1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041 |
- import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
- plugins {
- id("otel.library-instrumentation")
- id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")
- }
- dependencies {
- library("io.ktor:ktor-server-core:1.0.0")
- implementation("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-extension-kotlin")
- compileOnly("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8")
- testImplementation("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8")
- // Note, we do not have a :testing library yet because there doesn't seem to be a way to have the Kotlin classes
- // available for use from Spock. We will first need to migrate HttpServerTest to be usable outside of Spock.
- testLibrary("io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:1.0.0")
- latestDepTestLibrary("io.ktor:ktor-server-core:1.+")
- latestDepTestLibrary("io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:1.+")
- }
- tasks {
- withType(KotlinCompile::class).configureEach {
- kotlinOptions {
- jvmTarget = "1.8"
- }
- }
- val compileTestKotlin by existing(AbstractCompile::class)
- named<GroovyCompile>("compileTestGroovy") {
- // Note: look like it should be `classpath += files(sourceSets.test.kotlin.classesDirectory)`
- // instead, but kotlin plugin doesn't support it (yet?)
- classpath = classpath.plus(files(compileTestKotlin.get().destinationDir))
- }
- }