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ActiveMQ Metrics

Here is the list of metrics based on MBeans exposed by ActiveMQ.

Metric Name Type Attributes Description
activemq.ProducerCount UpDownCounter destination, broker The number of producers attached to this destination
activemq.ConsumerCount UpDownCounter destination, broker The number of consumers subscribed to this destination
activemq.memory.MemoryPercentUsage Gauge destination, broker The percentage of configured memory used
activemq.message.QueueSize UpDownCounter destination, broker The current number of messages waiting to be consumed
activemq.message.ExpiredCount Counter destination, broker The number of messages not delivered because they expired
activemq.message.EnqueueCount Counter destination, broker The number of messages sent to this destination
activemq.message.DequeueCount Counter destination, broker The number of messages acknowledged and removed from this destination
activemq.message.AverageEnqueueTime Gauge destination, broker The average time a message was held on this destination
activemq.connections.CurrentConnectionsCount UpDownCounter The total number of current connections
activemq.disc.StorePercentUsage Gauge The percentage of configured disk used for persistent messages
activemq.disc.TempPercentUsage Gauge The percentage of configured disk used for non-persistent messages