@@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ The [third section](#auto-instrumentation-using-spring-starters) with build on t
In this guide we will be using a running example. In section one and two, we will create two spring web services using Spring Boot. We will then trace requests between these services using two different approaches. Finally, in section three we will explore tools documented in [opentelemetry-spring-boot-autoconfigure](/spring-boot-autoconfigure/README.md#features) which can improve this process.
+# Settings
+| System property | Type | Default | Description |
+| `otel.instrumentation.spring-integration.global-channel-interceptor-patterns` | List | `*` | An array of Spring channel name patterns that will be intercepted. See [Spring Integration docs](https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/channel.html#global-channel-configuration-interceptors) for more details. |
+| `otel.instrumentation.spring-webflux.experimental-span-attributes` | Boolean | `false` | Enable the capture of experimental span attributes for Spring WebFlux version 5.0. |
+| `otel.instrumentation.spring-webmvc.experimental-span-attributes` | Boolean | `false` | Enable the capture of experimental span attributes for Sprinv Web MVC 3.1. |
# Manual Instrumentation Guide
## Create two Spring Projects