import { Map as makeMap, Set as makeSet, List as makeList } from 'immutable'; import { escapeRegExp } from 'lodash'; import { isGenericTable, isPropertyList, genericTableEntryKey } from './node-details-utils'; import { slugify } from './string-utils'; // topolevel search fields const SEARCH_FIELDS = makeMap({ label: 'label', labelMinor: 'labelMinor' }); const COMPARISONS = makeMap({ '<': 'lt', '=': 'eq', '>': 'gt' }); const COMPARISONS_REGEX = new RegExp(`[${COMPARISONS.keySeq().toJS().join('')}]`); const PREFIX_DELIMITER = ':'; /** * Returns a RegExp from a given string. If the string is not a valid regexp, * it is escaped. Returned regexp is case-insensitive. */ function makeRegExp(expression, options = 'i') { try { return new RegExp(expression, options); } catch (e) { return new RegExp(escapeRegExp(expression), options); } } /** * Returns the float of a metric value string, e.g. 2 KB -> 2048 */ function parseValue(value) { let parsed = parseFloat(value); if ((/k/i).test(value)) { parsed *= 1024; } else if ((/m/i).test(value)) { parsed *= 1024 * 1024; } else if ((/g/i).test(value)) { parsed *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else if ((/t/i).test(value)) { parsed *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } return parsed; } /** * True if a prefix matches a field label * Slugifies the label (removes all non-alphanumerical chars). */ function matchPrefix(label, prefix) { if (label && prefix) { return (makeRegExp(prefix)).test(slugify(label)); } return false; } /** * Adds a match to nodeMatches under the keyPath. The text is matched against * the query. If a prefix is given, it is matched against the label (skip on * no match). * Returns a new instance of nodeMatches. */ function findNodeMatch(nodeMatches, keyPath, text, query, prefix, label, truncate) { if (!prefix || matchPrefix(label, prefix)) { const queryRe = makeRegExp(query); const matches = text.match(queryRe); if (matches) { const firstMatch = matches[0]; const index =; nodeMatches = nodeMatches.setIn( keyPath, { label, length: firstMatch.length, start: index, text, truncate } ); } } return nodeMatches; } /** * If the metric matches the field's label and the value compares positively * with the comp operator, a nodeMatch is added */ function findNodeMatchMetric(nodeMatches, keyPath, fieldValue, fieldLabel, metric, comp, value) { if (slugify(metric) === slugify(fieldLabel)) { let matched = false; switch (comp) { case 'gt': { if (fieldValue > value) { matched = true; } break; } case 'lt': { if (fieldValue < value) { matched = true; } break; } case 'eq': { if (fieldValue === value) { matched = true; } break; } default: { break; } } if (matched) { nodeMatches = nodeMatches.setIn( keyPath, {fieldLabel, metric: true} ); } } return nodeMatches; } export function searchNode(node, { prefix, query, metric, comp, value }) { let nodeMatches = makeMap(); if (query) { // top level fields SEARCH_FIELDS.forEach((field, label) => { const keyPath = [label]; if (node.has(field)) { nodeMatches = findNodeMatch( nodeMatches, keyPath, node.get(field), query, prefix, label ); } }); // metadata if (node.get('metadata')) { node.get('metadata').forEach((field) => { const keyPath = ['metadata', field.get('id')]; nodeMatches = findNodeMatch( nodeMatches, keyPath, field.get('value'), query, prefix, field.get('label'), field.get('truncate') ); }); } // parents and relatives if (node.get('parents')) { node.get('parents').forEach((parent) => { const keyPath = ['parents', parent.get('id')]; nodeMatches = findNodeMatch( nodeMatches, keyPath, parent.get('label'), query, prefix, parent.get('topologyId') ); }); } // property lists (node.get('tables') || []).filter(isPropertyList).forEach((propertyList) => { (propertyList.get('rows') || []).forEach((row) => { const entries = row.get('entries'); const keyPath = ['property-lists', row.get('id')]; nodeMatches = findNodeMatch( nodeMatches, keyPath, entries.get('value'), query, prefix, entries.get('label') ); }); }); // generic