plugins { id("otel.javaagent-instrumentation") } muzzle { pass { group.set("") module.set("aws-core") versions.set("[2.2.0,)") // Used by all SDK services, the only case it isn't is an SDK extension such as a custom HTTP // client, which is not target of instrumentation anyways. extraDependency("") excludeInstrumentationName("aws-sdk-2.2-sqs") excludeInstrumentationName("aws-sdk-2.2-sns") // several artifacts are missing for this version skip("2.17.200") } fail { group.set("") module.set("aws-core") versions.set("[2.2.0,)") // Used by all SDK services, the only case it isn't is an SDK extension such as a custom HTTP // client, which is not target of instrumentation anyways. extraDependency("") // "fail" asserts that *all* the instrumentation modules fail to load, but the core one is // actually expected to succeed, so exclude it from checks. excludeInstrumentationName("aws-sdk-2.2-core") // several artifacts are missing for this version skip("2.17.200") } pass { group.set("") module.set("sqs") versions.set("[2.2.0,)") // Used by all SDK services, the only case it isn't is an SDK extension such as a custom HTTP // client, which is not target of instrumentation anyways. extraDependency("") excludeInstrumentationName("aws-sdk-2.2-sns") // several artifacts are missing for this version skip("2.17.200") } pass { group.set("") module.set("sns") versions.set("[2.2.0,)") // Used by all SDK services, the only case it isn't is an SDK extension such as a custom HTTP // client, which is not target of instrumentation anyways. extraDependency("") excludeInstrumentationName("aws-sdk-2.2-sqs") // several artifacts are missing for this version skip("2.17.200") } } dependencies { implementation(project(":instrumentation:aws-sdk:aws-sdk-2.2:library-autoconfigure")) implementation(project(":instrumentation:aws-sdk:aws-sdk-2.2:library")) library("") library("") testImplementation(project(":instrumentation:aws-sdk:aws-sdk-2.2:testing")) testImplementation("io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-xray-propagator") // Make sure these don't add HTTP headers testInstrumentation(project(":instrumentation:apache-httpclient:apache-httpclient-4.0:javaagent")) testInstrumentation(project(":instrumentation:apache-httpclient:apache-httpclient-5.0:javaagent")) testInstrumentation(project(":instrumentation:netty:netty-4.1:javaagent")) testLibrary("") testLibrary("") testLibrary("") testLibrary("") testLibrary("") testLibrary("") testLibrary("") testLibrary("") } val latestDepTest = findProperty("testLatestDeps") as Boolean testing { suites { val s3PresignerTest by registering(JvmTestSuite::class) { dependencies { if (latestDepTest) { implementation("") } else { implementation("") } implementation(project(":instrumentation:aws-sdk:aws-sdk-2.2:library")) } } } } tasks { val testExperimentalSqs by registering(Test::class) { filter { excludeTestsMatching("Aws2SqsSuppressReceiveSpansTest") } systemProperty("", "true") systemProperty("otel.instrumentation.messaging.experimental.receive-telemetry.enabled", "true") } val testReceiveSpansDisabled by registering(Test::class) { filter { includeTestsMatching("Aws2SqsSuppressReceiveSpansTest") } include("**/Aws2SqsSuppressReceiveSpansTest.*") } test { filter { excludeTestsMatching("Aws2SqsSuppressReceiveSpansTest") } systemProperty("otel.instrumentation.messaging.experimental.receive-telemetry.enabled", "true") } check { dependsOn(testExperimentalSqs) dependsOn(testReceiveSpansDisabled) dependsOn(testing.suites) } withType().configureEach { // TODO run tests both with and without experimental span attributes systemProperty("", "true") systemProperty("", "true") systemProperty("testLatestDeps", findProperty("testLatestDeps") as Boolean) } withType().configureEach { mergeServiceFiles { include("software/amazon/awssdk/global/handlers/execution.interceptors") } } }