var perfjankie = require('perfjankie'); var run = process.env.COMMIT || 'commit#Hash'; // A hash for the commit, displayed in the x-axis in the dashboard var time = process.env.DATE || new Date().getTime() // Used to sort the data when displaying graph. Can be the time when a commit was made var scenario = process.env.ACTIONS || '90-nodes-select'; var host = process.env.HOST || 'localhost:4040'; var actions = require('../actions/' + scenario)({host: host, run: run}); perfjankie({ /* The next set of values identify the test */ suite: 'Scope', name: scenario, // A friendly name for the URL. This is shown as component name in the dashboard time: time, run: run, repeat: 10, // Run the tests 10 times. Default is 1 time /* Identifies where the data and the dashboard are saved */ couch: { server: 'http://local.docker:5984', database: 'performance' // updateSite: !process.env.CI, // If true, updates the couchApp that shows the dashboard. Set to false in when running Continuous integration, run this the first time using command line. // onlyUpdateSite: false // No data to upload, just update the site. Recommended to do from dev box as couchDB instance may require special access to create views. }, callback: function(err, res) { if (err) console.log(err); // The callback function, err is falsy if all of the following happen // 1. Browsers perf tests ran // 2. Data has been saved in couchDB // err is not falsy even if update site fails. }, /* OPTIONS PASSED TO BROWSER-PERF */ // Properties identifying the test environment */ browsers: [{ // This can also be a ['chrome', 'firefox'] or 'chrome,firefox' browserName: 'chrome', chromeOptions: { perfLoggingPrefs: { 'traceCategories': 'toplevel,disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline.frame,blink.console,disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline,benchmark' }, args: ['--enable-gpu-benchmarking', '--enable-thread-composting'] }, loggingPrefs: { performance: 'ALL' } }], // See browser perf browser configuration for all options. actions: actions, selenium: { hostname: 'local.docker', // or localhost or port: 4444, } });