import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import Plugins from './plugins'; import { trackAnalyticsEvent } from '../utils/tracking-utils'; import { clickDownloadGraph, clickForceRelayout, toggleHelp, toggleTroubleshootingMenu, setContrastMode } from '../actions/app-actions'; class Footer extends React.Component { handleContrastClick = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); this.props.setContrastMode(!this.props.contrastMode); } handleRelayoutClick = (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); trackAnalyticsEvent('', { layout: this.props.topologyViewMode, }); this.props.clickForceRelayout(); } render() { const { hostname, version, versionUpdate, contrastMode } = this.props; const otherContrastModeTitle = contrastMode ? 'Switch to normal contrast' : 'Switch to high contrast'; const forceRelayoutTitle = 'Force re-layout (might reduce edge crossings, ' + 'but may shift nodes around)'; const versionUpdateTitle = versionUpdate ? `New version available: ${versionUpdate.get('version')} Click to download` : ''; return (
{versionUpdate && ( Update available: {' '} {versionUpdate.get('version')} ) } Version {version || '...'} on {hostname}
{/* */}
); } } function mapStateToProps(state) { return { contrastMode: state.get('contrastMode'), hostname: state.get('hostname'), topologyViewMode: state.get('topologyViewMode'), version: state.get('version'), versionUpdate: state.get('versionUpdate'), }; } export default connect( mapStateToProps, { clickDownloadGraph, clickForceRelayout, setContrastMode, toggleHelp, toggleTroubleshootingMenu } )(Footer);