couchbase-2.0.gradle 1.8 KB

  1. // Set properties before any plugins get loaded
  2. ext {
  3. minJavaVersionForTests = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  4. }
  5. apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/instrumentation.gradle"
  6. apply plugin: 'org.unbroken-dome.test-sets'
  7. testSets {
  8. latestDepTest {
  9. dirName = 'test'
  10. }
  11. }
  12. muzzle {
  13. // Version 2.7.5 and 2.7.8 were not released properly and muzzle cannot test against it causing failure.
  14. // So we have to skip them resulting in this verbose setup.
  15. pass {
  16. group = 'com.couchbase.client'
  17. module = 'java-client'
  18. versions = "[2.0.0,2.7.5)"
  19. }
  20. pass {
  21. group = 'com.couchbase.client'
  22. module = 'java-client'
  23. versions = "[2.7.6,2.7.8)"
  24. }
  25. pass {
  26. group = 'com.couchbase.client'
  27. module = 'java-client'
  28. versions = "[2.7.9,3.0.0)"
  29. }
  30. fail {
  31. group = 'com.couchbase.client'
  32. module = 'couchbase-client'
  33. versions = "(,)"
  34. }
  35. }
  36. configurations {
  37. testArtifacts
  38. }
  39. // Create test artifacts so couchbase-2.6 can reuse tests
  40. artifacts {
  41. testArtifacts testJar
  42. }
  43. dependencies {
  44. implementation project(':instrumentation:rxjava-1.0')
  45. compileOnly group: 'com.couchbase.client', name: 'java-client', version: '2.0.0'
  46. testImplementation group: 'com.couchbase.mock', name: 'CouchbaseMock', version: '1.5.19'
  47. testImplementation group: '', name: 'spring-data-couchbase', version: '2.0.0.RELEASE'
  48. // Earliest version that seems to allow queries with CouchbaseMock:
  49. testImplementation group: 'com.couchbase.client', name: 'java-client', version: '2.5.0'
  50. latestDepTestImplementation group: '', name: 'spring-data-couchbase', version: '3.+'
  51. latestDepTestImplementation group: 'com.couchbase.client', name: 'java-client', version: '2.+'
  52. latestDepTestImplementation group: 'com.couchbase.client', name: 'encryption', version: '+'
  53. }