingTestJavaVersion')
- if (!skipSettingTestJavaVersion) {
- tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
- if (it.name.toLowerCase().contains("test")) {
- sourceCompatibility = version
- targetCompatibility = version
- }
- }
- }
- }
- java {
- // See https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/upgrading_version_5.html, Automatic target JVM version
- disableAutoTargetJvm()
- }
- [JavaCompile, ScalaCompile].each { type ->
- tasks.withType(type) {
- doFirst {
- // We do this specifically for Java7 bytecode generation because we would like to be able to compile
- // with Java8+ compiler. This likely would require some modifications when we switch to java11 compiler.
- // Using proper Java7 bootstrap and extensions allows to be sure our code will run on real Java7.
- if (JavaVersion.toVersion(sourceCompatibility) == JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
- && JavaVersion.current() != JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
- && System.env.JAVA_7_HOME != null) {
- options.fork = true
- options.bootstrapClasspath = fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: "${System.env.JAVA_7_HOME}/jre/lib/")
- options.extensionDirs = "${System.env.JAVA_7_HOME}/jre/lib/ext/"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- apply plugin: "io.franzbecker.gradle-lombok"
- lombok { // optional: values below are the defaults
- version = versions.lombok
- sha256 = ""
- }
- apply plugin: "eclipse"
- eclipse {
- classpath {
- downloadSources = true
- downloadJavadoc = true
- }
- }
- if (configurations.find { it.name == 'jmh' }) {
- eclipse.classpath.plusConfigurations += [configurations.jmh]
- }
- jar {
- /*
- Make Jar build fail on duplicate files
- By default Gradle Jar task can put multiple files with the same name
- into a Jar. This may lead to confusion. For example if auto-service
- annotation processing creates files with same name in `scala` and
- `java` directory this would result in Jar having two files with the
- same name in it. Which in turn would result in only one of those
- files being actually considered when that Jar is used leading to very
- confusing failures.
- Instead we should 'fail early' and avoid building such Jars.
- */
- duplicatesStrategy = 'fail'
- }
- tasks.register("packageSources", Jar) {
- classifier = 'sources'
- from sourceSets.main.allSource
- }
- artifacts.archives packageSources
- repositories {
- jcenter()
- mavenCentral()
- maven {
- url "https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/jmc-libs-snapshots"
- }
- maven {
- url "https://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases"
- }
- // this is only needed for the working against unreleased otel-java snapshots
- maven {
- url "https://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/oss-snapshot-local"
- content {
- includeGroup "io.opentelemetry"
- }
- }
- mavenLocal()
- }
- dependencies {
- testCompile deps.spock
- testCompile deps.groovy
- testCompile deps.testLogging
- testCompile group: 'info.solidsoft.spock', name: 'spock-global-unroll', version: '0.5.1'
- testCompile group: 'com.anotherchrisberry', name: 'spock-retry', version: '0.6.4'
- testCompile group: 'com.github.stefanbirkner', name: 'system-rules', version: '1.19.0'
- }
- jar {
- manifest {
- attributes(
- "Implementation-Title": project.name,
- "Implementation-Version": project.version,
- "Implementation-Vendor": "OpenTelemetry",
- "Implementation-URL": "https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-auto-instr-java",
- )
- }
- }
- tasks.withType(Javadoc).configureEach {
- options.encoding = "utf-8"
- options.docEncoding = "utf-8"
- options.charSet = "utf-8"
- options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet')
- doFirst {
- if (project.ext.has("apiLinks")) {
- options.links(*project.apiLinks)
- }
- }
- }
- javadoc {
- source = sourceSets.main.allJava
- classpath = configurations.compileClasspath
- options {
- setMemberLevel JavadocMemberLevel.PUBLIC
- setAuthor true
- links "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/"
- source = 8
- }
- }
- tasks.register("sourceJar", Jar) {
- from sourceSets.main.allJava
- classifier = 'sources'
- }
- tasks.register("javaDocJar", Jar) {
- from javadoc.destinationDir
- classifier = 'javadoc'
- dependsOn javadoc
- }
- artifacts {
- archives sourceJar
- archives javaDocJar
- }
- project.afterEvaluate {
- if (project.plugins.hasPlugin('org.unbroken-dome.test-sets') && configurations.hasProperty("latestDepTestRuntime")) {
- tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
- doFirst {
- def testArtifacts = configurations.testRuntime.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts
- def latestTestArtifacts = configurations.latestDepTestRuntime.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts
- assert testArtifacts != latestTestArtifacts: "latestDepTest dependencies are identical to test"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (project.plugins.hasPlugin('com.github.johnrengelman.shadow')) {
- // Remove the no-deps jar from the archives to prevent publication
- configurations.archives.with {
- artifacts.remove artifacts.find {
- if (it.hasProperty("delegate")) {
- it.delegate.archiveTask.is jar
- } else {
- it.archiveTask.is jar
- }
- }
- }
- artifacts {
- archives shadowJar
- }
- }
- if (project.hasProperty("removeJarVersionNumbers") && removeJarVersionNumbers) {
- tasks.withType(AbstractArchiveTask).configureEach {
- version = null
- }
- }
- if (!rootProject.ext.has("javaExecutableVersionCache")) {
- rootProject.ext.javaExecutableVersionCache = [:]
- }
- /**
- * Returns version of java from a given java home.
