Warning: The repository is still in the process of migrating to the structure described here.
Any time we want to add OpenTelemetry support for a new Java library, e.g., so usage of that library has tracing, we must write new instrumentation for that library. Let's go over some terms first.
Library instrumentation: This is logic that creates spans and enriches them with data
using library-specific monitoring APIs. For example, when instrumenting an RPC library,
the instrumentation will use some library-specific functionality to listen to events such
as the start and end of a request and will execute code to start and end spans in these
listeners. Many of these libraries will provide interception type APIs such as the gRPC
or servlet's Filter
. Others will provide a Java interface whose methods
correspond to a request, and instrumentation can define an implementation which delegates
to the standard, wrapping methods with the logic to manage spans. Users will add code to their
apps that initialize the classes provided by library instrumentation, and the library instrumentation
can be found inside the user's app itself.
Some libraries will have no way of intercepting requests because they only expose static APIs and no interception hooks. For these libraries it is not possible to create library instrumentation.
Java agent instrumentation: This is logic that is similar to library instrumentation, but instead of a user initializing classes themselves, a Java agent automatically initializes them during class loading by manipulating byte code. This allows a user to develop their apps without thinking about instrumentation and get it "for free". Often, the agent instrumentation will generate bytecode that is more or less identical to what a user would have written themselves in their app.
In addition to automatically initializing library instrumentation, agent instrumentation can be used
for libraries where library instrumentation is not possible, such as URLConnection
, because it can
intercept even the JDK's classes. Such libraries will not have library instrumentation but will have
agent instrumentation.
Please also refer to some of our existing instrumentation for examples of our structure, for example, aws-sdk-2.2.
When writing new instrumentation, create a new subfolder of instrumentation
to correspond to the
instrumented library and the oldest version being targeted. Ideally an old version of the library is
targeted in a way that the instrumentation applies to a large range of versions, but this may be
restricted by the interception APIs provided by the library.
Within the subfolder, create three folders library
(skip if library instrumentation is not possible),
, and testing
For example, if we are targeting an RPC framework yarpc
at version 1.0
we would have a tree like
instrumentation ->
yarpc-1.0 ->
and in the top level settings.gradle
include 'instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:javaagent'
include 'instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:library'
include 'instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:testing'
Begin by writing the instrumentation for the library in library
. This generally involves defining a
and using the typed tracers in our instrumentation-common
library to create and annotate
spans as part of the implementation of an interceptor for the library. The module should generally
only depend on the OpenTelemetry API, instrumentation-common
, and the instrumented library itself.
instrumentation-library.gradle needs to be applied to
configure build tooling for the library.
Once the instrumentation is completed, we add unit tests to the testing
module. Tests will
generally apply to both library and agent instrumentation, with the only difference being how a client
or server is initialized. In a library test, there will be code calling into the instrumentation API,
while in an agent test, it will generally just use the underlying library's API as is. Create unit tests in an
abstract class with an abstract method that returns an instrumented object like a client. The class
should itself extend from InstrumentationSpecification
to be recognized by Spock and include helper
methods for assertions.
After writing a test or two, go back to the library
package, make sure it has a test dependency on the
submodule and add a test that inherits from the abstract test class. You should implement
the method to initialize the client using the library's mechanism to register interceptors, perhaps
a method like registerInterceptor
or wrapping the result of a library factory when delegating. The
test should implement the InstrumentationTestRunner
trait for common setup logic. If the tests
pass, library instrumentation is working OK.
Now that we have working instrumentation, we can implement agent instrumentation so users of the agent
do not have to modify their apps to use it. Make sure the javaagent
submodule has a dependency on the
submodule and a test dependency on the testing
submodule. Agent instrumentation defines
classes to match against to generate bytecode for. You will often match against the class you used
in the unit test for library instrumentation, for example the builder of a client. And then you could
match against the method that creates the builder, for example its constructor. Agent instrumentation
can inject byte code to be run after the constructor returns, which would invoke e.g.,
and initialize the instrumentation. Often, the code inside the byte code
decorator will be identical to the one in the unit test you wrote above - the agent does the work for
initializing the instrumentation library, so a user doesn't have to.
With that written, let's add tests for the agent instrumentation. We basically want to ensure that
the instrumentation works without the user knowing about the instrumentation. Add a test that extends
the base class you wrote earlier, but in this, create a client using none of the APIs in our project,
only the ones offered by the library. Implement the AgentTestRunner
trait for common setup logic,
and try running. All the tests should pass for agent instrumentation too.
If you are instrumenting a pre-Java 8 library, then inlining Java 8 default method calls into that
library will result in a java.lang.VerifyError
at runtime, since Java 8 default method invocations
are not legal in Java 7 (and prior) bytecode.
Because OpenTelemetry API has many common default methods (e.g. Span.current()
the javaagent-api
artifact has a class Java8BytecodeBridge
which provides static methods
for accessing these default methods from advice.
Implementations of TypeInstrumentation
will often implement advice classes as static inner classes.
These classes are referred to by name in the mappings from method descriptor to advice class,
typically in the transform()
For instance, this MyInstrumentationModule
defines a single advice that mathches
on a single execute
MyInstrumentationModule.class.getName() + "$WonderfulAdvice");
Simply referring to the inner class and
calling getName()
would be easier to read and understand than
this odd mix of string concatenation...but please NOTE: this is intentional
and should be maintained.
Instrumentation modules are loaded by the agent's classloader, and this string concatenation is an optimization that prevents the actual advice class from being loaded.