@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
# Darwin, MinGW, and NonStop.
# (3) This script is generated from the Groovy template
-# https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/master/subprojects/plugins/src/main/resources/org/gradle/api/internal/plugins/unixStartScript.txt
+# https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/HEAD/subprojects/plugins/src/main/resources/org/gradle/api/internal/plugins/unixStartScript.txt
# within the Gradle project.
# You can find Gradle at https://github.com/gradle/gradle/.
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ do
-APP_HOME=$( cd "${APP_HOME:-./}" && pwd -P ) || exit
+# This is normally unused
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+APP_HOME=$( cd "${APP_HOME:-./}" && pwd -P ) || exit
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"'
@@ -143,12 +143,16 @@ fi
if ! "$cygwin" && ! "$darwin" && ! "$nonstop" ; then
case $MAX_FD in #(
+ # In POSIX sh, ulimit -H is undefined. That's why the result is checked to see if it worked.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC3045
MAX_FD=$( ulimit -H -n ) ||
warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit"
case $MAX_FD in #(
'' | soft) :;; #(
+ # In POSIX sh, ulimit -n is undefined. That's why the result is checked to see if it worked.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC3045
ulimit -n "$MAX_FD" ||
warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit to $MAX_FD"