@@ -15,413 +15,413 @@
ruleset {
- // rulesets/basic.xml
- /*
- AssertWithinFinallyBlock
- AssignmentInConditional
- BigDecimalInstantiation
- BitwiseOperatorInConditional
- BooleanGetBoolean
- BrokenNullCheck
- BrokenOddnessCheck
- ClassForName
- ComparisonOfTwoConstants
- ComparisonWithSelf
- ConstantAssertExpression
- ConstantIfExpression
- ConstantTernaryExpression
- DeadCode
- DoubleNegative
- DuplicateCaseStatement
- DuplicateMapKey
- DuplicateSetValue
- EmptyCatchBlock
- EmptyClass
- EmptyElseBlock
- EmptyFinallyBlock
- EmptyForStatement
- EmptyIfStatement
- EmptyInstanceInitializer
- EmptyMethod
- EmptyStaticInitializer
- EmptySwitchStatement
- EmptySynchronizedStatement
- EmptyTryBlock
- EmptyWhileStatement
- EqualsAndHashCode
- EqualsOverloaded
- ExplicitGarbageCollection
- ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop
- HardCodedWindowsFileSeparator
- HardCodedWindowsRootDirectory
- IntegerGetInteger
- RandomDoubleCoercedToZero
- RemoveAllOnSelf
- ReturnFromFinallyBlock
- ThrowExceptionFromFinallyBlock
- */
+ // rulesets/basic.xml
+ /*
+ AssertWithinFinallyBlock
+ AssignmentInConditional
+ BigDecimalInstantiation
+ BitwiseOperatorInConditional
+ BooleanGetBoolean
+ BrokenNullCheck
+ BrokenOddnessCheck
+ ClassForName
+ ComparisonOfTwoConstants
+ ComparisonWithSelf
+ ConstantAssertExpression
+ ConstantIfExpression
+ ConstantTernaryExpression
+ DeadCode
+ DoubleNegative
+ DuplicateCaseStatement
+ DuplicateMapKey
+ DuplicateSetValue
+ EmptyCatchBlock
+ EmptyClass
+ EmptyElseBlock
+ EmptyFinallyBlock
+ EmptyForStatement
+ EmptyIfStatement
+ EmptyInstanceInitializer
+ EmptyMethod
+ EmptyStaticInitializer
+ EmptySwitchStatement
+ EmptySynchronizedStatement
+ EmptyTryBlock
+ EmptyWhileStatement
+ EqualsAndHashCode
+ EqualsOverloaded
+ ExplicitGarbageCollection
+ ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop
+ HardCodedWindowsFileSeparator
+ HardCodedWindowsRootDirectory
+ IntegerGetInteger
+ RandomDoubleCoercedToZero
+ RemoveAllOnSelf
+ ReturnFromFinallyBlock
+ ThrowExceptionFromFinallyBlock
+ */
- // rulesets/braces.xml
- ElseBlockBraces
- ForStatementBraces
- IfStatementBraces
- WhileStatementBraces
+ // rulesets/braces.xml
+ ElseBlockBraces
+ ForStatementBraces
+ IfStatementBraces
+ WhileStatementBraces
- // rulesets/concurrency.xml
- /*
- BusyWait
- DoubleCheckedLocking
- InconsistentPropertyLocking
- InconsistentPropertySynchronization
- NestedSynchronization
- StaticCalendarField
- StaticConnection
- StaticDateFormatField
- StaticMatcherField
- StaticSimpleDateFormatField
- SynchronizedMethod
- SynchronizedOnBoxedPrimitive
- SynchronizedOnGetClass
- SynchronizedOnReentrantLock
- SynchronizedOnString
- SynchronizedOnThis
- SynchronizedReadObjectMethod
- SystemRunFinalizersOnExit
- ThisReferenceEscapesConstructor
- ThreadGroup
- ThreadLocalNotStaticFinal
- ThreadYield
- UseOfNotifyMethod
- VolatileArrayField
- VolatileLongOrDoubleField
- WaitOutsideOfWhileLoop
- */
+ // rulesets/concurrency.xml
+ /*
+ BusyWait
+ DoubleCheckedLocking
+ InconsistentPropertyLocking
+ InconsistentPropertySynchronization
+ NestedSynchronization
+ StaticCalendarField