- */
- JavaVersion getJavaHomeVersion(String javaHome) {
- def cache = rootProject.ext.javaExecutableVersionCache
- if (cache.containsKey(javaHome)) {
- return cache.get(javaHome)
- }
- new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { stream ->
- exec {
- commandLine = [toExecutable(javaHome), "-version"]
- errorOutput = stream
- }
- def output = stream.toString()
- for (def line : output.split('\n')) {
- line = line.trim()
- def matcher = line =~ /^(?:java|openjdk) version "([^"]+)"/
- if (matcher) {
- def version = JavaVersion.toVersion(matcher.group(1))
- cache.put(javaHome, version)
- return version
- }
- }
- // Getting here means we didn't find a line matching the version pattern.
- throw new GradleScriptException("Cannot determine java version. Executable: ${javaHome}, output: ${output}", null)
- }
- }
- def isJavaVersionAllowed(JavaVersion version) {
- if (project.hasProperty('minJavaVersionForTests') && project.getProperty('minJavaVersionForTests').compareTo(version) > 0) {
- return false
- }
- if (project.hasProperty('maxJavaVersionForTests') && project.getProperty('maxJavaVersionForTests').compareTo(version) < 0) {
- return false
- }
- return true
- }
- /**
- * For a given java home return the location of java executable
- */
- static String toExecutable(String javaHome) {
- return Objects.requireNonNull(javaHome) + "/bin/java"
- }
- /**
- * Returns java home for a given version or {@code null} if not found
- */
- String findJavaHome(JavaVersion version) {
- def javaHome = System.getenv("JAVA_${version.majorVersion}_HOME")
- if (javaHome == null) {
- return null
- }
- def foundVersion = getJavaHomeVersion(javaHome)
- return version == foundVersion ? javaHome : null
- }
- ext {
- findJavaHome = this.&findJavaHome
- }
- def addTestRule(String testTaskName) {
- def prefix = testTaskName + "Java"
- tasks.addRule("Pattern: $prefix<Version>: Runs tests using given java version") { String taskName ->
- if (taskName.startsWith(prefix)) {
- def requestedJavaVersion = JavaVersion.toVersion(taskName - prefix)
- def gradleJavaVersion = JavaVersion.current()
- if (gradleJavaVersion != requestedJavaVersion) {
- def javaHomeForTests = findJavaHome(requestedJavaVersion)
- if (javaHomeForTests != null) {
- tasks.withType(Test).all {
- // minJavaVersionForTests property, which specifies java version requirements for tests,
- // currently does not work with custom source sets created by org.unbroken-dome.test-sets plugin.
- // Thus we are forced to ignore all of them
- // TODO solve this problem. We want to run custom test sets with all java versions as well
- if (name != testTaskName) {
- return
- }
- executable = toExecutable(javaHomeForTests)
- enabled = isJavaVersionAllowed(requestedJavaVersion)
- if (requestedJavaVersion.isJava7()) {
- // Disable JIT for this method. Sometimes Java7 JVM crashes trying to compile it.
- jvmArgs '-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,net.bytebuddy.description.type.TypeDescription$Generic$Visitor$Substitutor::onParameterizedType'
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new BuildCancelledException("Requested java version $requestedJavaVersion not found")
- }
- }
- task(taskName, dependsOn: testTaskName)
- }
- }
- }
- addTestRule("test")
- addTestRule("latestDepTest")
- tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
- if (project.findProperty("enableJunitPlatform") == true) {
- useJUnitPlatform()
- }
- // All tests must complete within 15 minutes.
- // This value is quite big because with lower values (3 mins) we were experiencing large number of false positives
- timeout = Duration.ofMinutes(15)
- // Disable all tests if current JVM doesn't match version requirements
- // Disable all tests if skipTests property was specified
- enabled = isJavaVersionAllowed(JavaVersion.current()) && !project.rootProject.hasProperty("skipTests")
- }
- plugins.withType(BasePlugin) {
- project.afterEvaluate {
- def deleteTasks = tasks.withType(Delete) + project.tasks.findByPath('clean')
- def otherTasks = tasks - deleteTasks
- otherTasks*.mustRunAfter deleteTasks
- }
- }