123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- plugins {
- id("otel.javaagent-instrumentation")
- }
- muzzle {
- pass {
- group.set("io.opentelemetry")
- module.set("opentelemetry-api")
- versions.set("[0.17.0,)")
- skip("0.13.0") // has a bad dependency on non-alpha api-metric 0.13.0
- skip("0.9.0") // has no pom file in maven central
- assertInverse.set(true)
- }
- }
- dependencies {
- // this instrumentation needs to be able to reference both the OpenTelemetry API
- // that is shaded in the bootstrap class loader (for sending telemetry to the agent),
- // and the OpenTelemetry API that the user brings (in order to capture that telemetry)
- //
- // since (all) instrumentation already uses OpenTelemetry API for sending telemetry to the agent,
- // this instrumentation uses a "temporarily shaded" OpenTelemetry API to represent the
- // OpenTelemetry API that the user brings
- //
- // then later, after the OpenTelemetry API in the bootstrap class loader is shaded,
- // the "temporarily shaded" OpenTelemetry API is unshaded, so that it will apply to the
- // OpenTelemetry API that the user brings
- //
- // so in the code "application.io.opentelemetry.*" refers to the (unshaded) OpenTelemetry API that
- // the application brings (as those references will be translated during the build to remove the
- // "application." prefix)
- //
- // and in the code "io.opentelemetry.*" refers to the (shaded) OpenTelemetry API that is used by
- // the agent (as those references will later be shaded)
- compileOnly(project(path = ":opentelemetry-api-shaded-for-instrumenting", configuration = "shadow"))
- // using OpenTelemetry SDK to make sure that instrumentation doesn't cause
- // OpenTelemetrySdk.getTracerProvider() to throw ClassCastException
- testImplementation("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk")
- testImplementation(project(":instrumentation-api-semconv"))
- // @WithSpan annotation is used to generate spans in ContextBridgeTest
- testImplementation("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-extension-annotations")
- testInstrumentation(project(":instrumentation:opentelemetry-annotations-1.0:javaagent"))
- }