+ StaticConnection
+ StaticDateFormatField
+ StaticMatcherField
+ StaticSimpleDateFormatField
+ SynchronizedMethod
+ SynchronizedOnBoxedPrimitive
+ SynchronizedOnGetClass
+ SynchronizedOnReentrantLock
+ SynchronizedOnString
+ SynchronizedOnThis
+ SynchronizedReadObjectMethod
+ SystemRunFinalizersOnExit
+ ThisReferenceEscapesConstructor
+ ThreadGroup
+ ThreadLocalNotStaticFinal
+ ThreadYield
+ UseOfNotifyMethod
+ VolatileArrayField
+ VolatileLongOrDoubleField
+ WaitOutsideOfWhileLoop
+ */
- // rulesets/convention.xml
- /*
- ConfusingTernary
- CouldBeElvis
- HashtableIsObsolete
- IfStatementCouldBeTernary
- InvertedIfElse
- LongLiteralWithLowerCaseL
- ParameterReassignment
- TernaryCouldBeElvis
- VectorIsObsolete
- */
+ // rulesets/convention.xml
+ /*
+ ConfusingTernary
+ CouldBeElvis
+ HashtableIsObsolete
+ IfStatementCouldBeTernary
+ InvertedIfElse
+ LongLiteralWithLowerCaseL
+ ParameterReassignment
+ TernaryCouldBeElvis
+ VectorIsObsolete
+ */
- // rulesets/design.xml
- /*
- AbstractClassWithPublicConstructor
- AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethod
- BooleanMethodReturnsNull
- BuilderMethodWithSideEffects
- CloneableWithoutClone
- CloseWithoutCloseable
- CompareToWithoutComparable
- ConstantsOnlyInterface
- EmptyMethodInAbstractClass
- FinalClassWithProtectedMember
- ImplementationAsType
- LocaleSetDefault
- PrivateFieldCouldBeFinal
- PublicInstanceField
- ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyArray
- ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyCollection
- SimpleDateFormatMissingLocale
- StatelessSingleton
- */
+ // rulesets/design.xml
+ /*
+ AbstractClassWithPublicConstructor
+ AbstractClassWithoutAbstractMethod
+ BooleanMethodReturnsNull
+ BuilderMethodWithSideEffects
+ CloneableWithoutClone
+ CloseWithoutCloseable
+ CompareToWithoutComparable
+ ConstantsOnlyInterface
+ EmptyMethodInAbstractClass
+ FinalClassWithProtectedMember
+ ImplementationAsType
+ LocaleSetDefault
+ PrivateFieldCouldBeFinal
+ PublicInstanceField
+ ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyArray
+ ReturnsNullInsteadOfEmptyCollection
+ SimpleDateFormatMissingLocale
+ StatelessSingleton
+ */
- // rulesets/dry.xml
- /*
- DuplicateListLiteral
- DuplicateMapLiteral
- DuplicateNumberLiteral
- DuplicateStringLiteral
- */
+ // rulesets/dry.xml
+ /*
+ DuplicateListLiteral
+ DuplicateMapLiteral
+ DuplicateNumberLiteral
+ DuplicateStringLiteral
+ */
- // rulesets/enhanced.xml
- /*
- CloneWithoutCloneable
- JUnitAssertEqualsConstantActualValue
- UnsafeImplementationAsMap
- */
+ // rulesets/enhanced.xml
+ /*
+ CloneWithoutCloneable
+ JUnitAssertEqualsConstantActualValue
+ UnsafeImplementationAsMap
+ */
- // rulesets/exceptions.xml
- /*
- CatchArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- CatchError
- CatchException
- CatchIllegalMonitorStateException
- CatchIndexOutOfBoundsException
- CatchNullPointerException
- CatchRuntimeException
- CatchThrowable
- ConfusingClassNamedException
- ExceptionExtendsError
- ExceptionNotThrown
- MissingNewInThrowStatement
- ReturnNullFromCatchBlock
- SwallowThreadDeath
- ThrowError
- ThrowException
