@@ -75,11 +75,7 @@ Begin by writing the instrumentation for the library in `library`. This generall
spans as part of the implementation of an interceptor for the library. The module should generally
only depend on the OpenTelemetry API, `instrumentation-common`, and the instrumented library itself.
[instrumentation-library.gradle](./gradle/instrumentation-library.gradle) needs to be applied to
-configure build tooling for the library, e.g., to prevent conflict between manual instrumentation
-loaded by the user and by the agent, we make sure to create a shaded version with no dependencies
-for use from the auto instrumentation at a separate package. To configure this, you must define
-`ext.javaSubPackage` with the name of the sub package under `io.opentelemetry.auto` that the code
-lives in. In this example, we would use `yarpc.v1_0`.
+configure build tooling for the library.
#### Writing unit tests