@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.test.AgentInstrumentationSpecification
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.test.asserts.TraceAssert
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.test.base.HttpServerTestTrait
+import io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace.data.SpanData
+import io.opentelemetry.semconv.trace.attributes.SemanticAttributes
+import io.opentelemetry.testing.internal.armeria.common.AggregatedHttpRequest
+import io.opentelemetry.testing.internal.armeria.common.AggregatedHttpResponse
+import io.opentelemetry.testing.internal.armeria.common.HttpData
+import io.opentelemetry.testing.internal.armeria.common.HttpMethod
+import io.opentelemetry.testing.internal.armeria.common.MediaType
+import io.opentelemetry.testing.internal.armeria.common.QueryParams
+import io.opentelemetry.testing.internal.armeria.common.RequestHeaders
+import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
+import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource
+import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext
+import org.jsoup.Jsoup
+import spock.lang.Unroll
+import static io.opentelemetry.api.trace.SpanKind.INTERNAL
+import static io.opentelemetry.api.trace.StatusCode.ERROR
+abstract class BaseJsfTest extends AgentInstrumentationSpecification implements HttpServerTestTrait<Server> {
+ def setupSpec() {
+ setupServer()
+ }
+ def cleanupSpec() {
+ cleanupServer()
+ }
+ @Override
+ Server startServer(int port) {
+ WebAppContext webAppContext = new WebAppContext()
+ webAppContext.setContextPath(getContextPath())
+ // set up test application
+ webAppContext.setBaseResource(Resource.newSystemResource("test-app"))
+ Resource extraResource = Resource.newSystemResource("test-app-extra")
+ if (extraResource != null) {
+ webAppContext.getMetaData().addWebInfResource(extraResource)
+ }
+ def jettyServer = new Server(port)
+ jettyServer.connectors.each {
+ it.setHost('localhost')
+ }
+ jettyServer.setHandler(webAppContext)
+ jettyServer.start()
+ return jettyServer
+ }
+ @Override
+ void stopServer(Server server) {
+ server.stop()
+ server.destroy()
+ }
+ @Override
+ String getContextPath() {
+ return "/jetty-context"
+ }
+ @Unroll
+ def "test #path"() {
+ setup:
+ AggregatedHttpResponse response = client.get(address.resolve(path).toString()).aggregate().join()
+ expect:
+ response.status().code() == 200
+ response.contentUtf8().trim() == "Hello"
+ and:
+ assertTraces(1) {
+ trace(0, 1) {
+ span(0) {
+ name getContextPath() + "/hello.xhtml"
+ kind SpanKind.SERVER
+ hasNoParent()
+ attributes {
+ "$SemanticAttributes.NET_TRANSPORT" SemanticAttributes.NetTransportValues.IP_TCP
+ "$SemanticAttributes.NET_HOST_NAME" "localhost"
+ "$SemanticAttributes.NET_HOST_PORT" port
+ "$SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_PEER_ADDR" ""
+ "$SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_PEER_PORT" Long
+ "$SemanticAttributes.NET_SOCK_HOST_ADDR" ""
+ "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_METHOD" "GET"
+ "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_SCHEME" "http"
+ "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_TARGET" "/jetty-context/" + path
+ "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_FLAVOR" SemanticAttributes.HttpFlavorValues.HTTP_1_1
+ "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_STATUS_CODE" 200
+ "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_ROUTE" "/jetty-context/" + route
+ "$SemanticAttributes.HTTP_CLIENT_IP" { it == null || it == TEST_CLIENT_IP }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ where:
+ path | route
+ "hello.xhtml" | "*.xhtml"
+ "faces/hello.xhtml" | "faces/*"
+ }
+ def "test greeting"() {
+ // we need to display the page first before posting data to it
+ setup:
+ AggregatedHttpResponse response = client.get(address.resolve("greeting.xhtml").toString()).aggregate().join()
+ def doc = Jsoup.parse(response.contentUtf8())
+ expect:
+ response.status().code() == 200
+ doc.selectFirst("title").text() == "Hello, World!"
