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Update and extend the doc (#4443)

* Update and extend the doc

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Fabrizio Ferri-Benedetti <>

* Reformat; added a tiny bit of explanation about the classloader separation thing

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Trask Stalnaker <>

* fix that 'testing strategy' part

Co-authored-by: Fabrizio Ferri-Benedetti <>
Co-authored-by: Trask Stalnaker <>
Mateusz Rzeszutek 3 years ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Using the `Instrumenter` API

+ 298 - 77

@@ -34,97 +34,327 @@ agent instrumentation.
 ## Folder Structure
-Please also refer to some of our existing instrumentation for examples of our structure, for example,
+Refer to some of our existing instrumentations for examples of the folder structure, for example:
-When writing new instrumentation, create a new subfolder of `instrumentation` to correspond to the
-instrumented library and the oldest version being targeted. Ideally an old version of the library is
-targeted in a way that the instrumentation applies to a large range of versions, but this may be
-restricted by the interception APIs provided by the library.
+When writing new instrumentation, create a directory inside `instrumentation` that corresponds to
+the instrumented library and the oldest version being targeted. Ideally an old version of the
+library is targeted in a way that the instrumentation applies to a large range of versions, but this
+may be restricted by the interception APIs provided by the library.
-Within the subfolder, create three folders `library` (skip if library instrumentation is not possible),
-`javaagent`, and `testing`.
+Within the subfolder, create three folders `library` (skip if library instrumentation is not
+possible),`javaagent`, and `testing`.
-For example, if we are targeting an RPC framework `yarpc` at version `1.0` we would have a tree like
+For example, if you are targeting the RPC framework `yarpc` at version `1.0`, you would have a
+directory tree like the following:
 instrumentation ->
     yarpc-1.0 ->
-            yarpc-1.0-javaagent.gradle
+            build.gradle.kts
-            yarpc-1.0-library.gradle
+            build.gradle.kts
-            yarpc-1.0-testing.gradle
+            build.gradle.kts
-and in the top level `settings.gradle`
+The top level `settings.gradle.kts` file would contain the following:
-include 'instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:javaagent'
-include 'instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:library'
-include 'instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:testing'
 ## Writing library instrumentation
-Begin by writing the instrumentation for the library in `library`. This generally involves defining a
-`Tracer` and using the typed tracers in our `instrumentation-common` library to create and annotate
-spans as part of the implementation of an interceptor for the library. The module should generally
-only depend on the OpenTelemetry API, `instrumentation-common`, and the instrumented library itself.
-[instrumentation-library.gradle](../../gradle/instrumentation-library.gradle) needs to be applied to
-configure build tooling for the library.
+Start by creating the `build.gradle.kts` file in the `library`
+plugins {
+  id("otel.library-instrumentation")
+The `otel.library-instrumentation` gradle plugin will apply all the default settings and configure
+build tooling for the library instrumentation module.
+By convention, OpenTelemetry library instrumentations are centered around `*Tracing`
+and `*TracingBuilder` classes. These two are usually the only public classes in the whole module.
+Keep the amount of public classes and methods as small as possible.
+Start by creating a `YarpcTracing` class:
+public final class YarpcTracing {
+  public static YarpcTracing create(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
+    return builder(openTelemetry).build();
+  }
+  public static YarpcTracingBuilder builder(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
+    return new YarpcTracingBuilder(openTelemetry);
+  }
+  // ...
+  YarpcTracing() {}
+  public Interceptor newTracingInterceptor() {
+    // ...
+  }
+By convention, the `YarpcTracing` class exposes the `create()` and `builder()` methods as the only
+way of constructing a new instance; the constructor must be kept package-private (at most). Most of
+the configuration/construction logic happens in the builder class. Don't expose any other way of
+creating a new instance other than using the builder.
+The `newTracingInterceptor()` method listed in the example code returns an implementation of one of
+the library interfaces which adds the telemetry. This part might look different for every
