# Using the `Instrumenter` API The `Instrumenter` encapsulates the entire logic for gathering telemetry, from collecting the data, to starting and ending spans, to recording values using metrics instruments. The `Instrumenter` public API contains only three methods: `shouldStart()`, `start()` and `end()`. The class is designed to decorate the actual invocation of the instrumented library code; `shouldStart()` and `start()` methods are to be called at the start of the request processing, while `end()` must be called when processing ends and a response arrives, or when it fails with an error. The `Instrumenter` is a generic class parameterized with `REQUEST` and `RESPONSE` types. They represent the input and output of the instrumented operation. `Instrumenter` can be configured with various extractors that can enhance or modify the telemetry data. ## Check if any telemetry should be generated for the operation using `shouldStart()` The first method, which needs to be called before any other `Instrumenter` method, is `shouldStart()`. It determines whether the operation should be instrumented for telemetry or not. The `Instrumenter` framework implements several suppression rules that prevent generating duplicate telemetry; for example the same HTTP server request always produces a single HTTP `SERVER` span. The `shouldStart()` method accepts the current OpenTelemetry `Context` and the instrumented library `REQUEST` type. Consider the following example: ```java Response decoratedMethod(Request request) { Context parentContext = Context.current(); if (!instrumenter.shouldStart(parentContext, request)) { return actualMethod(request); } // ... } ``` If the `shouldStart()` method returns `false`, none of the remaining `Instrumenter` methods should be called. ## Start an instrumented operation using `start()` When `shouldStart()` returns `true`, you can use `start()` to initiate the instrumented operation. The `start()` method begins gathering telemetry about the instrumented library function that's being invoked. It starts the `Span` and begins recording the metrics (if any are registered in the used `Instrumenter` instance). The `start()` method accepts the current OpenTelemetry `Context` and the instrumented library `REQUEST` type, and returns the new OpenTelemetry `Context` that should be made current until the instrumented operation ends. Consider the following example: ```java Response decoratedMethod(Request request) { // ... Context context = instrumenter.start(parentContext, request); try (Scope scope = context.makeCurrent()) { // ... } } ``` The newly started `context` is made current, and inside its `scope` the actual library method is called. ## End an instrumented operation using `end()` The `end()` method is called when the instrumented operation finished. It is of extreme importance for this method to be always called after `start()`. Calling `start()` without later `end()` will result in inaccurate or wrong telemetry and context leaks. The `end()` method ends the current span and finishes recording the metrics (if any are registered in the `Instrumenter` instance). The `end()` method accepts several arguments: * The OpenTelemetry `Context` that was returned by the `start()` method. * The `REQUEST` instance that started the processing. * Optionally, the `RESPONSE` instance that ends the processing - it may be `null` in case it was not received or an error has occurred. * Optionally, a `Throwable` error that was thrown by the operation. Consider the following example: ```java Response decoratedMethod(Request request) { Context parentContext = Context.current(); if (!instrumenter.shouldStart(parentContext, request)) { return actualMethod(request); } Context context = instrumenter.start(parentContext, request); try (Scope scope = context.makeCurrent()) { Response response = actualMethod(request); instrumenter.end(context, request, response, null); return response; } catch (Throwable error) { instrumenter.end(context, request, null, error); throw error; } } ``` In the code sample the `context` returned by the `start()` method is passed along to the `end()` method. The `end()` method is always called, regardless of the outcome of the decorated `actualMethod()`, be it a valid response or an error. ## Constructing a new `Instrumenter` using an `InstrumenterBuilder` An `Instrumenter` can be obtained by calling its static `builder()` method and using the returned `InstrumenterBuilder` to configure captured telemetry and apply customizations. The `builder()` method accepts three arguments: * An `OpenTelemetry` instance, which is used to obtain the `Tracer` and `Meter` objects. * The instrumentation name, which indicates the _instrumentation_ library name, not the _instrumented_ library name. The value passed here should uniquely identify the instrumentation library so that during troubleshooting it's possible to determine where the telemetry came from. Read more about instrumentation libraries in the [OpenTelemetry specification](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/overview.md#instrumentation-libraries). * A `SpanNameExtractor` that determines the span name. An `Instrumenter` can be built from several smaller components. The following subsections describe all interfaces that can be used to customize an `Instrumenter`. ### Set the instrumentation version and OpenTelemetry schema URL By setting the instrumentation library version, you let users identify which version of your instrumentation produced the telemetry. Make sure you always provide the version to the `Instrumenter`. You can do this in two ways: * By calling the `setInstrumentationVersion()` method on the `InstrumenterBuilder`. * By making sure that the JAR file with your instrumentation library contains a properties file in the `META-INF/io/opentelemetry/instrumentation/` directory. You must name the file `${instrumentationName}.properties`, where `${instrumentationName}` is the name of the instrumentation library passed to the `Instrumenter#builder()` method. The file must contain a single property, `version`. For example: ```properties # META-INF/io/opentelemetry/instrumentation/my-instrumentation.properties version=1.2.3 ``` The `Instrumenter` automatically detects the properties file and determines the instrumentation version based on its name. If the `Instrumenter` adheres to a specific OpenTelemetry schema, you can set the schema URL using the `setSchemaUrl()` method on the `InstrumenterBuilder`. To learn more about the OpenTelemetry schemas [see the Overview](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/schemas/README.md). ### Name the spans using the `SpanNameExtractor` A `SpanNameExtractor` is a simple functional interface that accepts the `REQUEST` type and returns the span name. For more detailed guidelines on span naming please take a look at the [`Span` specification](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/api.md#span) and the tracing [semantic conventions](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/README.md). Consider the following example: ```java class MySpanNameExtractor implements SpanNameExtractor { @Override public String extract(Request request) { return request.getOperationName(); } } ``` The example `SpanNameExtractor` implementation takes a fitting value provided by the request type and uses it as a span name. Notice that `SpanNameExtractor` is a `@FunctionalInterface`: instead of implementing it as a separate class you can just pass `Request::getOperationName` to the `builder()` method. ### Add attributes to span and metric data with the `AttributesExtractor` An `AttributesExtractor` is responsible for extracting span and metric attributes when the processing starts and ends. It contains two methods: * The `onStart()` method is called when the instrumented operation starts. It accepts two parameters: an `AttributesBuilder` instance and the incoming `REQUEST` instance. * The `onEnd()` method is called when the instrumented operation ends. It accepts the same two parameters as `onStart()` and also an optional `RESPONSE` and an optional `Throwable` error. The aim of both methods is to extract interesting attributes from the received request (and response or error) and set them into the builder. In general, it is better to populate attributes `onStart()`, as these attributes will be available to the `Sampler`. Consider the following example: ```java class MyAttributesExtractor implements AttributesExtractor { private static final AttributeKey NAME = stringKey("mylib.name"); private static final AttributeKey COUNT = longKey("mylib.count"); @Override public void onStart(AttributesBuilder attributes, Request request) { set(attributes, NAME, request.getName()); } @Override public void onEnd( AttributesBuilder attributes, Request request, @Nullable Response response, @Nullable Throwable error) { if (response != null) { set(attributes, COUNT, response.getCount()); } } } ``` The sample `AttributesExtractor` implementation above sets two attributes: one extracted from the request, one from the response. It is recommended to keep `AttributeKey` instances as static final constants and reuse them. Creating a new key each time an attribute is set risks introducing unnecessary overhead. You can add an `AttributesExtractor` to the `InstrumenterBuilder` by using the `addAttributesExtractor()` or `addAttributesExtractors()` methods. ### Set span status by setting the `SpanStatusExtractor` By default, the span status is set to `StatusCode.ERROR` when a `Throwable` error occurs, and to `StatusCode.UNSET` in all other cases. Setting a custom `SpanStatusExtractor` allows to customize this behavior. The `SpanStatusExtractor` interface has only one method `extract()` that accepts the `REQUEST`, an optional `RESPONSE` and an optional `Throwable` error. It is supposed to return a `StatusCode` that will be set when the span wrapping the instrumented operation ends. Consider the following example: ```java class MySpanStatusExtractor implements SpanStatusExtractor { @Override public StatusCode extract( Request request, @Nullable Response response, @Nullable Throwable error) { if (response != null) { return response.isSuccessful() ? StatusCode.OK : StatusCode.ERROR; } return SpanStatusExtractor.getDefault().extract(request, response, error); } } ``` The sample `SpanStatusExtractor` implementation above returns a custom `StatusCode` depending on the operation result, encoded in the response class. If the response was not present (for example, because of an error) it falls back to the default behavior, represented by the `SpanStatusExtractor.getDefault()` method. You can set the `SpanStatusExtractor` in the `InstrumenterBuilder` by using the `setSpanStatusExtractor()` method. ### Add span links using the `SpanLinksExtractor` The `SpanLinksExtractor` interface can be used to add links to other spans when the instrumented operation starts. It has a single `extract()` method that receives the following arguments: * A `SpanLinkBuilder` that can be used to add the links. * The parent `Context` that was passed in to `Instrumenter#start()`. * The `REQUEST` instance that was passed in to `Instrumenter#start()`. You can read more about span links and their use cases [here](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/overview.md#links-between-spans). Consider the following example: ```java class MySpanLinksExtractor implements SpanLinksExtractor { @Override public void extract(SpanLinksBuilder spanLinks, Context parentContext, Request request) { for (RelatedOperation op : request.getRelatedOperations()) { spanLinks.addLink(op.getSpanContext()); } } } ``` In the `SpanLinksExtractor` sample implementation, the request object uses a convenient `getRelatedOperations()` method to find all spans that should be linked to the newly created one. When such a function doesn't exist, you need to construct `SpanContext` by extracting information from a data structure representing request headers or metadata. You can add a `SpanLinksExtractor` to the `InstrumenterBuilder` by using the `addSpanLinksExtractor()` method. ### Discard wrapper exception types with the `ErrorCauseExtractor` When an error occurs, the root cause might be hidden behind several "wrapper" exception types, like an `ExecutionException` or a `CompletionException` from the Java standard library. By default, the known wrapper exception types from the JDK are removed from the captured error. To remove other wrapper exceptions, like the ones provided by the instrumented library, you can implement the `ErrorCauseExtractor`, which has the following features: - It has only one method `extractCause()` that is responsible for stripping the unnecessary exception layers and extracting the actual error that caused the operation to fail. - It accepts a `Throwable` and returns a `Throwable`. Consider the following example: ```java class MyErrorCauseExtractor implements ErrorCauseExtractor { @Override public Throwable extract(Throwable error) { if (error instanceof MyLibWrapperException && error.getCause() != null) { error = error.getCause(); } return ErrorCauseExtractor.jdk().extractCause(error); } } ``` The example `ErrorCauseExtractor` implementation checks whether the error is an instance of `MyLibWrapperException` and has a cause, in which case it unwraps it. The `error.getCause() != null` check is very relevant: if the extractor did not verify both conditions, it could accidentally remove the whole exception, making the instrumentation miss an error and thus radically changing the captured telemetry. Next, the extractor falls back to the default `jdk()` implementation that removes the known JDK wrapper exception types. You can set the `ErrorCauseExtractor` in the `InstrumenterBuilder` using the `setErrorCauseExtractor()` method. ### Register metrics by implementing the `OperationMetrics` and `OperationListener` If you need to add metrics to the `Instrumenter` you can implement the `OperationMetrics` and `OperationListener` interfaces. `OperationMetrics` is simply a factory interface for the `OperationListener` - it receives an OpenTelemetry `Meter` and returns a new listener. The `OperationListener` contains two methods: * `onStart()` that gets executed when the instrumented operation starts. It returns a `Context` - it can be used to store internal metrics state that should be propagated to the `onEnd()` call, if needed. * `onEnd()` that gets executed when the instrumented operation ends. Both methods accept a `Context`, an instance of `Attributes` that contains either attributes computed on instrumented operation start or end, and the start and end nanoseconds timestamp that can be used to accurately compute the duration. Consider the following example: ```java class MyOperationMetrics implements OperationListener { static OperationMetrics get() { return MyOperationMetrics::new; } private final LongUpDownCounter activeRequests; MyOperationMetrics(Meter meter) { activeRequests = meter .upDownCounterBuilder("mylib.active_requests") .setUnit("{requests}") .build(); } @Override public Context onStart(Context context, Attributes startAttributes, long startNanos) { activeRequests.add(1, startAttributes); return context.with(new MyMetricsState(startAttributes)); } @Override public void onEnd(Context context, Attributes endAttributes, long