# Repository settings This document describes any changes that have been made to the settings for this repository beyond the [OpenTelemetry default repository settings](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community/blob/main/docs/how-to-configure-new-repository.md#repository-settings). ## General > Pull Requests - Allow squash merging > Default to pull request title - Allow auto-merge ## Actions > General - Fork pull request workflows from outside collaborators: "Require approval for first-time contributors who are new to GitHub" (To reduce friction for new contributors, as the default is "Require approval for first-time contributors") ## Branch protections ### `main` - Require branches to be up to date before merging: UNCHECKED (PR jobs take too long, and leaving this unchecked has not been a significant problem) - Status checks that are required: - EasyCLA - required-status-check ### `release/*` Same settings as above for [`main`](#main). ### `cloudfoundry` Same settings as above for [`main`](#main), except for the `required-status-check` required status check. ### `renovate/**/**` and `opentelemetrybot/**/**` Same settings as for [`dependabot/**/**`](https://github.com/open-telemetry/community/blob/main/docs/how-to-configure-new-repository.md#branch-protection-rule-dependabot) ### `gh-pages` - Everything UNCHECKED (This branch is currently only used for directly pushing benchmarking results from the [Nightly overhead benchmark](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/actions/workflows/nightly-benchmark-overhead.yml) job) ## Code security and analysis - Secret scanning: Enabled ## Secrets and variables > Actions - `GE_CACHE_PASSWORD` - `GE_CACHE_USERNAME` - `GPG_PASSWORD` - stored in OpenTelemetry-Java 1Password - `GPG_PRIVATE_KEY` - stored in OpenTelemetry-Java 1Password - `GRADLE_ENTERPRISE_ACCESS_KEY` - owned by [@trask](https://github.com/trask) - Generated at https://ge.opentelemetry.io > My settings > Access keys - format of env var is `ge.opentelemetry.io=<access key>`, see [docs](https://docs.gradle.com/enterprise/gradle-plugin/#via_environment_variable) - `GRADLE_PUBLISH_KEY` - `GRADLE_PUBLISH_SECRET` - `NVD_API_KEY` - stored in OpenTelemetry-Java 1Password - `OPENTELEMETRYBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN` - owned by [@trask](https://github.com/trask) - `SONATYPE_KEY` - owned by [@trask](https://github.com/trask) - `SONATYPE_USER` - owned by [@trask](https://github.com/trask)