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OpenTelemetry Jaeger Exporter Starter

OpenTelemetry Jaeger Exporter Starter is a starter package that includes the opentelemetry-api, opentelemetry-sdk, opentelemetry-extension-annotations, opentelmetry-logging-exporter, opentelemetry-spring-boot-autoconfigurations and spring framework starters required to setup distributed tracing. It also provides the opentelemetry-exporters-jaeger artifact and corresponding exporter auto-configuration. Check out opentelemetry-spring-boot-autoconfigure for the list of supported libraries and features.


Add these dependencies to your project.

Replace OPENTELEMETRY_VERSION with the latest stable release.

  • Minimum version: 1.1.0
  • Note: You may need to include our bintray maven repository to your build file: As of August 2020 the latest opentelemetry-java-instrumentation artifacts are not published to maven-central. Please check the releasing doc for updates to this process.







Starter Guide

Check out the opentelemetry-api quick start to learn more about OpenTelemetry instrumentation.