# Scope UI ## Getting Started (using local node) - You need at least Node.js 6.9.0 and a running `weavescope` container - Get Yarn: `npm install -g yarn` - Setup: `yarn install` - Develop: `BACKEND_HOST= yarn start` and then open `http://localhost:4042/` This will start a webpack-dev-server that serves the UI and proxies API requests to the container. ## Getting Started (using node in a container) - You need a running `weavescope` container - Develop: `make WEBPACK_SERVER_HOST= client-start` and then open `http://:4042/` This will start a webpack-dev-server that serves the UI from the UI build container and proxies API requests to the weavescope container. ## Test Production Bundles Locally - Build: `yarn run build`, output will be in `build/` - Serve files from `build/`: `BACKEND_HOST= yarn run start-production` and then open `http://localhost:4042/` ## Coding This directory has a `.eslintrc`, make sure your editor supports linter hints. To run a linter, you also run `yarn run lint`. ## Logging To enable logging in the console, activate it via `localStorage` in the dev tools console: ``` localStorage["debug"] = "scope:*" ``` The Scope UI uses [debug](https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug) for logging, e.g.,: ``` const debug = require('debug')('scope:app-store'); debug('Store log message'); ``` ## Gotchas Got a blank screen when loading `http://localhost:4042`? Make sure you are accessing the right machine: If you're running `yarn start` on a virtual machine with IP, you need to point your browser to ``. Also, you may need to manually configure the virtual machine to expose ports 4041 (webpack-dev-server) and 4042 (express proxy). ## 补充说明 - 新拉取代码后的额外操作 ``` npm install less-loader@5.0.0 npm install less@4.2.0 ``` - 本地启动 ``` npm start ```