endNanos) { MyMetricsState state = MyMetricsState.get(context); activeRequests.add(1, state.startAttributes()); } } ``` The sample class listed above implements the `OperationMetrics` factory interface in the static `get()` method. The listener implementation uses a counter to measure the number of requests that are currently in flight. Notice that the state between `onStart()` and `onEnd()` method is shared using the `MyMetricsState` class (a mostly trivial data class, not listed in the example above), passed between the methods using the `Context`. You can add `OperationMetrics` to the `InstrumenterBuilder` using the `addOperationMetrics()` method. ### Enrich the operation `Context` with the `ContextCustomizer` In some rare cases, there is a need to enrich the `Context` before it is returned from the `Instrumenter#start()` method. The `ContextCustomizer` interface can be used to achieve that. It exposes a single `onStart()` method that accepts a `Context`, a `REQUEST` and `Attributes` extracted on the operation start, and returns a modified `Context`. Consider the following example: ```java class MyContextCustomizer implements ContextCustomizer { @Override public Context onStart(Context context, Request request, Attributes startAttributes) { return context.with(new InProcessingAttributesHolder()); } } ``` The sample `ContextCustomizer` listed above inserts an additional `InProcessingAttributesHolder` to the `Context` before it is returned from the `Instrumenter#start()` method. The `InProcessingAttributesHolder` class, as its name implies, may be used to keep track of attributes that are not available on request start or end - for example, if the instrumented library exposes important information only during the processing. The holder class can be looked up from the current `Context` and filled in with that information between the instrumented operation start and end. It can be later passed as `RESPONSE` type (or a part of it) to the `Instrumenter#end()` method so that the configured `AttributesExtractor` can process the collected information and turn it into telemetry attributes. You can add a `ContextCustomizer` to the `InstrumenterBuilder` using the `addContextCustomizer()` method. ### Disable the instrumentation In some rare cases it may be useful to completely disable the constructed `Instrumenter`, for example, based on a configuration property. The `InstrumenterBuilder` exposes a `setEnabled()` method for that: passing `false` will turn the newly created `Instrumenter` into a no-op instance. ### Finally, set the span kind with the `SpanKindExtractor` and get a new `Instrumenter` The `Instrumenter` creation process ends with calling one of the following `InstrumenterBuilder` methods: * `newInstrumenter()`: the returned `Instrumenter` will always start spans with kind `INTERNAL`. * `newInstrumenter(SpanKindExtractor)`: the returned `Instrumenter` will always start spans with kind determined by the passed `SpanKindExtractor`. * `newClientInstrumenter(TextMapSetter)`: the returned `Instrumenter` will always start `CLIENT` spans and will propagate operation context into the outgoing request. * `newServerInstrumenter(TextMapGetter)`: the returned `Instrumenter` will always start `SERVER` spans and will extract the parent span context from the incoming request. * `newProducerInstrumenter(TextMapSetter)`: the returned `Instrumenter` will always start `PRODUCER` spans and will propagate operation context into the outgoing request. * `newConsumerInstrumenter(TextMapGetter)`: the returned `Instrumenter` will always start `SERVER` spans and will extract the parent span context from the incoming request. The last four variants that create non-`INTERNAL` spans accept either `TextMapSetter` or `TextMapGetter` implementations as parameters. These are needed to correctly implement the context propagation between services. If you want to learn how to use and implement these interfaces, read the [OpenTelemetry Java docs](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/java/manual_instrumentation/#context-propagation). The `SpanKindExtractor` interface, accepted by the second variant from the list above, is a simple interface that accepts a `REQUEST` and returns a `SpanKind` that should be used when starting the span for this operation. Consider the following example: ```java class MySpanKindExtractor implements SpanKindExtractor { @Override public SpanKind extract(Request request) { return request.shouldSynchronouslyWaitForResponse() ? SpanKind.CLIENT : SpanKind.PRODUCER; } } ``` The example `SpanKindExtractor` above decides whether to use `PRODUCER` or `CLIENT` based on how the request is going to be processed. This example reflects a real-life scenario: you might find similar code in a messaging library instrumentation, since according to the [OpenTelemetry messaging semantic conventions](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/main/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/messaging.md#span-kind) the span kind should be set to `CLIENT` if sending the message is completely synchronous and waits for the response.