NB! Please ensure that Intellij uses the same java installation as you do for building this project from command line. This ensures that Gradle task avoidance and build cache work properly and can greatly reduce build time.
Suggested plugins and settings:
Note: If google-java-format generates errors in Intellij, see https://github.com/google/google-java-format/issues/787#issuecomment-1200762464.
This project has many modules, which have many dependencies. Therefore, IntelliJ indexes a lot and consumes a lot of CPU/memory resources.
To minimize IntelliJ's indexing and resource utilization, unload any modules on which you are not actively working.
Specifically, unload all modules, and then selectively load the modules on which you need to work. IntelliJ will prompt you to load additional modules on which the selected modules depend.
Occasionally, Intellij gets confused, maybe due to the number of modules in this project, maybe due to other reasons. In any case, here's some things that might help:
This seems to fix more issues than just closing and re-opening Intellij :shrug:.
directory in the root directory of your local repository