@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ still access helper classes from bootstrap classloader.
#### Agent jar structure
If you now look inside
-`java-agent/build/libs/opentelemetry-javaagent-<version>-all.jar`, you will see the
+`opentelemetry-javaagent/build/libs/opentelemetry-javaagent-<version>-all.jar`, you will see the
following "clusters" of classes:
- `inst/` - contains `agent-tooling` module and `instrumentation` submodules, loaded and isolated inside
@@ -86,10 +86,23 @@ snapshot builds of the `master` branch. They are available from
Build using Java 11:
-```gradle assemble```
+java -version
+./gradlew assemble
+and then generate the -all artifact
+./gradlew :opentelemetry-javaagent:shadowJar
and then you can find the java agent artifact at
### Testing