- ThrowNullPointerException
- ThrowRuntimeException
- ThrowThrowable
- */
+ // rulesets/exceptions.xml
+ /*
+ CatchArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ CatchError
+ CatchException
+ CatchIllegalMonitorStateException
+ CatchIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ CatchNullPointerException
+ CatchRuntimeException
+ CatchThrowable
+ ConfusingClassNamedException
+ ExceptionExtendsError
+ ExceptionNotThrown
+ MissingNewInThrowStatement
+ ReturnNullFromCatchBlock
+ SwallowThreadDeath
+ ThrowError
+ ThrowException
+ ThrowNullPointerException
+ ThrowRuntimeException
+ ThrowThrowable
+ */
- // rulesets/formatting.xml
- /*
- BracesForClass
- BracesForForLoop
- BracesForIfElse
- BracesForMethod
- BracesForTryCatchFinally
- ClassJavadoc
- ClosureStatementOnOpeningLineOfMultipleLineClosure
- LineLength
- SpaceAfterCatch
- SpaceAfterClosingBrace
- SpaceAfterComma
- SpaceAfterFor
- SpaceAfterIf
- SpaceAfterOpeningBrace
- SpaceAfterSemicolon
- SpaceAfterSwitch
- SpaceAfterWhile
- SpaceAroundClosureArrow
- SpaceAroundMapEntryColon
- SpaceAroundOperator
- SpaceBeforeClosingBrace
- SpaceBeforeOpeningBrace
- */
+ // rulesets/formatting.xml
+ /*
+ BracesForClass
+ BracesForForLoop
+ BracesForIfElse
+ BracesForMethod
+ BracesForTryCatchFinally
+ ClassJavadoc
+ ClosureStatementOnOpeningLineOfMultipleLineClosure
+ LineLength
+ SpaceAfterCatch
+ SpaceAfterClosingBrace
+ SpaceAfterComma
+ SpaceAfterFor
+ SpaceAfterIf
+ SpaceAfterOpeningBrace
+ SpaceAfterSemicolon
+ SpaceAfterSwitch
+ SpaceAfterWhile
+ SpaceAroundClosureArrow
+ SpaceAroundMapEntryColon
+ SpaceAroundOperator
+ SpaceBeforeClosingBrace
+ SpaceBeforeOpeningBrace
+ */
- // rulesets/generic.xml
- /*
- IllegalClassMember
- IllegalClassReference
- IllegalPackageReference
- IllegalRegex
- IllegalString
- RequiredRegex
- RequiredString
- StatelessClass
- */
+ // rulesets/generic.xml
+ /*
+ IllegalClassMember
+ IllegalClassReference
+ IllegalPackageReference
+ IllegalRegex
+ IllegalString
+ RequiredRegex
+ RequiredString
+ StatelessClass
+ */
- // rulesets/grails.xml
- /*
- GrailsDomainHasEquals
- GrailsDomainHasToString
- GrailsDomainReservedSqlKeywordName
- GrailsDomainWithServiceReference
- GrailsDuplicateConstraint
- GrailsDuplicateMapping
- GrailsPublicControllerMethod
- GrailsServletContextReference
- GrailsSessionReference // DEPRECATED
- GrailsStatelessService
- */
+ // rulesets/grails.xml
+ /*
+ GrailsDomainHasEquals
+ GrailsDomainHasToString
+ GrailsDomainReservedSqlKeywordName
+ GrailsDomainWithServiceReference
+ GrailsDuplicateConstraint
+ GrailsDuplicateMapping
+ GrailsPublicControllerMethod
+ GrailsServletContextReference
+ GrailsSessionReference // DEPRECATED
+ GrailsStatelessService
+ */
- // rulesets/groovyism.xml
- /*
- AssignCollectionSort
- AssignCollectionUnique
- ClosureAsLastMethodParameter
- CollectAllIsDeprecated
- ConfusingMultipleReturns
- ExplicitArrayListInstantiation
- ExplicitCallToAndMethod
- ExplicitCallToCompareToMethod
- ExplicitCallToDivMethod
- ExplicitCallToEqualsMethod
- ExplicitCallToGetAtMethod
- ExplicitCallToLeftShiftMethod
- ExplicitCallToMinusMethod
- ExplicitCallToModMethod
