@@ -3,325 +3,13 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.test.AgentTestTrait
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.test.asserts.TraceAssert
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.test.base.HttpServerTest
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.testing.junit.http.ServerEndpoint
-import io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace.data.SpanData
-import io.opentelemetry.semconv.trace.attributes.SemanticAttributes
-import spock.lang.Unroll
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import test.JaxRsTestResource
-import static io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind.INTERNAL
-import static io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind.SERVER
-import static io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode.ERROR
-import static io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.testing.junit.http.ServerEndpoint.EXCEPTION
-import static io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.testing.junit.http.ServerEndpoint.PATH_PARAM
-import static io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.testing.junit.http.ServerEndpoint.SUCCESS
-import static io.opentelemetry.semconv.trace.attributes.SemanticAttributes.NetTransportValues.IP_TCP
-import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS
-import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue
-abstract class JaxRsHttpServerTest<S> extends HttpServerTest<S> implements AgentTestTrait {
- def "test super method without @Path"() {
- given:
- def response = client.get(address.resolve("test-resource-super").toString()).aggregate().join()
- expect:
- response.status().code() == SUCCESS.status
- response.contentUtf8() == SUCCESS.body
- assertTraces(1) {
- trace(0, 2) {
- span(0) {
- hasNoParent()
- kind SERVER
- name getContextPath() + "/test-resource-super"
- }
- span(1) {
- name "controller"
- childOf span(0)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def "test interface method with @Path"() {
- assumeTrue(testInterfaceMethodWithPath())
- given:
- def response = client.get(address.resolve("test-resource-interface/call").toString()).aggregate().join()
- expect:
- response.status().code() == SUCCESS.status
- response.contentUtf8() == SUCCESS.body
- assertTraces(1) {
- trace(0, 2) {
- span(0) {
- hasNoParent()
- kind SERVER
- name getContextPath() + "/test-resource-interface/call"
- }
- span(1) {
- name "controller"
- childOf span(0)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def "test sub resource locator"() {
- given:
- def response = client.get(address.resolve("test-sub-resource-locator/call/sub").toString()).aggregate().join()
- expect:
- response.status().code() == SUCCESS.status
- response.contentUtf8() == SUCCESS.body
- assertTraces(1) {
- trace(0, 5) {
- span(0) {
- hasNoParent()
- kind SERVER
- name getContextPath() + "/test-sub-resource-locator/call/sub"
- }
- span(1) {
- name "JaxRsSubResourceLocatorTestResource.call"
- childOf span(0)
- }
- span(2) {
- name "controller"
- childOf span(1)
- }
- span(3) {
- name "SubResource.call"
- childOf span(0)
- }
- span(4) {
- name "controller"
- childOf span(3)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @Unroll
- def "should handle #desc AsyncResponse"() {
- given:
- def url = address.resolve("async?action=${action}").toString()
- when: "async call is started"
- def futureResponse = client.get(url).aggregate()
- then: "there are no traces yet"
- assertTraces(0) {
- }
- when: "barrier is released and resource class sends response"
- JaxRsTestResource.BARRIER.await(1, SECONDS)
- def response = futureResponse.join()
- then:
- response.status().code() == statusCode
- bodyPredicate(response.contentUtf8())
- def spanCount = 2
- def hasSendError = asyncCancelHasSendError() && action == "cancel"
- if (hasSendError) {
- spanCount++
- }
- assertTraces(1) {
- trace(0, spanCount) {
- asyncServerSpan(it, 0, url, statusCode)
- handlerSpan(it, 1, span(0), "asyncOp", isCancelled, isError, errorMessage)
- if (hasSendError) {
- sendErrorSpan(it, 2, span(1))
- }
- }
- }
- where:
- desc | action | statusCode | bodyPredicate | isCancelled | isError | errorMessage
- "successful" | "succeed" | 200 | { it == "success" } | false | false | null
- "failing" | "throw" | 500 | { it == "failure" } | false | true | "failure"
- "canceled" | "cancel" | 503 | { it instanceof String } | true | false | null
- }
- @Unroll
- def "should handle #desc CompletionStage (JAX-RS 2.1+ only)"() {