+instrumented library: some of them expose interceptor/listener interfaces that can be easily plugged
+into the library, some others have a library interface that you can use to implement a decorator that
+emits telemetry when used.
+Consider the following builder class:
+public final class YarpcTracingBuilder {
+  YarpcTracingBuilder(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {}
+  // ...
+  public YarpcTracing build() {
+    // ...
+  }
+The builder must have a package-private constructor, so that the only way of creating a new one is
+calling the `YarpcTracing#builder()` method and a public `build()` method that will return a new,
+properly configured `YarpcTracing` instance.
+The library instrumentation builders can contain configuration settings that let you customize the
+behavior of the instrumentation. Most of these options are used to configure the
+underlying `Instrumenter` instance that's used to encapsulate the whole telemetry generation
+The configuration and usage of the `Instrumenter` class is described in
+[a separate document]( In most cases, the `build()`
+method is supposed to create a fully configured `Instrumenter` instance and pass it
+to `YarpcTracing`, which in turn can pass it to the interceptor returned
+by `newTracingInterceptor()`. The actual process of configuring an `Instrumenter` and various
+interfaces involved are described in the [`Instrumenter` API doc](
 ## Writing instrumentation tests
-Once the instrumentation is completed, we add tests to the `testing` module. Tests will
-generally apply to both library and agent instrumentation, with the only difference being how a client
-or server is initialized. In a library test, there will be code calling into the instrumentation API,
-while in an agent test, it will generally just use the underlying library's API as is. Create tests in an
-abstract class with an abstract method that returns an instrumented object like a client. The class
-should itself extend from `InstrumentationSpecification` to be recognized by Spock and include helper
-methods for assertions.
-After writing a test or two, go back to the `library` package, make sure it has a test dependency on the
-`testing` submodule and add a test that inherits from the abstract test class. You should implement
-the method to initialize the client using the library's mechanism to register interceptors, perhaps
-a method like `registerInterceptor` or wrapping the result of a library factory when delegating. The
-test should implement the `LibraryTestTrait` trait for common setup logic. If the tests pass,
-library instrumentation is working OK.
+Once the library instrumentation is completed, add tests to the `testing` module. Start
+by setting up the `build.gradle.kts` file:
+plugins {
+  id("")
+dependencies {
+  api(project(":testing-common"))
+  // ...
+Tests in the `testing` module describe scenarios that apply to both library and javaagent
+instrumentations, the only difference being how the instrumented library is initialized. In a
+library instrumentation test, there will be code calling into the instrumentation API, while in a
+javaagent instrumentation test it will generally use the underlying library API as is and just rely
+on the javaagent to apply all the necessary bytecode changes automatically.
+You can use either JUnit 5 (recommended) or Spock to test the instrumentation. Start by creating an
+abstract class with an abstract method, for example `configure()`, that returns the instrumented
+object, such as a client, server, or the main class of the instrumented library. Then, depending on
+the chosen test library, go to the [JUnit](#junit) or [Spock](#spock) section.
+After writing some tests, return to the `library` package and make sure it has
+a `testImplementation` dependency on the `testing` submodule. Then, create a test class that extends
+the abstract test class from `testing`. You should implement the abstract `configure()` method to
+initialize the library using the exposed mechanism to register interceptors/listeners, perhaps a
+method like `registerInterceptor`. You can also wrap the object with the instrumentation decorator.
+Make sure that the test class is marked as a library instrumentation test. Both JUnit and Spock test
+utilities expose a way to specify whether you're running a library or javaagent test. If the tests
+pass, the library instrumentation is working.
+### JUnit
+The `testing-common` module exposes several JUnit extensions that facilitate writing instrumentation
+tests. In particular, we'll take a look at `LibraryInstrumentationExtension`
+, `AgentInstrumentationExtension`, and their parent class `InstrumentationExtension`. The extension
+class implements several useful methods, such as `waitAndAssertTraces` and `waitAndAssertMetrics`,