- ExplicitCallToMultiplyMethod
- ExplicitCallToOrMethod
- ExplicitCallToPlusMethod
- ExplicitCallToPowerMethod
- ExplicitCallToRightShiftMethod
- ExplicitCallToXorMethod
- ExplicitHashMapInstantiation
- ExplicitHashSetInstantiation
- ExplicitLinkedHashMapInstantiation
- ExplicitLinkedListInstantiation
- ExplicitStackInstantiation
- ExplicitTreeSetInstantiation
- GStringAsMapKey
- GStringExpressionWithinString
- GetterMethodCouldBeProperty
- GroovyLangImmutable
- UseCollectMany
- UseCollectNested
- */
+ // rulesets/groovyism.xml
+ /*
+ AssignCollectionSort
+ AssignCollectionUnique
+ ClosureAsLastMethodParameter
+ CollectAllIsDeprecated
+ ConfusingMultipleReturns
+ ExplicitArrayListInstantiation
+ ExplicitCallToAndMethod
+ ExplicitCallToCompareToMethod
+ ExplicitCallToDivMethod
+ ExplicitCallToEqualsMethod
+ ExplicitCallToGetAtMethod
+ ExplicitCallToLeftShiftMethod
+ ExplicitCallToMinusMethod
+ ExplicitCallToModMethod
+ ExplicitCallToMultiplyMethod
+ ExplicitCallToOrMethod
+ ExplicitCallToPlusMethod
+ ExplicitCallToPowerMethod
+ ExplicitCallToRightShiftMethod
+ ExplicitCallToXorMethod
+ ExplicitHashMapInstantiation
+ ExplicitHashSetInstantiation
+ ExplicitLinkedHashMapInstantiation
+ ExplicitLinkedListInstantiation
+ ExplicitStackInstantiation
+ ExplicitTreeSetInstantiation
+ GStringAsMapKey
+ GStringExpressionWithinString
+ GetterMethodCouldBeProperty
+ GroovyLangImmutable
+ UseCollectMany
+ UseCollectNested
+ */
- // rulesets/imports.xml
- DuplicateImport
- ImportFromSamePackage
+ // rulesets/imports.xml
+ DuplicateImport
+ ImportFromSamePackage
// ImportFromSunPackages
// MisorderedStaticImports
- UnnecessaryGroovyImport
- UnusedImport
+ UnnecessaryGroovyImport
+ UnusedImport
- // rulesets/jdbc.xml
- /*
- DirectConnectionManagement
- JdbcConnectionReference
- JdbcResultSetReference
- JdbcStatementReference
- */
+ // rulesets/jdbc.xml
+ /*
+ DirectConnectionManagement
+ JdbcConnectionReference
+ JdbcResultSetReference
+ JdbcStatementReference
+ */
- // rulesets/junit.xml
- /*
- ChainedTest
- CoupledTestCase
- JUnitAssertAlwaysFails
- JUnitAssertAlwaysSucceeds
- JUnitFailWithoutMessage
- JUnitLostTest
- JUnitPublicField
- JUnitPublicNonTestMethod
- JUnitSetUpCallsSuper
- JUnitStyleAssertions
- JUnitTearDownCallsSuper
- JUnitTestMethodWithoutAssert
- JUnitUnnecessarySetUp
- JUnitUnnecessaryTearDown
- JUnitUnnecessaryThrowsException
- SpockIgnoreRestUsed
- UnnecessaryFail
- UseAssertEqualsInsteadOfAssertTrue
- UseAssertFalseInsteadOfNegation
- UseAssertNullInsteadOfAssertEquals
- UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue
- UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals
- UseAssertTrueInsteadOfNegation
- */
+ // rulesets/junit.xml
+ /*
+ ChainedTest
+ CoupledTestCase
+ JUnitAssertAlwaysFails
+ JUnitAssertAlwaysSucceeds
+ JUnitFailWithoutMessage
+ JUnitLostTest
+ JUnitPublicField
+ JUnitPublicNonTestMethod
+ JUnitSetUpCallsSuper
+ JUnitStyleAssertions
+ JUnitTearDownCallsSuper
+ JUnitTestMethodWithoutAssert
+ JUnitUnnecessarySetUp
+ JUnitUnnecessaryTearDown
+ JUnitUnnecessaryThrowsException
+ SpockIgnoreRestUsed
+ UnnecessaryFail
