## Contributing Pull requests for bug fixes are welcome, but before submitting new features or changes to current functionality [open an issue](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/issues/new) and discuss your ideas or propose the changes you wish to make. After a resolution is reached a PR can be submitted for review. In order to build and test this whole repository you need JDK 11+. Some instrumentations and tests may put constraints on which java versions they support. See [Running the tests](./docs/contributing/running-tests.md) for more details. ### Building #### Snapshot builds For developers testing code changes before a release is complete, there are snapshot builds of the `master` branch. They are available from [JFrog OSS repository](https://oss.jfrog.org/artifactory/oss-snapshot-local/io/opentelemetry/instrumentation/) #### Building from source Build using Java 11: ```bash java -version ``` ```bash ./gradlew assemble ``` and then generate the -all artifact ```bash ./gradlew :opentelemetry-javaagent:shadowJar ``` and then you can find the java agent artifact at `javaagent/build/lib/opentelemetry-javaagent--all.jar`. ### IntelliJ setup See [IntelliJ setup](docs/contributing/intellij-setup.md) ### Style guide See [Style guide](docs/contributing/style-guideline.md) ### Running the tests See [Running the tests](docs/contributing/running-tests.md) ### Writing instrumentation See [Writing instrumentation](docs/contributing/writing-instrumentation.md) ### Understanding the javaagent components See [Understanding the javaagent components](docs/contributing/javaagent-jar-components.md) ### Maintainers, Approvers and Triagers Maintainers: - [Anuraag Agrawal](https://github.com/anuraaga), AWS - [Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovski](https://github.com/iNikem), Splunk - [Trask Stalnaker](https://github.com/trask), Microsoft - [Tyler Benson](https://github.com/tylerbenson), DataDog Approvers: - [John Watson](https://github.com/jkwatson), New Relic Triagers: - [Sergei Malafeev](https://github.com/malafeev), Lightstep #### Become a Triager, Approver or Maintainer See the [community membership document](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community/blob/master/community-membership.md) in OpenTelemetry community repo.