@@ -7,33 +7,72 @@ plugins {
spotless {
java {
- licenseHeaderFile(rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"), "(package|import|public|// Includes work from:)")
+ licenseHeaderFile(
+ rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"),
+ "(package|import|public|// Includes work from:)"
+ )
plugins.withId("groovy") {
groovy {
- licenseHeaderFile(rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"), "(package|import|class)")
+ licenseHeaderFile(
+ rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"),
+ "(package|import|class)"
+ )
plugins.withId("scala") {
scala {
- licenseHeaderFile(rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"), "(package|import|public)")
+ licenseHeaderFile(
+ rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"),
+ "(package|import|public)"
+ )
plugins.withId("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") {
kotlin {
// not sure why it's not using the indent settings from .editorconfig
- ktlint().editorConfigOverride(mapOf("indent_size" to "2", "continuation_indent_size" to "2", "disabled_rules" to "no-wildcard-imports,package-name"))
- licenseHeaderFile(rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"), "(package|import|class|// Includes work from:)")
+ ktlint().editorConfigOverride(
+ mapOf(
+ "indent_size" to "2",
+ "continuation_indent_size" to "2",
+ "max_line_length" to "160",
+ "ktlint_standard_no-wildcard-imports" to "disabled",
+ "ktlint_standard_package-name" to "disabled",
+ // ktlint does not break up long lines, it just fails on them
+ "ktlint_standard_max-line-length" to "disabled",
+ // ktlint makes it *very* hard to locate where this actually happened
+ "ktlint_standard_trailing-comma-on-call-site" to "disabled",
+ // also very hard to find out where this happens
+ "ktlint_standard_wrapping" to "disabled"
+ )
+ )
+ licenseHeaderFile(
+ rootProject.file("buildscripts/spotless.license.java"),
+ "(package|import|class|// Includes work from:)"
+ )
kotlinGradle {
// not sure why it's not using the indent settings from .editorconfig
- ktlint().editorConfigOverride(mapOf("indent_size" to "2", "continuation_indent_size" to "2", "disabled_rules" to "no-wildcard-imports"))
+ ktlint().editorConfigOverride(
+ mapOf(
+ "indent_size" to "2",
+ "continuation_indent_size" to "2",
+ "max_line_length" to "160",
+ "ktlint_standard_no-wildcard-imports" to "disabled",
+ // ktlint does not break up long lines, it just fails on them
+ "ktlint_standard_max-line-length" to "disabled",
+ // ktlint makes it *very* hard to locate where this actually happened
+ "ktlint_standard_trailing-comma-on-call-site" to "disabled",
+ // also very hard to find out where this happens
+ "ktlint_standard_wrapping" to "disabled"
+ )
+ )