+ UseAssertEqualsInsteadOfAssertTrue
+ UseAssertFalseInsteadOfNegation
+ UseAssertNullInsteadOfAssertEquals
+ UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue
+ UseAssertTrueInsteadOfAssertEquals
+ UseAssertTrueInsteadOfNegation
+ */
- // rulesets/logging.xml
- /*
- LoggerForDifferentClass
- LoggerWithWrongModifiers
- LoggingSwallowsStacktrace
- MultipleLoggers
- PrintStackTrace
- Println
- SystemErrPrint
- SystemOutPrint
- */
+ // rulesets/logging.xml
+ /*
+ LoggerForDifferentClass
+ LoggerWithWrongModifiers
+ LoggingSwallowsStacktrace
+ MultipleLoggers
+ PrintStackTrace
+ Println
+ SystemErrPrint
+ SystemOutPrint
+ */
- // rulesets/naming.xml
- AbstractClassName
- ClassName {
- regex = '^[A-Z][\\$a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
- }
- ClassNameSameAsFilename
+ // rulesets/naming.xml
+ AbstractClassName
+ ClassName {
+ regex = '^[A-Z][\\$a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
+ }
+ ClassNameSameAsFilename
// ConfusingMethodName
// FactoryMethodName
- FieldName {
- regex = '^_?[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
- finalRegex = '^_?[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
- staticFinalRegex = '^logger$|^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*$|^serialVersionUID$'
- }
- InterfaceName
- MethodName {
- regex = '^[a-z][\\$_a-zA-Z0-9]*$|^.*\\s.*$'
- }
- ObjectOverrideMisspelledMethodName
- PackageName
- ParameterName
- PropertyName
- VariableName {
- finalRegex = '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
- }
+ FieldName {
+ regex = '^_?[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
+ finalRegex = '^_?[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
+ staticFinalRegex = '^logger$|^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*$|^serialVersionUID$'
+ }
+ InterfaceName
+ MethodName {
+ regex = '^[a-z][\\$_a-zA-Z0-9]*$|^.*\\s.*$'
+ }
+ ObjectOverrideMisspelledMethodName
+ PackageName
+ ParameterName
+ PropertyName
+ VariableName {
+ finalRegex = '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'
+ }
- // rulesets/security.xml
- /*
- FileCreateTempFile
- InsecureRandom
- JavaIoPackageAccess
- NonFinalPublicField
- NonFinalSubclassOfSensitiveInterface
- ObjectFinalize
- PublicFinalizeMethod
- SystemExit
- UnsafeArrayDeclaration
- */
+ // rulesets/security.xml
+ /*
+ FileCreateTempFile
+ InsecureRandom
+ JavaIoPackageAccess
+ NonFinalPublicField
+ NonFinalSubclassOfSensitiveInterface
+ ObjectFinalize
+ PublicFinalizeMethod
+ SystemExit
+ UnsafeArrayDeclaration
+ */
- // rulesets/serialization.xml
- /*
- EnumCustomSerializationIgnored
- SerialPersistentFields
- SerialVersionUID
- SerializableClassMustDefineSerialVersionUID
- */
+ // rulesets/serialization.xml
+ /*
+ EnumCustomSerializationIgnored
+ SerialPersistentFields
+ SerialVersionUID
+ SerializableClassMustDefineSerialVersionUID
+ */
- // rulesets/size.xml
- /*
- AbcComplexity // DEPRECATED: Use the AbcMetric rule instead. Requires the GMetrics jar
- AbcMetric // Requires the GMetrics jar
- ClassSize
- CrapMetric // Requires the GMetrics jar and a Cobertura coverage file
- CyclomaticComplexity // Requires the GMetrics jar
