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Migrate projects with isolateSpec to kotlin (#3447)

* Migrate projects with isolateSpec to kotlin

* Migrate
Anuraag Agrawal 3 years ago

+ 0 - 159

@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
-import com.github.jk1.license.filter.LicenseBundleNormalizer
-import com.github.jk1.license.render.InventoryMarkdownReportRenderer
-plugins {
-  id "otel.shadow-conventions"
-  id "com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report" version "1.16"
-  id("")
-  id("otel.publish-conventions")
-description = 'OpenTelemetry Javaagent'
-group = 'io.opentelemetry.javaagent'
-configurations {
-  shadowInclude {
-    canBeResolved = true
-    canBeConsumed = false
-  }
-processResources {
-  from(rootProject.file("licenses")) {
-    into("META-INF/licenses")
-  }
-jar {
-  manifest {
-    attributes(
-      "Main-Class": "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
-      "Agent-Class": "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
-      "Premain-Class": "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
-      "Can-Redefine-Classes": true,
-      "Can-Retransform-Classes": true,
-    )
-  }
-CopySpec isolateSpec(Collection<Project> projectsWithShadowJar) {
-  return copySpec {
-    from({ projectsWithShadowJar.tasks.shadowJar.collect { zipTree(it.archiveFile) } }) {
-      // important to keep prefix 'inst' short, as it is prefixed to lots of strings in runtime mem
-      into 'inst'
-      rename '(^.*)\\.class$', '$1.classdata'
-      // Rename LICENSE file since it clashes with license dir on non-case sensitive FSs (i.e. Mac)
-      rename '^LICENSE$', 'LICENSE.renamed'
-    }
-  }
-//Includes everything needed for OOTB experience
-shadowJar {
-  archiveClassifier.set("all")
-  def projectsWithShadowJar = [project(':instrumentation'), project(":javaagent-exporters")]
-  projectsWithShadowJar.each {
-    dependsOn("${it.path}:shadowJar")
-  }
-  with isolateSpec(projectsWithShadowJar)
-  duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
-//Includes instrumentations, but not exporters
-task lightShadow(type: ShadowJar) {
-  archiveClassifier.set("")
-  dependsOn ':instrumentation:shadowJar'
-  def projectsWithShadowJar = [project(':instrumentation')]
-  with isolateSpec(projectsWithShadowJar)
-// lightShadow is the default classifier we publish so disable the default jar.
-jar.enabled = false
-publishing {
-  publications {
-    maven(MavenPublication) {
-      artifact lightShadow
-    }
-  }
-tasks.withType(ShadowJar).configureEach {
-  configurations = [project.configurations.shadowInclude]
-  manifest {
-    inheritFrom project.tasks.jar.manifest
-  }
-configurations {
-  licenseReportDependencies
-dependencies {
-  testCompileOnly project(':javaagent-bootstrap')
-  testCompileOnly project(':javaagent-api')
-  testImplementation ""
-  testImplementation 'io.opentracing.contrib.dropwizard:dropwizard-opentracing:0.2.2'
-  shadowInclude project(path: ':javaagent-bootstrap')
-  // We only have compileOnly dependencies on these to make sure they don't leak into POMs.
-  licenseReportDependencies("com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine") {
-    transitive = false
-  }
-  licenseReportDependencies "com.blogspot.mydailyjava:weak-lock-free"
-  // TODO ideally this would be :instrumentation instead of :javaagent-tooling
-  //  in case there are dependencies (accidentally) pulled in by instrumentation modules
-  //  but I couldn't get that to work
-  licenseReportDependencies project(':javaagent-tooling')
-  licenseReportDependencies project(':javaagent-extension-api')
-  licenseReportDependencies project(':javaagent-bootstrap')
-tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
-  inputs.file(shadowJar.archiveFile)
-  jvmArgs "-Dotel.javaagent.debug=true"
-  doFirst {
-    // Defining here to allow jacoco to be first on the command line.
-    jvmArgs "-javaagent:${shadowJar.archivePath}"
-  }
-  testLogging {
-    events "started"
-  }
-  dependsOn shadowJar
-assemble.dependsOn lightShadow
-assemble.dependsOn shadowJar
-licenseReport {
-  outputDir = rootProject.file("licenses")
-  renderers = [new InventoryMarkdownReportRenderer()]
-  configurations = ["licenseReportDependencies"]
-  excludeGroups = [
-    "io.opentelemetry.instrumentation",
-    "io.opentelemetry.javaagent"
-  ]
-  filters = [new LicenseBundleNormalizer(bundlePath: "$projectDir/license-normalizer-bundle.json")]
-def cleanLicenses = tasks.register("cleanLicenses", Delete) {
-  delete(rootProject.file("licenses"))
-tasks.named("generateLicenseReport").configure {
-  dependsOn(cleanLicenses)

