import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar plugins { id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") id("") } description = "opentelemetry-api shaded for internal javaagent usage" group = "io.opentelemetry.javaagent" val latestDeps by configurations.creating { isCanBeResolved = true isCanBeConsumed = false } val v1_10Deps by configurations.creating { isCanBeResolved = true isCanBeConsumed = false // exclude the bom added by dependencyManagement exclude("io.opentelemetry", "opentelemetry-bom") } val v1_15Deps by configurations.creating { isCanBeResolved = true isCanBeConsumed = false // exclude the bom added by dependencyManagement exclude("io.opentelemetry", "opentelemetry-bom") } // configuration for publishing the shadowed artifact val v1_10 by configurations.creating { isCanBeConsumed = true isCanBeResolved = false } val v1_15 by configurations.creating { isCanBeConsumed = true isCanBeResolved = false } dependencies { latestDeps("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api") latestDeps("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api-logs") listOf("opentelemetry-api", "opentelemetry-context").forEach { v1_10Deps("io.opentelemetry:$it") { version { strictly("1.10.0") } } v1_15Deps("io.opentelemetry:$it") { version { strictly("1.15.0") } } } } // OpenTelemetry API shaded so that it can be used in instrumentation of OpenTelemetry API itself, // and then its usage can be unshaded after OpenTelemetry API is shaded // (see more explanation in opentelemetry-api-1.0.gradle) tasks { withType().configureEach { relocate("io.opentelemetry", "") } shadowJar { configurations = listOf(latestDeps) } val v1_10Shadow by registering(ShadowJar::class) { configurations = listOf(v1_10Deps) archiveClassifier.set("v1_10") } val v1_15Shadow by registering(ShadowJar::class) { configurations = listOf(v1_15Deps) archiveClassifier.set("v1_15") } artifacts { add(, v1_10Shadow) add(, v1_15Shadow) } }