Warning: The repository is still in the process of migrating to the structure described here.
Any time we want to add OpenTelemetry support for a new Java library, e.g., so usage of that library has tracing, we must write new instrumentation for that library. Let's go over some terms first.
Library instrumentation: This is logic that creates spans and enriches them with data
using library-specific monitoring APIs. For example, when instrumenting an RPC library,
the instrumentation will use some library-specific functionality to listen to events such
as the start and end of a request and will execute code to start and end spans in these
listeners. Many of these libraries will provide interception type APIs such as the gRPC
or servlet's Filter
. Others will provide a Java interface whose methods
correspond to a request, and instrumentation can define an implementation which delegates
to the standard, wrapping methods with the logic to manage spans. Users will add code to their
apps that initialize the classes provided by library instrumentation, and the library instrumentation
can be found inside the user's app itself.
Some libraries will have no way of intercepting requests because they only expose static APIs and no interception hooks. For these libraries it is not possible to create library instrumentation.
Java agent instrumentation: This is logic that is similar to library instrumentation, but instead of a user initializing classes themselves, a Java agent automatically initializes them during class loading by manipulating byte code. This allows a user to develop their apps without thinking about instrumentation and get it "for free". Often, the agent instrumentation will generate bytecode that is more or less identical to what a user would have written themselves in their app.
In addition to automatically initializing library instrumentation, agent instrumentation can be used
for libraries where library instrumentation is not possible, such as URLConnection
, because it can
intercept even the JDK's classes. Such libraries will not have library instrumentation but will have
agent instrumentation.
Refer to some of our existing instrumentations for examples of the folder structure, for example: aws-sdk-2.2.
When writing new instrumentation, create a directory inside instrumentation
that corresponds to
the instrumented library and the oldest version being targeted. Ideally an old version of the
library is targeted in a way that the instrumentation applies to a large range of versions, but this
may be restricted by the interception APIs provided by the library.
Within the subfolder, create three folders library
(skip if library instrumentation is not
, and testing
For example, if you are targeting the RPC framework yarpc
at version 1.0
, you would have a
directory tree like the following:
instrumentation ->
yarpc-1.0 ->
The top level settings.gradle.kts
file would contain the following:
Start by creating the build.gradle.kts
file in the library
plugins {
The otel.library-instrumentation
gradle plugin will apply all the default settings and configure
build tooling for the library instrumentation module.
By convention, OpenTelemetry library instrumentations are centered around *Tracing
and *TracingBuilder
classes. These two are usually the only public classes in the whole module.
Keep the amount of public classes and methods as small as possible.
Start by creating a YarpcTracing
public final class YarpcTracing {
public static YarpcTracing create(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
return builder(openTelemetry).build();
public static YarpcTracingBuilder builder(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
return new YarpcTracingBuilder(openTelemetry);
// ...
YarpcTracing() {}
public Interceptor newTracingInterceptor() {
// ...
By convention, the YarpcTracing
class exposes the create()
and builder()
methods as the only
way of constructing a new instance; the constructor must be kept package-private (at most). Most of
the configuration/construction logic happens in the builder class. Don't expose any other way of
creating a new instance other than using the builder.
The newTracingInterceptor()
method listed in the example code returns an implementation of one of
the library interfaces which adds the telemetry. This part might look different for every
instrumented library: some of them expose interceptor/listener interfaces that can be easily plugged
into the library, some others have a library interface that you can use to implement a decorator that
emits telemetry when used.
Consider the following builder class:
public final class YarpcTracingBuilder {
YarpcTracingBuilder(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {}
// ...
public YarpcTracing build() {
// ...
The builder must have a package-private constructor, so that the only way of creating a new one is
calling the YarpcTracing#builder()
method and a public build()
method that will return a new,
properly configured YarpcTracing
The library instrumentation builders can contain configuration settings that let you customize the
behavior of the instrumentation. Most of these options are used to configure the
underlying Instrumenter
instance that's used to encapsulate the whole telemetry generation
The configuration and usage of the Instrumenter
class is described in
a separate document. In most cases, the build()
method is supposed to create a fully configured Instrumenter
instance and pass it
to YarpcTracing
, which in turn can pass it to the interceptor returned
by newTracingInterceptor()
. The actual process of configuring an Instrumenter
and various
interfaces involved are described in the Instrumenter
API doc.
Once the library instrumentation is completed, add tests to the testing
module. Start
by setting up the build.gradle.kts
plugins {
dependencies {
// ...
Tests in the testing
module describe scenarios that apply to both library and javaagent
instrumentations, the only difference being how the instrumented library is initialized. In a
library instrumentation test, there will be code calling into the instrumentation API, while in a
javaagent instrumentation test it will generally use the underlying library API as is and just rely
on the javaagent to apply all the necessary bytecode changes automatically.
You can use either JUnit 5 (recommended) or Spock to test the instrumentation. Start by creating an
abstract class with an abstract method, for example configure()
, that returns the instrumented
object, such as a client, server, or the main class of the instrumented library. Then, depending on
the chosen test library, go to the JUnit or Spock section.
After writing some tests, return to the library
package and make sure it has
a testImplementation
dependency on the testing
submodule. Then, create a test class that extends
the abstract test class from testing
. You should implement the abstract configure()
method to
initialize the library using the exposed mechanism to register interceptors/listeners, perhaps a
method like registerInterceptor
. You can also wrap the object with the instrumentation decorator.
Make sure that the test class is marked as a library instrumentation test. Both JUnit and Spock test
utilities expose a way to specify whether you're running a library or javaagent test. If the tests
pass, the library instrumentation is working.
