ConfigTest.groovy 11 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
  3. *
  4. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  5. * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  6. * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  7. *
  8. *
  9. *
  10. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  11. * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  12. * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  13. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  14. * limitations under the License.
  15. */
  16. package
  17. import
  18. import org.junit.Rule
  19. import
  20. import
  21. import static
  22. import static
  23. import static
  24. import static
  25. import static
  26. import static
  27. import static
  28. class ConfigTest extends AgentSpecification {
  29. @Rule
  30. public final RestoreSystemProperties restoreSystemProperties = new RestoreSystemProperties()
  31. @Rule
  32. public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables()
  33. private static final TRACE_ENABLED_ENV = "OTA_TRACE_ENABLED"
  34. private static final TRACE_METHODS_ENV = "OTA_TRACE_METHODS"
  35. def "verify defaults"() {
  36. when:
  37. Config config = provider()
  38. then:
  39. config.traceEnabled == true
  40. config.httpServerErrorStatuses == toBitSet((500..599))
  41. config.httpClientErrorStatuses == toBitSet((400..599))
  42. config.runtimeContextFieldInjection == true
  43. config.toString().contains("traceEnabled=true")
  44. where:
  45. provider << [{ new Config() }, { Config.get() }, {
  46. def props = new Properties()
  47. props.setProperty("something", "unused")
  48. Config.get(props)
  49. }]
  50. }
  51. def "specify overrides via properties"() {
  52. setup:
  53. def prop = new Properties()
  54. prop.setProperty(TRACE_ENABLED, "false")
  55. prop.setProperty(TRACE_METHODS, "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]")
  56. prop.setProperty(HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES, "123-456,457,124-125,122")
  57. prop.setProperty(HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES, "111")
  58. prop.setProperty(RUNTIME_CONTEXT_FIELD_INJECTION, "false")
  59. when:
  60. Config config = Config.get(prop)
  61. then:
  62. config.traceEnabled == false
  63. config.traceMethods == "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]"
  64. config.httpServerErrorStatuses == toBitSet((122..457))
  65. config.httpClientErrorStatuses == toBitSet((111..111))
  66. config.runtimeContextFieldInjection == false
  67. }
  68. def "specify overrides via system properties"() {
  69. setup:
  70. System.setProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_ENABLED, "false")
  71. System.setProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_METHODS, "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]")
  72. System.setProperty(PREFIX + HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES, "123-456,457,124-125,122")
  73. System.setProperty(PREFIX + HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES, "111")
  74. System.setProperty(PREFIX + RUNTIME_CONTEXT_FIELD_INJECTION, "false")
  75. when:
  76. Config config = new Config()
  77. then:
  78. config.traceEnabled == false
  79. config.traceMethods == "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]"
  80. config.httpServerErrorStatuses == toBitSet((122..457))
  81. config.httpClientErrorStatuses == toBitSet((111..111))
  82. config.runtimeContextFieldInjection == false
  83. }
  84. def "specify overrides via env vars"() {
  85. setup:
  86. environmentVariables.set(TRACE_ENABLED_ENV, "false")
  87. environmentVariables.set(TRACE_METHODS_ENV, "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]")
  88. when:
  89. def config = new Config()
  90. then:
  91. config.traceEnabled == false
  92. config.traceMethods == "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]"
  93. }
  94. def "sys props override env vars"() {
  95. setup:
  96. environmentVariables.set(TRACE_METHODS_ENV, "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]")
  97. System.setProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_METHODS, "mypackage2.MyClass2[myMethod2]")
  98. when:
  99. def config = new Config()
  100. then:
  101. config.traceMethods == "mypackage2.MyClass2[myMethod2]"
  102. }
  103. def "default when configured incorrectly"() {
  104. setup:
  105. System.setProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_ENABLED, " ")
  106. System.setProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_METHODS, " ")
  107. System.setProperty(PREFIX + HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES, "1111")
  108. System.setProperty(PREFIX + HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES, "1:1")
  109. when:
  110. def config = new Config()
  111. then:
  112. config.traceEnabled == true
  113. config.traceMethods == " "
  114. config.httpServerErrorStatuses == toBitSet((500..599))
  115. config.httpClientErrorStatuses == toBitSet((400..599))
  116. }
  117. def "sys props override properties"() {
  118. setup:
  119. Properties properties = new Properties()
  120. properties.setProperty(TRACE_ENABLED, "false")
  121. properties.setProperty(TRACE_METHODS, "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]")
  122. properties.setProperty(HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES, "123-456,457,124-125,122")
  123. properties.setProperty(HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES, "111")
  124. when:
  125. def config = Config.get(properties)
  126. then:
  127. config.traceEnabled == false
  128. config.traceMethods == "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]"
  129. config.httpServerErrorStatuses == toBitSet((122..457))
  130. config.httpClientErrorStatuses == toBitSet((111..111))
  131. }
  132. def "override null properties"() {
