215_clustering_split_2_test.sh 445 B

  1. #! /bin/bash
  2. # shellcheck disable=SC1091
  3. . ./config.sh
  4. start_suite "Launch 2 scopes and check they cluster (without weave)"
  5. scope_on "$HOST1" launch --no-app "$HOST2"
  6. scope_on "$HOST2" launch --no-probe
  7. docker_on "$HOST1" run -dit --name db1 peterbourgon/tns-db
  8. sleep 30 # need to allow the scopes to poll dns, resolve the other app ids, and send them reports.
  9. has_container "$HOST2" weavescope
  10. has_container "$HOST2" db1
  11. scope_end_suite