+ 157 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
+import com.github.jk1.license.filter.LicenseBundleNormalizer
+import com.github.jk1.license.render.InventoryMarkdownReportRenderer
+plugins {
+  id("com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report")
+  id("")
+  id("otel.publish-conventions")
+  id("otel.shadow-conventions")
+description = "OpenTelemetry Javaagent"
+group = "io.opentelemetry.javaagent"
+val shadowInclude by configurations.creating {
+  isCanBeResolved = true
+  isCanBeConsumed = false
+fun isolateSpec(projectsWithShadowJar: Collection<Project>): CopySpec = copySpec {
+  from( { zipTree(it.tasks.getByName<ShadowJar>("shadowJar").archiveFile) }) {
+    // important to keep prefix "inst" short, as it is prefixed to lots of strings in runtime mem
+    into("inst")
+    rename("""(^.*)\.class$""", "$1.classdata")
+    // Rename LICENSE file since it clashes with license dir on non-case sensitive FSs (i.e. Mac)
+    rename("""^LICENSE$""", "LICENSE.renamed")
+  }
+tasks {
+  processResources.configure {
+    from(rootProject.file("licenses")) {
+      into("META-INF/licenses")
+    }
+  }
+  //Includes everything needed for OOTB experience
+  val shadowJar by existing(ShadowJar::class) {
+    archiveClassifier.set("all")
+    val projectsWithShadowJar = listOf(project(":instrumentation"), project(":javaagent-exporters"))
+    projectsWithShadowJar.forEach {
+      dependsOn("${it.path}:shadowJar")
+    }
+    with(isolateSpec(projectsWithShadowJar))
+    duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
+  }
+  //Includes instrumentations, but not exporters
+  val lightShadow by registering(ShadowJar::class) {
+    archiveClassifier.set("")
+    dependsOn(":instrumentation:shadowJar")
+    val projectsWithShadowJar = listOf(project(":instrumentation"))
+    with(isolateSpec(projectsWithShadowJar))
+  }
+  // lightShadow is the default classifier we publish so disable the default jar.
+  jar.configure {
+    enabled = false
+    manifest {
+      attributes(
+        "Main-Class" to "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
+        "Agent-Class" to "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
+        "Premain-Class" to "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
+        "Can-Redefine-Classes" to true,
+        "Can-Retransform-Classes" to true
+      )
+    }
+  }
+  withType<ShadowJar>().configureEach {
+    configurations = listOf(shadowInclude)
+    manifest.inheritFrom(jar.get().manifest)
+  }
+  withType<Test>().configureEach {
+    inputs.file(shadowJar.get().archiveFile)
+    jvmArgs("-Dotel.javaagent.debug=true")
+    doFirst {
+      // Defining here to allow jacoco to be first on the command line.
+      jvmArgs("-javaagent:${shadowJar.get().archivePath}")
+    }
+    testLogging {
+      events("started")
+    }
+    dependsOn(shadowJar)
+  }
+  named("assemble") {
+    dependsOn(lightShadow)
+    dependsOn(shadowJar)
+  }
+  val cleanLicenses by registering(Delete::class) {
+    delete(rootProject.file("licenses"))
+  }
+  named("generateLicenseReport").configure {
+    dependsOn(cleanLicenses)
+  }
+  publishing {
+    publications {
+      named<MavenPublication>("maven") {
+        artifact(lightShadow)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+val licenseReportDependencies by configurations.creating
+dependencies {
+  testCompileOnly(project(":javaagent-bootstrap"))
+  testCompileOnly(project(":javaagent-api"))
+  testImplementation("")
+  testImplementation("io.opentracing.contrib.dropwizard:dropwizard-opentracing:0.2.2")
+  shadowInclude(project(":javaagent-bootstrap"))
+  // We only have compileOnly dependencies on these to make sure they don"t leak into POMs.
+  licenseReportDependencies("com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine") {
+    isTransitive = false
+  }
+  licenseReportDependencies("com.blogspot.mydailyjava:weak-lock-free")
+  // TODO ideally this would be :instrumentation instead of :javaagent-tooling
+  //  in case there are dependencies (accidentally) pulled in by instrumentation modules
+  //  but I couldn"t get that to work
+  licenseReportDependencies(project(":javaagent-tooling"))
+  licenseReportDependencies(project(":javaagent-extension-api"))
+  licenseReportDependencies(project(":javaagent-bootstrap"))
+licenseReport {
+  outputDir = rootProject.file("licenses").absolutePath
+  renderers = arrayOf(InventoryMarkdownReportRenderer())
+  configurations = arrayOf("licenseReportDependencies")
+  excludeGroups = arrayOf(
+    "io.opentelemetry.instrumentation",
+    "io.opentelemetry.javaagent"
+  )
+  filters = arrayOf(LicenseBundleNormalizer("$projectDir/license-normalizer-bundle.json", true))