+that you can use in your test cases to verify that the correct telemetry has been produced.
+Consider the following abstract test case class:
+public abstract class AbstractYarpcTest {
+  protected abstract InstrumentationExtension testing();
+  protected abstract Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc);
+  @Test
+  void testSomething() {
+    // ...
+  }
+In addition to the `configure()` method mentioned earlier, you have to add an additional `testing()`
+method that returns an `InstrumentationExtension` and is supposed to be implemented by the extending
+The library instrumentation class would look like the following:
+class LibraryYarpcTest extends AbstractYarpcTest {
+  @RegisterExtension
+  InstrumentationExtension testing = LibraryInstrumentationExtension.create();
+  @Override
+  protected InstrumentationExtension testing() {
+    return testing;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc) {
+    // register interceptor/listener etc
+  }
+You can use the `@RegisterExtension` annotation to make sure that the instrumentation extension gets
+picked up by JUnit. Then, return the same extension instance in the `testing()` method
+implementation so that it's used in all test scenarios implemented in the abstract class.
+### Spock
+The `testing-common` module contains some utilities that facilitate writing Spock instrumentation
+tests, such as the `InstrumentationSpecification` base class and the `LibraryTestTrait`
+and `AgentTestTrait` traits.
+Consider the following abstract test class extending `InstrumentationSpecification`:
+abstract class AbstractYarpcTest extends InstrumentationSpecification {
+  abstract Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc);
+  def "test something"() {
+    // ...
+  }
+The `InstrumentationSpecification` class contains abstract methods that are implemented by one of
+our test traits in the actual test class. For example:
+class LibraryYarpcTest extends AbstractYarpcTest implements LibraryTestTrait {
+  @Override
+  Yarpc configure(Yarpc yarpc) {
+    // register interceptor/listener etc
+  }
 ## Writing Java agent instrumentation
-Now that we have working instrumentation, we can implement agent instrumentation so users of the agent
-do not have to modify their apps to use it. Make sure the `javaagent` submodule has a dependency on the
-`library` submodule and a test dependency on the `testing` submodule. Agent instrumentation defines
-classes to match against to generate bytecode for. You will often match against the class you used
-in the test for library instrumentation, for example the builder of a client. And then you could
-match against the method that creates the builder, for example its constructor. Agent instrumentation
-can inject byte code to be run after the constructor returns, which would invoke e.g.,
-`registerInterceptor` and initialize the instrumentation. Often, the code inside the byte code
-decorator will be identical to the one in the test you wrote above - the agent does the work for
-initializing the instrumentation library, so a user doesn't have to.
-You can find a detailed explanation of how to implement a javaagent instrumentation
+Now that you have working and tested library instrumentation, implement the javaagent
+instrumentation so that the users of the agent do not have to modify their apps to enable telemetry
+for the library.
+Start with the gradle file to make sure that the `javaagent` submodule has a dependency on
+the `library` submodule and a test dependency on the `testing` submodule.
+plugins {
+  id("otel.javaagent-instrumentation")
+dependencies {
+  implementation(project(":instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:library"))
+  testImplementation(project(":instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:testing"))
+All javaagent instrumentation modules should also have the muzzle plugins configured. You can read
+more about how to set this up properly in the [muzzle docs](
+Javaagent instrumentation defines matching classes for which bytecode is generated. You often match
+against the class you used in the test for library instrumentation, for example the builder of a
+client. You can also match against the method that creates the builder, for example its constructor.
+Agent instrumentation can inject bytecode to be run before the constructor returns, which would
+invoke, for example,`registerInterceptor` and initialize the instrumentation. Often, the code inside
+the bytecode decorator is identical to the one in the test you wrote above, because the agent does
+the work for initializing the instrumentation library, so a user doesn't have to. You can find a
+detailed explanation of how to implement a javaagent instrumentation
