@@ -6,40 +6,45 @@
package io.opentelemetry.javaagent.instrumentation.metro;
import com.sun.xml.ws.api.message.Packet;
-import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.api.servlet.ServerSpanNameSupplier;
+import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
+import io.opentelemetry.context.Context;
+import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.api.tracer.ServerSpan;
import io.opentelemetry.javaagent.bootstrap.servlet.ServletContextPath;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.xml.ws.handler.MessageContext;
-public class MetroServerSpanNaming {
+public final class MetroServerSpanNaming {
- public static final ServerSpanNameSupplier<MetroRequest> SERVER_SPAN_NAME =
- (context, metroRequest) -> {
- String spanName = metroRequest.spanName();
- if (spanName == null) {
- return null;
- }
+ public static void updateServerSpanName(Context context, MetroRequest metroRequest) {
+ String spanName = metroRequest.spanName();
+ if (spanName == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Span serverSpan = ServerSpan.fromContextOrNull(context);
+ if (serverSpan == null) {
+ return;
+ }
- Packet packet = metroRequest.packet();
- HttpServletRequest request =
- (HttpServletRequest) packet.get(MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST);
- if (request != null) {
- String servletPath = request.getServletPath();
- if (!servletPath.isEmpty()) {
- String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();
- if (pathInfo != null) {
- spanName = servletPath + "/" + spanName;
- } else {
- // when pathInfo is null then there is a servlet that is mapped to this exact service
- // servletPath already contains the service name
- String operationName = packet.getWSDLOperation().getLocalPart();
- spanName = servletPath + "/" + operationName;
- }
- }
+ Packet packet = metroRequest.packet();
+ HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) packet.get(MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST);
+ if (request != null) {
+ String servletPath = request.getServletPath();
+ if (!servletPath.isEmpty()) {
+ String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();
+ if (pathInfo != null) {
+ spanName = servletPath + "/" + spanName;
+ } else {
+ // when pathInfo is null then there is a servlet that is mapped to this exact service
+ // servletPath already contains the service name
+ String operationName = packet.getWSDLOperation().getLocalPart();
+ spanName = servletPath + "/" + operationName;
+ }
+ }
- return ServletContextPath.prepend(context, spanName);
- };
+ serverSpan.updateName(ServletContextPath.prepend(context, spanName));
+ }
private MetroServerSpanNaming() {}