plugins { id("otel.javaagent-instrumentation") } /* Note: The Interceptor class for OkHttp was not introduced until 2.2+, so we need to make sure the instrumentation is not loaded unless the dependency is 2.2+. */ muzzle { pass { group.set("com.squareup.okhttp") module.set("okhttp") versions.set("[2.2,3)") assertInverse.set(true) } } dependencies { bootstrap(project(":instrumentation:executors:bootstrap")) library("com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.2.0") latestDepTestLibrary("com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.+") // see okhttp-3.0 module } tasks { val testStableSemconv by registering(Test::class) { jvmArgs("-Dotel.semconv-stability.opt-in=http") } check { dependsOn(testStableSemconv) } }