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 pluginManagement {
   plugins {
     id 'com.github.ben-manes.versions' version '0.39.0'
+    id "com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report" version "1.16"
     id "io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin" version "1.1.0"
     id "me.champeau.jmh" version "0.6.5"
     id "net.ltgt.nullaway" version "1.1.0"

+ 0 - 87

@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-plugins {
-  id("otel.shadow-conventions")
-  id("")
-  id("otel.publish-conventions")
-description = 'OpenTelemetry Javaagent for testing'
-group = 'io.opentelemetry.javaagent'
-jar {
-  manifest {
-    attributes(
-      "Main-Class": "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
-      "Agent-Class": "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
-      "Premain-Class": "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
-      "Can-Redefine-Classes": true,
-      "Can-Retransform-Classes": true,
-    )
-  }
-CopySpec isolateSpec(Collection<Jar> shadowJarTasks) {
-  return copySpec {
-    from({ shadowJarTasks.collect { zipTree(it.archiveFile) } }) {
-      // important to keep prefix 'inst' short, as it is prefixed to lots of strings in runtime mem
-      into 'inst'
-      rename '(^.*)\\.class$', '$1.classdata'
-      // Rename LICENSE file since it clashes with license dir on non-case sensitive FSs (i.e. Mac)
-      rename '^LICENSE$', 'LICENSE.renamed'
-    }
-  }
-configurations {
-  shadowInclude {
-    canBeResolved = true
-    canBeConsumed = false
-  }
-shadowJar {
-  configurations = [project.configurations.shadowInclude]
-  archiveClassifier.set("")
-  dependsOn ':testing:agent-exporter:shadowJar'
-  with isolateSpec([project(':testing:agent-exporter').tasks.shadowJar])
-  manifest {
-    inheritFrom project.tasks.jar.manifest
-  }
-jar {
-  enabled = false
-dependencies {
-  // Dependencies to include without obfuscation.
-  shadowInclude project(':javaagent-bootstrap')
-  testImplementation project(':testing-common')
-  testImplementation "io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api"
-afterEvaluate {
-  tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
-    inputs.file(shadowJar.archiveFile)
-    jvmArgs "-Dotel.javaagent.debug=true"
-    jvmArgs "-javaagent:${shadowJar.archiveFile.get().asFile.absolutePath}"
-    dependsOn shadowJar
-  }
-// Because shadow does not use default configurations
-publishing {
-  publications {
-    maven {
-      project.shadow.component(it)
-    }
-  }

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
+plugins {
+  id("otel.shadow-conventions")
+  id("")
+  id("otel.publish-conventions")
+description = "OpenTelemetry Javaagent for testing"
+group = "io.opentelemetry.javaagent"
+fun isolateSpec(shadowJarTasks: Collection<Jar>): CopySpec = copySpec {
+  from( { zipTree(it.archiveFile) }) {
+    // important to keep prefix "inst" short, as it is prefixed to lots of strings in runtime mem
+    into("inst")
+    rename("""(^.*)\.class$""", "$1.classdata")
+    // Rename LICENSE file since it clashes with license dir on non-case sensitive FSs (i.e. Mac)
+    rename("""^LICENSE$""", "LICENSE.renamed")
+  }
+val shadowInclude by configurations.creating {
+  isCanBeResolved = true
+  isCanBeConsumed = false
+tasks {
+  jar.configure {
+    enabled = false
+    manifest {
+      attributes(
+        "Main-Class" to "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
+        "Agent-Class" to "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
+        "Premain-Class" to "io.opentelemetry.javaagent.OpenTelemetryAgent",
+        "Can-Redefine-Classes" to true,
+        "Can-Retransform-Classes" to true
+      )
+    }
+  }
+  val shadowJar by existing(ShadowJar::class) {
+    configurations = listOf(shadowInclude)
+    archiveClassifier.set("")
+    dependsOn(":testing:agent-exporter:shadowJar")
+    with(isolateSpec(listOf(project(":testing:agent-exporter").tasks.getByName<ShadowJar>("shadowJar"))))
+    manifest.inheritFrom(jar.get().manifest)
+  }
+  afterEvaluate {
+    withType<Test>().configureEach {
+      inputs.file(shadowJar.get().archiveFile)
+      jvmArgs("-Dotel.javaagent.debug=true")
+      jvmArgs("-javaagent:${shadowJar.get().archiveFile.get().asFile.absolutePath}")
+      dependsOn(shadowJar)
+    }
+  }
+dependencies {
+  // Dependencies to include without obfuscation.
+  shadowInclude(project(":javaagent-bootstrap"))
+  testImplementation(project(":testing-common"))
+  testImplementation("io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-api")
+// Because shadow does not use default configurations
+publishing {
+  publications {
+    named<MavenPublication>("maven") {
+      project.shadow.component(this)
+    }
+  }