-With that written, let's add tests for the agent instrumentation. We basically want to ensure that
-the instrumentation works without the user knowing about the instrumentation. Add a test that extends
-the base class you wrote earlier, but in this, create a client using none of the APIs in our project,
-only the ones offered by the library. Implement the `AgentTestTrait` trait for common setup logic,
-and try running. All the tests should pass for agent instrumentation too.
+Next, add tests for the agent instrumentation. You want to ensure that the instrumentation works
+without the user knowing about the instrumentation.
+Create a test that extends the base class you wrote earlier but does nothing in the `configure()`
+method. Unlike the library instrumentation, the javaagent instrumentation is supposed to work
+without any explicit user code modification. Depending on the testing framework, either use
+the `AgentInstrumentationExtension` or implement the `AgentTestingTrait`, and try running tests in
+this class. All tests should pass.
+Note that all the tests inside the `javaagent` module are run using the `agent-for-testing`
+javaagent, with the instrumentation being loaded as an extension. This is done to perform the same
+bytecode instrumentation as when the agent is run against a normal app, and means that the javaagent
+instrumentation will be hidden inside the javaagent (loaded by the `AgentClassLoader`) and will not
+be directly accessible in your test code. Make sure not to use the classes from the javaagent
+instrumentation in your test code. If for some reason you need to write unit tests for the javaagent
+code, see [this section](#writing-java-agent-unit-tests).
+## Additional considerations regarding instrumentations
-Note that all the tests inside the `javaagent` module will be run using the shaded `-javaagent`
-in order to perform the same bytecode instrumentation as when the agent is run against a normal app.
-This means that the javaagent instrumentation will be inside the javaagent (inside of the
-`AgentClassLoader`) and will not be directly accessible to your test code. See the next section in
-case you need to write unit tests that directly access the javaagent instrumentation.
+### Instrumenting code that is not available as a Maven dependency
+If an instrumented server or library jar isn't available in any public Maven repository you can
+create a module with stub classes that defines only the methods that you need to write the
+instrumentation. Methods in these stub classes can just `throw new UnsupportedOperationException()`;
+these classes are only used to compile the advice classes and won't be packaged into the agent.
+During runtime, real classes from instrumented server or library will be used.
+Start by creating a module called `compile-stub` and add a `build.gradle.kts` file with the
+following content:
+plugins {
+  id("")
+In the `javaagent` module add a `compileOnly` dependency to the newly created stub module:
+Now you can use your stub classes inside the javaagent instrumentation.
 ## Writing Java agent unit tests
-As mentioned above, tests in the `javaagent` module cannot access the javaagent instrumentation
-classes directly.
+As mentioned before, tests in the `javaagent` module cannot access the javaagent instrumentation
+classes directly because of classloader separation - the javaagent classes are hidden and not
+accessible from the instrumented application code.
 Ideally javaagent instrumentation is just a thin wrapper over library instrumentation, and so there
 is no need to write unit tests that directly access the javaagent instrumentation classes.
@@ -137,29 +367,20 @@ instrumentation ->
     yarpc-1.0 ->
-            yarpc-1.0-javaagent.gradle
+            build.gradle.kts
-            yarpc-1.0-javaagent-unit-tests.gradle
+            build.gradle.kts
-## Various instrumentation gotchas
-### Instrumenting code that is not available as a maven dependency
+Set up the unit tests project as a standard Java project:
-If instrumented server or library jar isn't available from a maven repository you can create a
-module with stub classes that define only the methods that you need for writing the integration.
-Methods in stub class can just `throw new UnsupportedOperationException()` these classes are only
-used to compile the advice classes and won't be packaged into agent. During runtime real classes
-from instrumented server or library will be used.
-Create a module called `compile-stub` and add `compile-stub.gradle` with following content
 plugins {
-In javaagent module add compile only dependency with
-compileOnly project(':instrumentation:xxx:compile-stub')
+dependencies {
+  testImplementation(project(":instrumentation:yarpc-1.0:javaagent"))