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+# OpenTelemetry Java Instrumentation Versioning
+## Compatibility requirements
+Artifacts in this repository follow the same compatibility requirements described in
+EXCEPT for the following incompatible changes which are allowed in stable artifacts in this
+* Changes to the telemetry produced by instrumentation
+ (there will be some guarantees about telemetry stability in the future, see discussions
+ in https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/issues/1301)
+* Changes to configuration properties that contain the word `experimental`
+* Changes to configuration properties under the namespace `otel.javaagent.testing`
+This means that:
+* Changes to configuration properties (other than those that contain the word `experimental`
+ or are under the namespace `otel.javaagent.testing`) will be considered breaking changes
+ (unless they only affect telemetry produced by instrumentation)
+## Stable vs alpha
+See https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/blob/main/VERSIONING.md#stable-vs-alpha
+Not all of our artifacts are published as stable artifacts - any non-stable artifact has the suffix
+`-alpha` on its version. NONE of the guarantees described above apply to alpha artifacts. They may
+require code or environment changes on every release and are not meant for consumption for users
+where versioning stability is important.