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Update change log (#8723)

Trask Stalnaker 1 year ago
1 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 98 0

+ 98 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,104 @@
 ## Unreleased
+### Migration notes
+- Jersey 3.0 instrumentation suppression keys have changed from `jaxrs-2.0` to `jaxrs-3.0`,
+  and from `jersey-2.0` to `jersey-3.0`
+  ([#8486](
+- The `opentelemetry-runtime-metrics` artifact has been renamed and split into
+  `opentelemetry-runtime-telemetry-java8` and `opentelemetry-runtime-telemetry-java17`
+  ([#8165](,
+   [#8715](
+- `InetSocketAddressNetServerAttributesGetter` and `InetSocketAddressNetClientAttributesGetter`
+  have been deprecated
+  ([#8341](,
+   [#8591](
+- The new HTTP and network semantic conventions can be opted into using either the system
+  property `otel.semconv-stability.opt-in` or the environment variable
+  `OTEL_SEMCONV_STABILITY_OPT_IN`, which support two values:
+  - `http` - emit the new, stable HTTP and networking attributes, and stop emitting the old
+   experimental HTTP and networking attributes that the instrumentation emitted previously.
+  - `http/dup` - emit both the old and the stable HTTP and networking attributes, allowing
+    for a more seamless transition.
+  - The default behavior (in the absence of one of these values) is to continue emitting
+    the same HTTP and network semantic conventions that were emitted in `1.26.0`.
+  - Note: this option will be removed later this year after the new HTTP and network
+    semantic conventions are marked stable, at which time the Java instrumentation version
+    will be bumped from 1.x to 2.0, and the old HTTP and network semantic conventions will
+    no longer be supported.
+### 🌟 New javaagent instrumentation
+- Quarkus RESTEasy Reactive
+  ([#8487](
+- Reactor Kafka
+  ([#8439](,
+   [#8529](
+### 📈 Enhancements
+- Use histogram advice in the Micrometer bridge
+  ([#8334](
+- Disable by default gauge-based histograms in the Micrometer bridge
+  ([#8360](
+- Specify ...jvm.gc.duration buckets using advice API
+  ([#8436](
+- Make spanKindExtractor configurable in Ktor instrumentations
+  ([#8255](
+- aws-sdk-2.2: Support non-X-Ray propagation for SQS
+  ([#8405](
+- Implement HTTP resend spec for OkHttp 3
+  ([#7652](
+- Use jakarta.servlet.error.exception request attribute on jetty11
+  ([#8503](
+- Provide spring-boot-autoconfigure configuration metadata
+  ([#8516](
+- Read AWS lambda tracing info from `com.amazonaws.xray.traceHeader` system property
+  ([#8368](
+- Skip not decorator check for classes in boot loader
+  ([#8594](
+- Change context propagation debug failures from error to warn
+  ([#8601](
+- JavaScript Snippet Injection Support Servlet 5
+  ([#8569](
+- Faster type matching
+  ([#8525](
+- Explicitly disable the logging exporter by default to override the upcoming SDK autoconfigure
+  module change in 1.27.0 and preserve existing behavior
+  ([#8647](
+- Support otel.sdk.disabled in the spring boot starter
+  ([#8602](
+- Add OTLP log exporter to the OpenTelemetry Spring Starter
+  ([#8493](
+- Suppress Spring Actuator instrumentation when micrometer instrumentation is suppressed
+  ([#8677](
+- Replace "1" with the appropriate units and don't fall back to "1" if the unit is unknown
+  ([#8668](
+- Added setOpenTelemetry method to log4j appender
+  ([#8231](
+### 🛠️ Bug fixes
+- Fix using logback mdc instrumentation along with SocketAppender
+  ([#8498](
+- Fix failure when kafka metrics reporter is set to an empty string
+  ([#8523](
+- Remove extra space from kubernetes client span name
+  ([#8540](
+- Fix jetty context leak
+  ([#8552](
+- Filter out scalar Mono/Flux instances
+  ([#8571](
+- End netty client span when channel is closed
+  ([#8605](
+- Unregistering jmx gc metrics on close
+  ([#8650](
+- Fix snippet injection ClassCastException
+  ([#8701](
+- Only instrument the actual Spring `TaskScheduler` implementations
+  ([#8676](
 ## Version 1.26.0 (2023-05-11)
 ### Migration notes