# Library Instrumentation for Ktor versions 1.x This package contains libraries to help instrument Ktor. Currently, only server instrumentation is supported. ## Quickstart ### Add these dependencies to your project Replace `OPENTELEMETRY_VERSION` with the [latest release](https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:io.opentelemetry.instrumentation%20AND%20a:opentelemetry-ktor-1.0). For Maven, add to your `pom.xml` dependencies: ```xml io.opentelemetry.instrumentation opentelemetry-ktor-1.0 OPENTELEMETRY_VERSION ``` For Gradle, add to your dependencies: ```groovy implementation("io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-ktor-1.0:OPENTELEMETRY_VERSION") ``` ## Usage Initialize instrumentation by installing the `KtorServerTracing` feature. You must set the `OpenTelemetry` to use with the feature. ```kotlin OpenTelemetry openTelemetry = ... embeddedServer(Netty, 8080) { install(KtorServerTracing) { setOpenTelemetry(openTelemetry) } } ```