@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ val latestReleasedVersion: String by lazy {
// hack to find the current released version of the project
val temp: Configuration = configurations.create("tempConfig")
// pick the agent, since it's always there.
- dependencies.add(temp.name,"io.opentelemetry.javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent:latest.release")
+ dependencies.add(temp.name, "io.opentelemetry.javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent:latest.release")
val moduleVersion = configurations["tempConfig"].resolvedConfiguration.firstLevelModuleDependencies.elementAt(0).moduleVersion
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fun findArtifact(version: String): File {
// Temporarily change the group name because we want to fetch an artifact with the same
// Maven coordinates as the project, which Gradle would not allow otherwise.
group = "virtual_group"
- val depJar = "${base.archivesName.get()}-${version}.jar"
+ val depJar = "${base.archivesName.get()}-$version.jar"
val configuration: Configuration = configurations.detachedConfiguration(
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tasks {
?: file(getByName<Jar>("jar").archiveFile)
newClasspath = files(newArtifact)
- //only output changes, not everything
+ // only output changes, not everything
isOnlyModified = true
// the japicmp "old" version is either the user-specified one, or the latest release.
@@ -62,18 +62,17 @@ tasks {
oldClasspath = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
- //if we can't find the baseline artifact, this is probably one that's never been published before,
- //so publish the whole API. We do that by flipping this flag, and comparing the current against nothing.
+ // if we can't find the baseline artifact, this is probably one that's never been published before,
+ // so publish the whole API. We do that by flipping this flag, and comparing the current against nothing.
isOnlyModified = false
- //this is needed so that we only consider the current artifact, and not dependencies
+ // this is needed so that we only consider the current artifact, and not dependencies
isIgnoreMissingClasses = true
packageExcludes = listOf("*.internal", "*.internal.*")
val baseVersionString = if (apiBaseVersion == null) "latest" else baselineVersion
val newVersionString = if (apiNewVersion == null) "current" else apiNewVersion
- txtOutputFile = file("$rootDir/docs/apidiffs/${newVersionString}_vs_${baseVersionString}/${base.archivesName.get()}.txt")
+ txtOutputFile = file("$rootDir/docs/apidiffs/${newVersionString}_vs_$baseVersionString/${base.archivesName.get()}.txt")