- assumeTrue(shouldTestCompletableStageAsync())
- given:
- def url = address.resolve("async-completion-stage?action=${action}").toString()
- when: "async call is started"
- def futureResponse = client.get(url).aggregate()
- then: "there are no traces yet"
- assertTraces(0) {
- }
- when: "barrier is released and resource class sends response"
- JaxRsTestResource.BARRIER.await(1, SECONDS)
- def response = futureResponse.join()
- then:
- response.status().code() == statusCode
- bodyPredicate(response.contentUtf8())
- assertTraces(1) {
- trace(0, 2) {
- asyncServerSpan(it, 0, url, statusCode)
- handlerSpan(it, 1, span(0), "jaxRs21Async", false, isError, errorMessage)
- }
- }
- where:
- desc | action | statusCode | bodyPredicate | isError | errorMessage
- "successful" | "succeed" | 200 | { it == "success" } | false | null
- "failing" | "throw" | 500 | { it == "failure" } | true | "failure"
- }
- @Override
- boolean hasHandlerSpan(ServerEndpoint endpoint) {
- true
- }
- @Override
- boolean testNotFound() {
- false
- }
+abstract class JaxRsHttpServerTest<S> extends AbstractJaxRsHttpServerTest<S> {
- boolean testPathParam() {
- true
- }
- boolean testInterfaceMethodWithPath() {
- true
- }
- boolean asyncCancelHasSendError() {
- false
- }
- boolean shouldTestCompletableStageAsync() {
- Boolean.getBoolean("testLatestDeps")
- }
- @Override
- void serverSpan(TraceAssert trace,
- int index,
- String traceID = null,
- String parentID = null,
- String method = "GET",
- Long responseContentLength = null,
- ServerEndpoint endpoint = SUCCESS) {
- serverSpan(trace, index, traceID, parentID, method,
- endpoint == PATH_PARAM ? getContextPath() + "/path/{id}/param" : endpoint.resolvePath(address).path,
- endpoint.resolve(address),
- endpoint.status,
- endpoint.query)
- }
- void asyncServerSpan(TraceAssert trace,
- int index,
- String url,
- int statusCode) {
- def rawUrl = URI.create(url).toURL()
- serverSpan(trace, index, null, null, "GET",
- rawUrl.path,
- rawUrl.toURI(),
- statusCode,
- null)
- }
- void serverSpan(TraceAssert trace,
- int index,
- String traceID,
- String parentID,
- String method,
- String path,
- URI fullUrl,
- int statusCode,
- String query) {
- trace.span(index) {
- name path
- kind SERVER
- if (statusCode >= 500) {
- status ERROR
- }
- if (parentID != null) {
- traceId traceID
- parentSpanId parentID
- } else {
- hasNoParent()
- }
- attributes {
- "$SemanticAttributes.NET_PEER_IP" { it == null || it == "" } // Optional
- "$SemanticAttributes.NET_PEER_PORT" Long
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_SCHEME" fullUrl.getScheme()
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_HOST" fullUrl.getHost() + ":" + fullUrl.getPort()
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_TARGET" fullUrl.getPath() + (fullUrl.getQuery() != null ? "?" + fullUrl.getQuery() : "")
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_METHOD" method
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_STATUS_CODE" statusCode
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_FLAVOR" "1.1"
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_CLIENT_IP" TEST_CLIENT_IP
- "$SemanticAttributes.NET_TRANSPORT" IP_TCP
- // Optional
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTENT_LENGTH" { it == null || it instanceof Long }
- "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_ROUTE" path
- if (fullUrl.getPath().endsWith(ServerEndpoint.CAPTURE_HEADERS.getPath())) {
- "http.request.header.x_test_request" { it == ["test"] }
- "http.response.header.x_test_response" { it == ["test"] }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- void handlerSpan(TraceAssert trace,
- int index,
- Object parent,
- String method = "GET",
- ServerEndpoint endpoint = SUCCESS) {
- handlerSpan(trace, index, parent,
- endpoint.name().toLowerCase(),
- false,
- endpoint == EXCEPTION,
- }
- void handlerSpan(TraceAssert trace,
- int index,
- Object parent,
- String methodName,
- boolean isCancelled,
- boolean isError,
- String exceptionMessage = null) {
- trace.span(index) {
- name "JaxRsTestResource.${methodName}"
- if (isError) {
- status ERROR
- errorEvent(Exception, exceptionMessage)
- }
- childOf((SpanData) parent)
- attributes {
- "$SemanticAttributes.CODE_NAMESPACE" "test.JaxRsTestResource"
- "$SemanticAttributes.CODE_FUNCTION" methodName
- if (isCancelled) {
- "jaxrs.canceled" true
- }
- }
- }
+ void awaitBarrier(int amount, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
+ JaxRsTestResource.BARRIER.await(amount, timeUnit)