The testing-common
module exposes several JUnit extensions that facilitate writing instrumentation
tests. In particular, we'll take a look at LibraryInstrumentationExtension
, AgentInstrumentationExtension
, and their parent class InstrumentationExtension
. The extension
class implements several useful methods, such as waitAndAssertTraces
and waitAndAssertMetrics
that you can use in your test cases to verify that the correct telemetry has been produced.
Consider the following abstract test case class:
public abstract class AbstractYarpcTest {
protected abstract InstrumentationExtension testing();
protected abstract Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc);
void testSomething() {
// ...
In addition to the configure()
method mentioned earlier, you have to add an additional testing()
method that returns an InstrumentationExtension
and is supposed to be implemented by the extending
The library instrumentation class would look like the following:
class LibraryYarpcTest extends AbstractYarpcTest {
InstrumentationExtension testing = LibraryInstrumentationExtension.create();
protected InstrumentationExtension testing() {
return testing;
protected Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc) {
// register interceptor/listener etc
You can use the @RegisterExtension
annotation to make sure that the instrumentation extension gets
picked up by JUnit. Then, return the same extension instance in the testing()
implementation so that it's used in all test scenarios implemented in the abstract class.
The testing-common
module contains some utilities that facilitate writing Spock instrumentation
tests, such as the InstrumentationSpecification
base class and the LibraryTestTrait
and AgentTestTrait
Consider the following abstract test class extending InstrumentationSpecification
abstract class AbstractYarpcTest extends InstrumentationSpecification {
abstract Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc);
def "test something"() {
// ...
The InstrumentationSpecification
class contains abstract methods that are implemented by one of
our test traits in the actual test class. For example:
class LibraryYarpcTest extends AbstractYarpcTest implements LibraryTestTrait {
Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc) {
// register interceptor/listener etc
Now that you have working and tested library instrumentation, implement the javaagent instrumentation so that the users of the agent do not have to modify their apps to enable telemetry for the library.
Start with the gradle file to make sure that the javaagent
submodule has a dependency on
the library
submodule and a test dependency on the testing
plugins {
dependencies {
All javaagent instrumentation modules should also have the muzzle plugins configured. You can read more about how to set this up properly in the muzzle docs.
Javaagent instrumentation defines matching classes for which bytecode is generated. You often match
against the class you used in the test for library instrumentation, for example the builder of a
client. You can also match against the method that creates the builder, for example its constructor.
Agent instrumentation can inject bytecode to be run before the constructor returns, which would
invoke, for example,registerInterceptor
and initialize the instrumentation. Often, the code inside
the bytecode decorator is identical to the one in the test you wrote above, because the agent does
the work for initializing the instrumentation library, so a user doesn't have to. You can find a
detailed explanation of how to implement a javaagent instrumentation
Next, add tests for the agent instrumentation. You want to ensure that the instrumentation works without the user knowing about the instrumentation.
Create a test that extends the base class you wrote earlier but does nothing in the configure()
method. Unlike the library instrumentation, the javaagent instrumentation is supposed to work
without any explicit user code modification. Depending on the testing framework, either use
the AgentInstrumentationExtension
or implement the AgentTestingTrait
, and try running tests in
this class. All tests should pass.
Note that all the tests inside the javaagent
module are run using the agent-for-testing
javaagent, with the instrumentation being loaded as an extension. This is done to perform the same
bytecode instrumentation as when the agent is run against a normal app, and means that the javaagent
instrumentation will be hidden inside the javaagent (loaded by the AgentClassLoader
) and will not
be directly accessible in your test code. Make sure not to use the classes from the javaagent
instrumentation in your test code. If for some reason you need to write unit tests for the javaagent
code, see this section.
If an instrumented server or library jar isn't available in any public Maven repository you can
create a module with stub classes that define only the methods that you need to write the
instrumentation. Methods in these stub classes can just throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
these classes are only used to compile the advice classes and won't be packaged into the agent.
During runtime, real classes from instrumented server or library will be used.
Start by creating a module called compile-stub
and add a build.gradle.kts
file with the
following content:
plugins {
In the javaagent
module add a compileOnly
dependency to the newly created stub module:
Now you can use your stub classes inside the javaagent instrumentation.
sWhen you need to share some classes between different InstrumentationModule
s and communicate
between different instrumentations (which might be injected/loaded into different class loaders),
you can add instrumentation-specific bootstrap module that contains all the common classes.
That way you can use these shared, globally available utilities to communicate between different
instrumentation modules.
Some examples of this include:
instrumentation.Create a module named bootstrap
and add a build.gradle.kts
file with the following content:
plugins {
In all javaagent
modules that need to access the new shared module, add a compileOnly
All classes from the newly added bootstrap module will be loaded by the bootstrap module and globally available within the JVM. IMPORTANT: Note that you cannot use any third-party libraries here, including the instrumented library - you can only use JDK and OpenTelemetry API classes.
As mentioned before, tests in the javaagent
module cannot access the javaagent instrumentation
classes directly because of classloader separation - the javaagent classes are hidden and not
accessible from the instrumented application code.
Ideally javaagent instrumentation is just a thin wrapper over library instrumentation, and so there is no need to write unit tests that directly access the javaagent instrumentation classes.
If you still want to write a unit test against javaagent instrumentation, add another module
named javaagent-unit-tests
. Continuing with the example above:
instrumentation ->
yarpc-1.0 ->
Set up the unit tests project as a standard Java project:
plugins {
dependencies {