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title: Understanding Weave Scope menu_order: 70

search_type: Documentation

The following topics are discussed:

Weave Scope consists of two components: the app and the probe. The components are deployed as a single Docker container using the scope script. The probe is responsible for gathering information about the host on which it is running. This information is sent to the app in the form of a report. The app processes reports from the probe into usable topologies, serving the UI, as well as pushing these topologies to the UI.

+--Docker host----------+
|  +--Container------+  |    .---------------.
|  |                 |  |    | Browser       |
|  |  +-----------+  |  |    |---------------|
|  |  | scope-app |<---------|               |
|  |  +-----------+  |  |    |               |
|  |        ^        |  |    |               |
|  |        |        |  |    '---------------'
|  | +-------------+ |  |
|  | | scope-probe | |  |
|  | +-------------+ |  |
|  |                 |  |
|  +-----------------+  |

Standalone Mode

When running Scope in a cluster, each probe sends its reports to a dedicated app. The app merges the reports from its probe into a comprehensive report that is sent to the browser. To visualize your entire infrastructure and apps running on that infrastructure, Scope must be launched on to every machine you are using.

+--Docker host----------+      +--Docker host----------+
|  +--Container------+  |      |  +--Container------+  |
|  |                 |  |      |  |                 |  |
|  |  +-----------+  |  |      |  |  +-----------+  |  |
|  |  | scope-app |<-----.    .----->| scope-app |  |  |
|  |  +-----------+  |  | \  / |  |  +-----------+  |  |
|  |        ^        |  |  \/  |  |        ^        |  |
|  |        |        |  |  /\  |  |        |        |  |
|  | +-------------+ |  | /  \ |  | +-------------+ |  |
|  | | scope-probe |-----'    '-----| scope-probe | |  |
|  | +-------------+ |  |      |  | +-------------+ |  |
|  |                 |  |      |  |                 |  |
|  +-----------------+  |      |  +-----------------+  |
+-----------------------+      +-----------------------+

Disabling Automatic Updates

Scope periodically checks with our servers to see if a new version is available. You can disable this by setting:

CHECKPOINT_DISABLE=true scope launch

For more information, see Go Checkpoint.

See Also