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This repository demonstrates how to create an extension archive to use with otel.javaagent.experimental.extensions configuration option of the OpenTelemetry Java instrumentation agent.

For every extension point provided by OpenTelemetry Java instrumentation, this repository contains an example of its usage.

Please carefully read both the source code and Gradle build script file build.gradle. They contain a lot of documentation and comments explaining the purpose of all major pieces.

How to use extension archive

When you build this project by running ./gradlew build you will get a jar file in build/libs/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation-extension-demo-1.0-all.jar. Copy this jar file to a machine running the application that you are monitoring with OpenTelemetry Java instrumentation agent.

Assuming that your command line looks similar to this:

java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar \
     -jar myapp.jar

change it to this:

java -javaagent:path/to/opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar \
     -jar myapp.jar

specifying the full path and the correct name of your extensions jar.

Embedded extensions

It is also possible to embedded you extension archive right inside OpenTelemetry Java Agent. This produces a single jar file thus simplifying deployment. Please consult extendedAgent task in build.gradle file for more information. When using Java Agent with embedded extension, the -Dotel.javaagent.experimental.extensions command line option is not needed anymore. Just -javaagent is sufficient.

Extensions examples

Instrumentation customisation

There are several options to override or customise instrumentation provided by the upstream agent. The following description follows one specific use-case:

Instrumentation X from OpenTelemetry distribution creates span that I don't like and I want to change it.

As an example, let us take some database client instrumentation that creates a span for database call and extracts data from db connection to provide attributes for that span.

I don't want this span at all

The easiest case. You can just pre-configure the agent in your extension and disable given instrumentation.

I want to add/modify some attributes and their values does NOT depend on a specific db connection instance.

E.g. you want to add some data from call stack as span attribute. In this case just provide your custom SpanProcessor. No need for touching instrumentation itself.

I want to add/modify some attributes and their values depend on a specific db connection instance.

Write a new instrumentation which injects its own advice into the same method as the original one. Use order method to ensure it is run after the original instrumentation. Now you can augment current span with new information.

See DemoServlet3InstrumentationModule.

I want to remove some attributes

Write custom exporter or use attribute filtering functionality in Collector.

I don't like Otel span at all. I want to significantly modify it and its lifecycle

Disable existing instrumentation. Write a new one, which injects Advice into the same (or better) method as the original instrumentation. Write your own Advice for this. Use existing Tracer directly or extend it. As you have your own Advice, you can control which Tracer you use.