build.gradle.kts 1.0 KB

  1. plugins {
  2. id("otel.javaagent-instrumentation")
  3. }
  4. muzzle {
  5. pass {
  6. group.set("org.restlet.jse")
  7. module.set("org.restlet")
  8. versions.set("[2.0.0,)")
  9. assertInverse.set(true)
  10. }
  11. }
  12. repositories {
  13. mavenCentral()
  14. maven("")
  15. mavenLocal()
  16. }
  17. dependencies {
  18. api(project(":instrumentation:restlet:restlet-2.0:library"))
  19. bootstrap(project(":instrumentation:servlet:servlet-common:bootstrap"))
  20. library("org.restlet.jse:org.restlet:2.0.2")
  21. implementation(project(":instrumentation:restlet:restlet-2.0:library"))
  22. testImplementation(project(":instrumentation:restlet:restlet-2.0:testing"))
  23. testLibrary("org.restlet.jse:org.restlet.ext.jetty:2.0.2")
  24. }
  25. // restlet registers the first engine that is present on classpath, so we need to enforce the appropriate version
  26. if (findProperty("testLatestDeps") as Boolean) {
  27. configurations.configureEach {
  28. resolutionStrategy {
  29. eachDependency {
  30. if ( == "org.restlet.jse") {
  31. useVersion("2.+")
  32. }
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }
  36. }