  133. when:
  134. def config = Config.get(null)
  135. then:
  136. config.traceEnabled == true
  137. }
  138. def "override empty properties"() {
  139. setup:
  140. Properties properties = new Properties()
  141. when:
  142. def config = Config.get(properties)
  143. then:
  144. config.traceEnabled == true
  145. }
  146. def "override non empty properties"() {
  147. setup:
  148. Properties properties = new Properties()
  149. properties.setProperty("foo", "bar")
  150. when:
  151. def config = Config.get(properties)
  152. then:
  153. config.traceEnabled == true
  154. }
  155. def "verify integration config"() {
  156. setup:
  157. environmentVariables.set("OTA_INTEGRATION_ORDER_ENABLED", "false")
  158. environmentVariables.set("OTA_INTEGRATION_TEST_ENV_ENABLED", "true")
  159. environmentVariables.set("OTA_INTEGRATION_DISABLED_ENV_ENABLED", "false")
  160. System.setProperty("ota.integration.order.enabled", "true")
  161. System.setProperty("ota.integration.test-prop.enabled", "true")
  162. System.setProperty("ota.integration.disabled-prop.enabled", "false")
  163. expect:
  164. Config.get().isIntegrationEnabled(integrationNames, defaultEnabled) == expected
  165. where:
  166. names | defaultEnabled | expected
  167. [] | true | true
  168. [] | false | false
  169. ["invalid"] | true | true
  170. ["invalid"] | false | false
  171. ["test-prop"] | false | true
  172. ["test-env"] | false | true
  173. ["disabled-prop"] | true | false
  174. ["disabled-env"] | true | false
  175. ["other", "test-prop"] | false | true
  176. ["other", "test-env"] | false | true
  177. ["order"] | false | true
  178. ["test-prop", "disabled-prop"] | false | true
  179. ["disabled-env", "test-env"] | false | true
  180. ["test-prop", "disabled-prop"] | true | false
  181. ["disabled-env", "test-env"] | true | false
  182. integrationNames = new TreeSet<>(names)
  183. }
  184. def "verify integer range configs on tracer"() {
  185. setup:
  186. System.setProperty(PREFIX + HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES, value)
  187. System.setProperty(PREFIX + HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES, value)
  188. def props = new Properties()
  189. props.setProperty(HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES, value)
  190. props.setProperty(HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES, value)
  191. when:
  192. def config = new Config()
  193. def propConfig = Config.get(props)
  194. then:
  195. if (expected) {
  196. assert config.httpServerErrorStatuses == toBitSet(expected)
  197. assert config.httpClientErrorStatuses == toBitSet(expected)
  198. assert propConfig.httpServerErrorStatuses == toBitSet(expected)
  199. assert propConfig.httpClientErrorStatuses == toBitSet(expected)
  200. } else {
  201. assert config.httpServerErrorStatuses == Config.DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES
  202. assert config.httpClientErrorStatuses == Config.DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES
  203. assert propConfig.httpServerErrorStatuses == Config.DEFAULT_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR_STATUSES
  204. assert propConfig.httpClientErrorStatuses == Config.DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_ERROR_STATUSES
  205. }
  206. where:
  207. value | expected // null means default value
  208. "1" | null
  209. "a" | null
  210. "" | null
  211. "1000" | null
  212. "100-200-300" | null
  213. "500" | [500]
  214. "100,999" | [100, 999]
  215. "999-888" | 888..999
  216. "400-403,405-407" | [400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407]
  217. " 400 - 403 , 405 " | [400, 401, 402, 403, 405]
  218. }
  219. def "verify fallback to properties file"() {
  220. setup:
  221. System.setProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE, "src/test/resources/")
  222. when:
  223. def config = new Config()
  224. then:
  225. config.traceMethods == "mypackage.MyClass[myMethod]"
  226. cleanup:
  227. System.clearProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE)
  228. }
  229. def "verify fallback to properties file has lower priority than system property"() {
  230. setup:
  231. System.setProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE, "src/test/resources/")
  232. System.setProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_METHODS, "mypackage2.MyClass2[myMethod2]")
  233. when:
  234. def config = new Config()
  235. then:
  236. config.traceMethods == "mypackage2.MyClass2[myMethod2]"
  237. cleanup:
  238. System.clearProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE)
  239. System.clearProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_METHODS)
  240. }
  241. def "verify fallback to properties file has lower priority than env var"() {
  242. setup:
  243. System.setProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE, "src/test/resources/")
  244. environmentVariables.set("OTA_TRACE_METHODS", "mypackage2.MyClass2[myMethod2]")
  245. when:
  246. def config = new Config()
  247. then:
  248. config.traceMethods == "mypackage2.MyClass2[myMethod2]"
  249. cleanup:
  250. System.clearProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE)
  251. System.clearProperty(PREFIX + TRACE_METHODS)
  252. environmentVariables.clear("OTA_TRACE_METHODS")
  253. }
  254. def "verify fallback to properties file that does not exist does not crash app"() {
  255. setup:
  256. System.setProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE, "src/test/resources/")
  257. when:
  258. def config = new Config()
  259. then:
  260. config.traceEnabled == true
  261. cleanup:
  262. System.clearProperty(PREFIX + CONFIGURATION_FILE)
  263. }
  264. static BitSet toBitSet(Collection<Integer> set) {
  265. BitSet bs = new BitSet()
  266. for (Integer i : set) {
  267. bs.set(i)
  268. }
  269. return bs
  270. }
  271. }