1.4 KB

Repository settings

(In addition to


  • Automatically delete head branches: CHECKED

So that bot PR branches will be deleted.

Actions > General

  • Fork pull request workflows from outside collaborators: "Require approval for first-time contributors who are new to GitHub"

To reduce friction for new contributors (the default is "Require approval for first-time contributors").

Branch protections

(In addition to

main and release/*

  • Require branches to be up to date before merging: UNCHECKED

PR jobs take too long, and leaving this unchecked has not been a significant problem.

  • Status checks that are required:

    • EasyCLA
    • required-status-check

v* (old release branches)

Same settings as above for new release branches (release/**), except:

  • Status checks that are required:

    • EasyCLA
    • accept-pr


  • Everything UNCHECKED.

This branch is currently only used for directly pushing benchmarking results from the Nightly overhead benchmark job.


  • Status checks that are required:


  • Allow deletions: CHECKED

So that bot PR branches can be deleted