- MethodCount
- MethodSize
- NestedBlockDepth
- */
+ // rulesets/size.xml
+ /*
+ AbcComplexity // DEPRECATED: Use the AbcMetric rule instead. Requires the GMetrics jar
+ AbcMetric // Requires the GMetrics jar
+ ClassSize
+ CrapMetric // Requires the GMetrics jar and a Cobertura coverage file
+ CyclomaticComplexity // Requires the GMetrics jar
+ MethodCount
+ MethodSize
+ NestedBlockDepth
+ */
- // rulesets/unnecessary.xml
- AddEmptyString
- ConsecutiveLiteralAppends
- ConsecutiveStringConcatenation
- UnnecessaryBigDecimalInstantiation
- UnnecessaryBigIntegerInstantiation
- UnnecessaryBooleanExpression
- UnnecessaryBooleanInstantiation
+ // rulesets/unnecessary.xml
+ AddEmptyString
+ ConsecutiveLiteralAppends
+ ConsecutiveStringConcatenation
+ UnnecessaryBigDecimalInstantiation
+ UnnecessaryBigIntegerInstantiation
+ UnnecessaryBooleanExpression
+ UnnecessaryBooleanInstantiation
// UnnecessaryCallForLastElement
- UnnecessaryCallToSubstring
- UnnecessaryCatchBlock
+ UnnecessaryCallToSubstring
+ UnnecessaryCatchBlock
// UnnecessaryCollectCall
- UnnecessaryCollectionCall
- UnnecessaryConstructor
- UnnecessaryDefInFieldDeclaration
- UnnecessaryDefInMethodDeclaration
- UnnecessaryDefInVariableDeclaration
- UnnecessaryDotClass
- UnnecessaryDoubleInstantiation
- UnnecessaryElseStatement
- UnnecessaryFinalOnPrivateMethod
- UnnecessaryFloatInstantiation
+ UnnecessaryCollectionCall
+ UnnecessaryConstructor
+ UnnecessaryDefInFieldDeclaration
+ UnnecessaryDefInMethodDeclaration
+ UnnecessaryDefInVariableDeclaration
+ UnnecessaryDotClass
+ UnnecessaryDoubleInstantiation
+ UnnecessaryElseStatement
+ UnnecessaryFinalOnPrivateMethod
+ UnnecessaryFloatInstantiation
// UnnecessaryGString
// UnnecessaryGetter
- UnnecessaryIfStatement
- UnnecessaryInstanceOfCheck
- UnnecessaryInstantiationToGetClass
- UnnecessaryIntegerInstantiation
- UnnecessaryLongInstantiation
- UnnecessaryModOne
- UnnecessaryNullCheck
- UnnecessaryNullCheckBeforeInstanceOf
+ UnnecessaryIfStatement
+ UnnecessaryInstanceOfCheck
+ UnnecessaryInstantiationToGetClass
+ UnnecessaryIntegerInstantiation
+ UnnecessaryLongInstantiation
+ UnnecessaryModOne
+ UnnecessaryNullCheck
+ UnnecessaryNullCheckBeforeInstanceOf
// UnnecessaryObjectReferences
- UnnecessaryOverridingMethod
+ UnnecessaryOverridingMethod
// UnnecessaryPackageReference
- UnnecessaryParenthesesForMethodCallWithClosure
- UnnecessaryPublicModifier
+ UnnecessaryParenthesesForMethodCallWithClosure
+ UnnecessaryPublicModifier
// UnnecessaryReturnKeyword
// UnnecessarySelfAssignment
- UnnecessarySemicolon
- UnnecessaryStringInstantiation
+ UnnecessarySemicolon
+ UnnecessaryStringInstantiation
// UnnecessarySubstring
- UnnecessaryTernaryExpression
- UnnecessaryTransientModifier
+ UnnecessaryTernaryExpression
+ UnnecessaryTransientModifier
- // rulesets/unused.xml
- UnusedArray
+ // rulesets/unused.xml
+ UnusedArray
// UnusedMethodParameter
- UnusedObject
- UnusedPrivateField
- UnusedPrivateMethod
- UnusedPrivateMethodParameter
- UnusedVariable
+ UnusedObject
+ UnusedPrivateField
+ UnusedPrivateMethod
+ UnusedPrivateMethodParameter
+ UnusedVariable