tables (node.get('tables') || []).filter(isGenericTable).forEach((table) => { (table.get('rows') || []).forEach((row) => { table.get('columns').forEach((column) => { const val = row.get('entries').get(column.get('id')); const keyPath = ['tables', genericTableEntryKey(row, column)]; nodeMatches = findNodeMatch(nodeMatches, keyPath, val, query); }); }); }); } else if (metric) { const metrics = node.get('metrics'); if (metrics) { metrics.forEach((field) => { const keyPath = ['metrics', field.get('id')]; nodeMatches = findNodeMatchMetric( nodeMatches, keyPath, field.get('value'), field.get('label'), metric, comp, value ); }); } } return nodeMatches; } export function searchTopology(nodes, parsedQuery) { let nodesMatches = makeMap(); nodes.forEach((node, nodeId) => { const nodeMatches = searchNode(node, parsedQuery); if (!nodeMatches.isEmpty()) { nodesMatches = nodesMatches.set(nodeId, nodeMatches); } }); return nodesMatches; } /** * Returns an object with fields depending on the query: * parseQuery('text') -> {query: 'text'} * parseQuery('p:text') -> {query: 'text', prefix: 'p'} * parseQuery('cpu > 1') -> {metric: 'cpu', value: '1', comp: 'gt'} */ export function parseQuery(query) { if (query) { const prefixQuery = query.split(PREFIX_DELIMITER); const isPrefixQuery = prefixQuery && prefixQuery.length === 2; if (isPrefixQuery) { const prefix = prefixQuery[0].trim(); query = prefixQuery[1].trim(); if (prefix && query) { return { prefix, query }; } } else if (COMPARISONS_REGEX.test(query)) { // check for comparisons let comparison; COMPARISONS.forEach((comp, delim) => { const comparisonQuery = query.split(delim); if (comparisonQuery && comparisonQuery.length === 2) { const value = parseValue(comparisonQuery[1]); const metric = comparisonQuery[0].trim(); if (!window.isNaN(value) && metric) { comparison = { comp, metric, value }; return false; // dont look further } } return true; }); if (comparison) { return comparison; } } else { return { query }; } } return null; } export function getSearchableFields(nodes) { const get = (node, key) => node.get(key) || makeList(); const baseLabels = makeSet(nodes.size > 0 ? SEARCH_FIELDS.valueSeq() : []); const metadataLabels = nodes.reduce((labels, node) => ( labels.union(get(node, 'metadata').map(f => f.get('label'))) ), makeSet()); const parentLabels = nodes.reduce((labels, node) => ( labels.union(get(node, 'parents').map(p => p.get('topologyId'))) ), makeSet()); // Consider only property lists (and not generic tables). const tableRowLabels = nodes.reduce((labels, node) => ( labels.union(get(node, 'tables').filter(isPropertyList).flatMap(t => (t.get('rows') || makeList) .map(f => f.getIn(['entries', 'label'])))) ), makeSet()); const metricLabels = nodes.reduce((labels, node) => ( labels.union(get(node, 'metrics').map(f => f.get('label'))) ), makeSet()); return makeMap({ fields: baseLabels.union(metadataLabels, parentLabels, tableRowLabels) .map(slugify) .toList() .sort(), metrics: metricLabels.toList().map(slugify).sort() }); } /** * Set `filtered:true` in state's nodes if a pinned search matches */ export function applyPinnedSearches(state) { // clear old filter state state = state.update( 'nodes', nodes => => node.set('filtered', false)) ); const pinnedSearches = state.get('pinnedSearches'); if (pinnedSearches.size > 0) { state.get('pinnedSearches').forEach((query) => { const parsed = parseQuery(query); if (parsed) { const nodeMatches = searchTopology(state.get('nodes'), parsed); const filteredNodes = state.get('nodes') .map(node => node.set( 'filtered', node.get('filtered') // matched by previous pinned search || nodeMatches.size === 0 // no match, filter all nodes || !nodeMatches.has(node.get('id')) )); // filter matches state = state.set('nodes', filteredNodes); } }); } return state; } export const testable = { applyPinnedSearches, findNodeMatch, findNodeMatchMetric, makeRegExp, matchPrefix, parseQuery, parseValue, searchTopology, };