# Understanding the javaagent components The javaagent jar can logically be divided into 3 parts: * Modules that live in the system class loader * Modules that live in the bootstrap class loader * Modules that live in the agent class loader ## Modules that live in the system class loader ### `javaagent` module This module consists of single class `io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent` which implements [Java instrumentation agent](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/instrument/package-summary.html). This class is loaded during application startup by application classloader. Its sole responsibility is to push agent's classes into JVM's bootstrap classloader and immediately delegate to `io.opentelemetry.javaagent.bootstrap.AgentInitializer` (now in the bootstrap class loader) class from there. ## Modules that live in the bootstrap class loader ### `javaagent-bootstrap` module `io.opentelemetry.javaagent.bootstrap.AgentInitializer` and a few other classes that live in the bootstrap class loader but are not used directly by auto-instrumentation ### `instrumentation-api` and `javaagent-instrumentation-api` modules These modules contain support classes for actual instrumentations to be loaded later and separately. These classes should be available from all possible classloaders in the running application. For this reason the `javaagent` module puts all these classes into JVM's bootstrap classloader. For the same reason this module should be as small as possible and have as few dependencies as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of accidentally exposing these classes to the actual application. `instrumentation-api` contains classes that are needed for both library and auto-instrumentation, while `javaagent-instrumentation-api` contains classes that are only needed for auto-instrumentation. ## Modules that live in the agent class loader ### `javaagent-tooling`, `javaagent-extension-api` modules and `instrumentation` submodules Contains everything necessary to make instrumentation machinery work, including integration with [ByteBuddy](https://bytebuddy.net/) and actual library-specific instrumentations. As these classes depend on many classes from different libraries, it is paramount to hide all these classes from the host application. This is achieved in the following way: - When `javaagent` module builds the final agent, it moves all classes from `instrumentation` submodules, `javaagent-tooling` and `javaagent-extension-api` modules into a separate folder inside final jar file, called`inst`. In addition, the extension of all class files is changed from `class` to `classdata`. This ensures that general classloaders cannot find nor load these classes. - When `io.opentelemetry.javaagent.bootstrap.AgentInitializer` is invoked, it creates an instance of `io.opentelemetry.javaagent.bootstrap.AgentClassLoader`, loads an `io.opentelemetry.javaagent.tooling.AgentInstaller` from that `AgentClassLoader` and then passes control on to the `AgentInstaller` (now in the `AgentClassLoader`). The `AgentInstaller` then installs all of the instrumentations with the help of ByteBuddy. Instead of using agent classloader all agent classes could be shaded and used from the bootstrap classloader. However, this opens de-serialization security vulnerability and in addition to that the shaded classes are harder to debug. The complicated process above ensures that the majority of auto-instrumentation agent's classes are totally isolated from application classes, and an instrumented class from arbitrary classloader in JVM can still access helper classes from bootstrap classloader. ### Agent jar structure If you now look inside `javaagent/build/libs/opentelemetry-javaagent--all.jar`, you will see the following "clusters" of classes: Available in the system class loader: - `io/opentelemetry/javaagent/bootstrap/AgentBootstrap` - the one class from `javaagent` module Available in the bootstrap class loader: - `io/opentelemetry/javaagent/bootstrap/` - contains the `javaagent-bootstrap` module - `io/opentelemetry/javaagent/instrumentation/api/` - contains the `javaagent-instrumentation-api` module - `io/opentelemetry/javaagent/shaded/instrumentation/api/` - contains the `instrumentation-api` module, shaded during creation of `javaagent` jar file by Shadow Gradle plugin - `io/opentelemetry/javaagent/shaded/io/` - contains the OpenTelemetry API and its dependency gRPC Context, both shaded during creation of `javaagent` jar file by Shadow Gradle plugin - `io/opentelemetry/javaagent/slf4j/` - contains SLF4J and its simple logger implementation, shaded during creation of `javaagent` jar file by Shadow Gradle plugin Available in the agent class loader: - `inst/` - contains `javaagent-tooling` and `javaagent-extension-api` modules and `instrumentation` submodules, loaded and isolated inside `AgentClassLoader`. Including OpenTelemetry SDK (and the built-in exporters when using the `-all` artifact). ![Agent initialization sequence](initialization-sequence.svg) [Image source](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1GHAcJ8AOaf_v2Ip82cQD9dN0mtvSk2C1B11KfwV2U8o) ![Agent classloader state](classloader-state.svg) [Image source](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1x_eiGRodZ715ai6gDMTkyPYU4_wQnEkS4LQKSasEJAk)