Open Telemetry Auto Instrumentation's minimal supported version is java 7. All jar files that we produce, unless noted otherwise, have bytecode compatible with java 7 runtime. In addition to that we test our code with all later java versions as well: from 8 to 14.
Some libraries that we auto-instrument may have higher minimal requirements. In this case we compile and test corresponding auto-instrumentation with higher java version as required by library. The resulting classes will have higher bytecode level, but as it matches library's java version, no runtime problem arise.
Executing ./gradlew instrumentation:test
will run tests for all supported
auto-instrumentations using that java version which runs the Gradle build
itself. These tests usually use the minimal supported version of the
instrumented library.
In addition to that each instrumentation has a separate test set called
. It was created by Gradle test sets
plugin. It uses the
very same tests as before, but declares a dynamic dependency on the latest
available version of this library. You can run them all by executing
./gradlew latestDepTest
In order to run tests on a specific java version, just execute ./gradlew
(or testJava11
or latestDepTestJava14
etc). Then Gradle task
rule will kick in and do the following:
, where N
is the requested java versionThis works both for tasks named test
and latestDepTest
. But currently
does not work for other custom test tasks, such as those created by test sets