@@ -51,21 +51,8 @@ public class AzureSdkInstrumentationModule extends InstrumentationModule {
public static class EmptyTypeInstrumentation implements TypeInstrumentation {
public ElementMatcher<TypeDescription> typeMatcher() {
- // we cannot use com.azure.core.http.policy.AfterRetryPolicyProvider
- // or com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer here because we inject classes that implement these
- // interfaces, causing the first one of these interfaces to be transformed to cause itself to
- // be loaded (again), which leads to duplicate class definition error after the interface is
- // transformed and the triggering class loader tries to load it.
- //
- // this is a list of all classes that call one of these:
- // * ServiceLoader.load(AfterRetryPolicyProvider.class)
- // * ServiceLoader.load(Tracer.class)
- return named("com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPolicyProviders")
- .or(named("com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy"))
- .or(named("com.azure.cosmos.CosmosAsyncClient"))
- .or(named("com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.EventHubClientBuilder"))
- .or(named("com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.EventProcessorClientBuilder"))
- .or(named("com.azure.messaging.servicebus.ServiceBusClientBuilder"));
+ return named("com.azure.core.http.policy.AfterRetryPolicyProvider")
+ .or(named("com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer"));