@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+package io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.api.instrumenter.network.internal;
+import static io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.api.internal.AttributesExtractorUtil.internalSet;
+import io.opentelemetry.api.common.AttributeKey;
+import io.opentelemetry.api.common.AttributesBuilder;
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.api.instrumenter.net.internal.FallbackNamePortGetter;
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.api.instrumenter.network.ServerAttributesGetter;
+import io.opentelemetry.semconv.trace.attributes.SemanticAttributes;
+import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
+import javax.annotation.Nullable;
+ * This class is internal and is hence not for public use. Its APIs are unstable and can change at
+ * any time.
+ */
+public final class InternalServerAttributesExtractor<REQUEST, RESPONSE> {
+ private final ServerAttributesGetter<REQUEST, RESPONSE> getter;
+ private final BiPredicate<Integer, REQUEST> captureServerPortCondition;
+ private final FallbackNamePortGetter<REQUEST> fallbackNamePortGetter;
+ private final boolean emitStableUrlAttributes;
+ private final boolean emitOldHttpAttributes;
+ private final Mode oldSemconvMode;
+ public InternalServerAttributesExtractor(
+ ServerAttributesGetter<REQUEST, RESPONSE> getter,
+ BiPredicate<Integer, REQUEST> captureServerPortCondition,
+ FallbackNamePortGetter<REQUEST> fallbackNamePortGetter,
+ boolean emitStableUrlAttributes,
+ boolean emitOldHttpAttributes,
+ Mode oldSemconvMode) {
+ this.getter = getter;
+ this.captureServerPortCondition = captureServerPortCondition;
+ this.fallbackNamePortGetter = fallbackNamePortGetter;
+ this.emitStableUrlAttributes = emitStableUrlAttributes;
+ this.emitOldHttpAttributes = emitOldHttpAttributes;
+ this.oldSemconvMode = oldSemconvMode;
+ }
+ public void onStart(AttributesBuilder attributes, REQUEST request) {
+ String serverAddress = extractServerAddress(request);
+ if (serverAddress != null) {
+ if (emitStableUrlAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, NetworkAttributes.SERVER_ADDRESS, serverAddress);
+ }
+ if (emitOldHttpAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, oldSemconvMode.address, serverAddress);
+ }
+ Integer serverPort = extractServerPort(request);
+ if (serverPort != null
+ && serverPort > 0
+ && captureServerPortCondition.test(serverPort, request)) {
+ if (emitStableUrlAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, NetworkAttributes.SERVER_PORT, (long) serverPort);
+ }
+ if (emitOldHttpAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, oldSemconvMode.port, (long) serverPort);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void onEnd(AttributesBuilder attributes, REQUEST request, @Nullable RESPONSE response) {
+ String serverAddress = extractServerAddress(request);
+ String serverSocketAddress = getter.getServerSocketAddress(request, response);
+ if (serverSocketAddress != null && !serverSocketAddress.equals(serverAddress)) {
+ if (emitStableUrlAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, NetworkAttributes.SERVER_SOCKET_ADDRESS, serverSocketAddress);
+ }
+ if (emitOldHttpAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, oldSemconvMode.socketAddress, serverSocketAddress);
+ }
+ Integer serverPort = extractServerPort(request);
+ Integer serverSocketPort = getter.getServerSocketPort(request, response);
+ if (serverSocketPort != null
+ && serverSocketPort > 0
+ && !serverSocketPort.equals(serverPort)) {
+ if (emitStableUrlAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, NetworkAttributes.SERVER_SOCKET_PORT, (long) serverSocketPort);
+ }
+ if (emitOldHttpAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, oldSemconvMode.socketPort, (long) serverSocketPort);
+ }
+ }
+ String serverSocketDomain = getter.getServerSocketDomain(request, response);
+ if (serverSocketDomain != null && !serverSocketDomain.equals(serverAddress)) {
+ if (emitStableUrlAttributes) {
+ internalSet(attributes, NetworkAttributes.SERVER_SOCKET_DOMAIN, serverSocketDomain);
+ }
+ if (emitOldHttpAttributes && oldSemconvMode.socketDomain != null) {
+ internalSet(attributes, oldSemconvMode.socketDomain, serverSocketDomain);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String extractServerAddress(REQUEST request) {
+ String serverAddress = getter.getServerAddress(request);
+ if (serverAddress == null) {
+ serverAddress = fallbackNamePortGetter.name(request);
+ }
+ return serverAddress;
+ }
+ private Integer extractServerPort(REQUEST request) {
+ Integer serverPort = getter.getServerPort(request);
+ if (serverPort == null) {
+ serverPort = fallbackNamePortGetter.port(request);
+ }
+ return serverPort;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This class is internal and is hence not for public use. Its APIs are unstable and can change at
+ * any time.
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("ImmutableEnumChecker")
+ public enum Mode {
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_PEER_NAME,
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_PEER_PORT,
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_PEER_NAME,
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_PEER_ADDR,
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_PEER_PORT),
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_HOST_NAME,
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_HOST_PORT,
+ // the old semconv does not have an attribute for this
+ null,
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_HOST_ADDR,
+ SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_HOST_PORT);
+ final AttributeKey<String> address;
+ final AttributeKey<Long> port;
+ @Nullable final AttributeKey<String> socketDomain;
+ final AttributeKey<String> socketAddress;
+ final AttributeKey<Long> socketPort;
+ Mode(
+ AttributeKey<String> address,
+ AttributeKey<Long> port,
+ AttributeKey<String> socketDomain,
+ AttributeKey<String> socketAddress,
+ AttributeKey<Long> socketPort) {
+ this.address = address;
+ this.port = port;
+ this.socketDomain = socketDomain;
+ this.socketAddress = socketAddress;
+ this.socketPort = socketPort;
+ }
+ }