+ and:
+ assertTraces(1) {
+ trace(0, 1) {
+ span(0) {
+ name getContextPath() + "/greeting.xhtml"
+ kind SpanKind.SERVER
+ hasNoParent()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clearExportedData()
+ when:
+ // extract parameters needed to post back form
+ def viewState = doc.selectFirst("[name=jakarta.faces.ViewState]")?.val()
+ def formAction = doc.selectFirst("#app-form").attr("action")
+ def jsessionid = formAction.substring(formAction.indexOf("jsessionid=") + "jsessionid=".length())
+ then:
+ viewState != null
+ jsessionid != null
+ when:
+ // set up form parameter for post
+ QueryParams formBody = QueryParams.builder()
+ .add("app-form", "app-form")
+ // value used for name is returned in app-form:output-message element
+ .add("app-form:name", "test")
+ .add("app-form:submit", "Say hello")
+ .add("app-form_SUBMIT", "1") // MyFaces
+ .add("jakarta.faces.ViewState", viewState)
+ .build()
+ // use the session created for first request
+ def request2 = AggregatedHttpRequest.of(
+ RequestHeaders.builder(HttpMethod.POST, address.resolve("greeting.xhtml;jsessionid=" + jsessionid).toString())
+ .contentType(MediaType.FORM_DATA)
+ .build(),
+ HttpData.ofUtf8(formBody.toQueryString()))
+ AggregatedHttpResponse response2 = client.execute(request2).aggregate().join()
+ def responseContent = response2.contentUtf8()
+ def doc2 = Jsoup.parse(responseContent)
+ then:
+ response2.status().code() == 200
+ doc2.getElementById("app-form:output-message").text() == "Hello test"
+ and:
+ assertTraces(1) {
+ trace(0, 2) {
+ span(0) {
+ name getContextPath() + "/greeting.xhtml"
+ kind SpanKind.SERVER
+ hasNoParent()
+ }
+ handlerSpan(it, 1, span(0), "#{greetingForm.submit()}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def "test exception"() {
+ // we need to display the page first before posting data to it
+ setup:
+ AggregatedHttpResponse response = client.get(address.resolve("greeting.xhtml").toString()).aggregate().join()
+ def doc = Jsoup.parse(response.contentUtf8())
+ expect:
+ response.status().code() == 200
+ doc.selectFirst("title").text() == "Hello, World!"
+ and:
+ assertTraces(1) {
+ trace(0, 1) {
+ span(0) {
+ name getContextPath() + "/greeting.xhtml"
+ kind SpanKind.SERVER
+ hasNoParent()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clearExportedData()
+ when:
+ // extract parameters needed to post back form
+ def viewState = doc.selectFirst("[name=jakarta.faces.ViewState]").val()
+ def formAction = doc.selectFirst("#app-form").attr("action")
+ def jsessionid = formAction.substring(formAction.indexOf("jsessionid=") + "jsessionid=".length())
+ then:
+ viewState != null
+ jsessionid != null
+ when:
+ // set up form parameter for post
+ QueryParams formBody = QueryParams.builder()
+ .add("app-form", "app-form")
+ // setting name parameter to "exception" triggers throwing exception in GreetingForm
+ .add("app-form:name", "exception")
+ .add("app-form:submit", "Say hello")
+ .add("app-form_SUBMIT", "1") // MyFaces
+ .add("jakarta.faces.ViewState", viewState)
+ .build()
+ // use the session created for first request
+ def request2 = AggregatedHttpRequest.of(
+ RequestHeaders.builder(HttpMethod.POST, address.resolve("greeting.xhtml;jsessionid=" + jsessionid).toString())
+ .contentType(MediaType.FORM_DATA)
+ .build(),
+ HttpData.ofUtf8(formBody.toQueryString()))
+ AggregatedHttpResponse response2 = client.execute(request2).aggregate().join()
+ then:
+ response2.status().code() == 500
+ def ex = new Exception("submit exception")
+ and:
+ assertTraces(1) {
+ trace(0, 2) {
+ span(0) {
+ name getContextPath() + "/greeting.xhtml"
+ kind SpanKind.SERVER
+ hasNoParent()
+ status ERROR
+ errorEvent(ex.class, ex.message)
+ }
+ handlerSpan(it, 1, span(0), "#{greetingForm.submit()}", ex)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void handlerSpan(TraceAssert trace, int index, Object parent, String spanName, Exception expectedException = null) {
+ trace.span(index) {
+ name spanName
+ if (expectedException != null) {
+ status ERROR
+ errorEvent(expectedException.getClass(), expectedException.getMessage())
+ }
+ childOf((SpanData) parent)
+ }
+ }